It was hard not to take note of the way Dame Tyaethe had latched onto the mention of Lord Rozenalt. Fanilly's mind drifted backwards, to the conversation with the reconstructed Sir Cyrus in Dame Merilia's realm. Initially, she'd dismissed it as part of the Duke's madness, but did Dame Tyaethe think--- Nevermind. It wasn't important at the moment. They had to focus on what mattered, and right now that was attempting to discern the location of the mysterious Moonlit Queen. While Lady Fiadh wasn't from around here natively, she was still a fae. If the Moonlit Queen was some form of fae, as expected, then that meant that it was at least possible that she might have some information. Fanilly searched her mind for stories of fae from her childhood. Despite the very real dangers presented by some of their kind, or perhaps because of them, it was rather popular to regale children with such stories. The [i]Toadstool and the Raven[/i], [i]Whimsical Raley[/i], or even the more mature [i]Court of Shadows[/i] were all stories she had read when she was younger, and all of them drew from the fae. Maybe there was mention of something similar to this Moonlit Queen in one of them? Taking note of Sir Rolan and Sir Gerard's conversation, the knight-captain took a deep breath before approaching them. "If you're going to be scouting for potential places the fae might congregate, I'll as you to be careful," she began, "And I'd like you to wait to be accompanied by a few more knights just in case." Fanilly had no more complex reasons for this beyond not wanting to place her knights are more risk then necessary, and if fairies were somehow driving people to madness then there was no reason not to be cautious. Meanwhile, Sir Renar's question was met with some consideration. "Hmmm... There's his butler, Evart," Sir Aglan said after a thoughtful pause, "But if you're speaking about his personal records then it would be difficult to think of anyone other than his Grace's son. As you might expect, young Lord Dannic has been quite busy, but he's currently in the manor library." The fact that Gertrude had only been learning summoning magic for two weeks was met with a look of incredulity on Arken's face, but it was perhaps the confidence with which the Knight-Captain had allowed Gertrude to take on this task that made him do nothing more than sigh and accompany the other magic practitioner. It was likely that the maid outfit-clad witch's explanation of the magic circle made him even less inclined to help her spot any details that might unravel the circle's secrets. There was a glimmer of green light, and the unmistakeable smell of the forest—and then there was a small, familiar figure poking curiously at the barrier the circle constructed around her. [color=chartreuse]"Darling [i]says[/i] you're not all married, but here you are summoning me… you know, this is [i]very[/i] rude. I can't even reach any of those sweets you've gotten for us!"[/color] The fairy paused briefly, turning a disappointed look up at Gertrude, but then brightened up and continued on without chance for a response, chattering away, [color=chartreuse]"So, if you couldn't wait until you got home, there must be [i]something[/i] you want… something that all those busy warriors can't spare the time for. Hmm… were you lonely? Did you want me to braid your hair too? Oh, or I could pat your head and call you a good girl! That would be nice, wouldn't it?"[/color]