[center][h3]A Moment of Zen[/h3] Lvl 8 [color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi[/color] (7/80) And lvl 7 Sandalphon (7/70) [b]Word Count:[/b] 3535 (+4)[/center] As the other Seekers scattered to move about the Avenger and explore their relevant interests, Zenkichi homed in on Sandalphon and fell in step beside her. [color=BFBFBF]”Hey, Sandalphon. If it’s alright with you, I could grab us a couple of coffees while you help prep for everything. Those long nights really are a killer without it. I’ll even make sure to grab some honey packets for ya for dinner.”[/color] While his tone made it seem like a joke, Zenkichi was 100% serious. They’d only known each other for a little over a week, but Sandalphon’s obsession with honey was utterly unforgettable. Under normal circumstances, Sandalphon could be counted on to keep an impassive, imperturbable stiff upper lip in practically any situation, sustaining sleepless nights and grievous injuries with nary an expression on her pale, porcelain-smooth features. Other Seekers hadn’t been wildly off-base to assume, upon their first encounter, her to be a highly-advanced machine like the YoRHa androids she once commanded. After fusion with three humans, however, cracks had begun to form in her facade. She found herself feeling sad, afraid, and above all else, tired. But this newfound vulnerability, in turn, gave others a chance to approach her. When the archangel noticed Zenkichi walk up alongside her, however, she seemed to perk up. While she’d been leaning on her gunstaff as she walked, Sandalphon now mustered the strength to straighten up. Her brows raised slightly, her eyes opened wider, and her pupils changed from power symbols to carets without any sign of reversion. “Hello, Zenkichi. I would be extremely grateful for your help.” Sandalphon slowed down a little, examining her acquaintance closely. Thanks to her powers of perception and recollection, she possessed such an airtight mental map of the Avenger that she didn’t need to watch where she was going, but right now she wasn’t just showing off. Concern worked its way across her face. “It would seem that you’ve had an eventful night yourself, however. If you’re weary, there’s no need to trouble yourself on my account.” She noted not just his appearance and body temperature, but the somewhat off-kilter way he carried himself. “You’ve been exerting yourself. And…you’re hurt.” Her brows turned upward, a worried frown in evidence. “It’s clear that you’ll be alright, but still, my miracles are yours should you ever need them.” She paused for a moment as the two turned a corner that brought them to the foot of a somewhat cramped stairwell. With only one rather industrial wall-mounted light fixture per landing, it was dark in her, but the archangel’s halo shined gently on the metal steps to light the way. To reach the communication center, the two would need to climb three stories at a rather steep grade. After a deep inhalation, Sandalphon got started. Even at the best of times, strenuous exercise was never her forte, so in her current state her ascent proved to be a little slow and shaky. Not wanting Zenkichi to worry, she raised her voice. “How has my covenant…been working out for you? …Hopefully it’s been of some use…in your battles this last week.” By the time she reached the first story, Sandalphon was practically panting, and she leaned heavily upon her staff. Zenkichi was touched by his companions's concern and attention. [color=BFBFBF]”I'll be okay, yeah, mostly just sore right now. Meridi-at-Han was attacked by some giant monsters, but the others and I took care of it with some help from the locals.”[/color] Zenkichi waved off the offered healing, and as the pair began to ascend the stairs, he grimaced a little at Sandalphon's own state of being. [color=BFBFBF]”Call me a hypocrite, but you seem like you could use a hand yourself."[/color] He offered an arm to help brace herself on, which could actually help now that they were similar in height after all of Sandalphon’s fusions. [color=BFBFBF]”As for the Covenant, it was a big help both against Consul J and those huge monsters. Actually managed to save a guard's life by using Restoration Protocol with one of my buffs after the poor guy took a lethal hit."[/color] A combination of guilt for those he couldn't save, and pride for the man he could, showed on his face. [color=BFBFBF]”I'm glad I was able to help him. Thanks to you."[/color] Despite the simple gratitude in them, Zenkichi’s words held a deepness that might have been lost on others, but the look he gave Sandalphon in that moment belied just how deeply he felt that gratitude. [color=BFBFBF]”I'm glad we made that Covenant."[/color] He admitted, his voice a little quieter, and more serious. For a moment Sandalphon hesitated, her pupils in the form of inverted triangles as she worked up the courage. Then she slipped her arm around Zenkichi’s for support as she continued to climb, each step in sync with the detectives. Despite her pallid and artificial appearance, she felt quite warm, and a touch of red tinted her features. “You’re most welcome…I’m very pleased to hear…that my abilities were of some use. …I am also glad that we made that accord.” She remembered that afternoon in Everdream Valley before the storm brought by Consul Z. From the delicious pumpkin ramen to the quiet walk through the beautiful pastoral scenery, to her fingers interlaced with his, it had been a lovely time. The archangel’s composure seemed much more stable as the two reached the second landing, passing within spitting distance of the Spirit Chamber where they could probably find Deadman cleaning up for the night. Sandalphon’s gaze lingered on the doorway for the second. During the last week, that odd coroner had been an unexpected blessing when it came to the team’s current project, and the long conversations between the two of them had fascinated her to no end. After just a beat, though, she moved on, her shoulder pressed against her companion’s. “On the subject of Consul J…I would’ve been happy to…to provide more assistance.” For some reason, her pupils were rapidly changing, as if her mind raced along with her heart rate. Even with Zenkichi’s help, she began to wobble again as the two approached the third landing. “The Phantom Thieves seem capable, though, and…and I’ve been rather busy…” Zenkichi smiled as Sandalphon confirmed that she was also happy they had made their Covenant, a tinge of blush appearing on his cheeks for a few moments. As they ascended further, he nodded when the archangel admitted that she'd have preferred to have been more involved in the attack on J. [color=BFBFBF]”To be honest, it was really nice to get to see the kids again, and do a Phantom Thief style raid on somebody, but it would've been nice to have you along. Maybe if I link up with them again for another job, we can show them how Seekers do things."[/color] He joked. Just as they crested the last step, it finally happened. Sandalphon seemed to trip over nothing, her knee maybe giving out beneath her, and she toppled toward Zenkichi. Zenkichi had noticed Sandalphon’s flagging stamina, but he'd hoped that they could at least make it to the comms center before she had to take a break. When she fell, the reflexes of a seasoned detective kicked in, and Zenkichi managed to half-pivot, getting both arms under Sandalphon's own and controlling their descent, the Phantom Thief gently lowering them the last foot or so to the ground. [color=BFBFBF]”Woah!"[/color] He exclaimed, leaning her back against his chest to take some more weight off her armpits, before frowning slightly. [color=BFBFBF]”Alright, I got you."[/color] He reassured her softly, looking Sandalphon up and down. She was always pale, so that wasn't much of a help to ascertain her current condition, so Zenkichi did the first thing that came to mind and slid to her side, one hand still on her back to help prop her up as the other stopped just a few inches short of her legs. He hesitated a moment, before asking, [color=BFBFBF]”Would it be alright if I picked you up, Sandalphon?"[/color] with the gentle, calming tone he'd had to master dealing with both a daughter and victims of crimes. The sudden fall and quick save left Sandalphon’s eyes wide with initial alarm, pupils shaped like empty rings, but after blinking a few times, she seemed to realize that she’d essentially slumped over onto her new acquaintance. “I beg your pardon,” she apologized. She quickly allowed herself to relax, and Zenkichi to steady her. When he asked to carry her, his voice soft and close enough that she could feel his breath, she managed to keep a straight face–but the archangel couldn’t stop her pupils becoming sparkles. “...If you don’t mind. The comms center is just over there.” Zenkichi’s heart nearly burst when he saw her eyes change into sparkles, but he managed to keep the calm facade he was projecting long enough to gently slide his hand underneath Sandalphon's legs and carefully lift her, holding the angelic woman bridal-style, his earlier blush returning. [color=BFBFBF]”Just hold on to my shoulder."[/color] He added, assuming that she'd never been carried this way before. She obliged without question. As he straightened to a full standing position, Zenkichi slowly made his way to the comms center, ignoring the looks the pair got as they entered. He found the closest available seat and lowered Sandalphon into it, one hand remaining on her shoulder before he gave her another reassuring smile. [color=BFBFBF]”I'm gonna run and grab that coffee in a sec. When was the last time you managed to get some rest in?"[/color] His question was devoid of admonishment, and his voice and smile gave the impression that he'd been in a similar position a few times himself. Once seated, Sandalphon let out the breath she’d unconsciously been holding and let her eyes slide shut. It was a moment before she withdrew her hand from Zenkichi’s shoulder. “Thank you. I’m somewhat mortified to be seen in such a sorry state, and to require help in such a mundane task as locomotion…but if anyone had to assist me, I’m glad it was you.” Her eyes opened, back to normal, and she gave Zenkichi a grateful look. “I managed to sneak in about six hours yesterday afternoon, after a visit to Brightvale near the Theater of War. My reduced work capacity post-fusion has prompted me to try and condition myself back toward a more efficient schedule. I’ve been conducting a great deal of magical and spiritual research.” She shrugged, then reached up to one of the cords hanging from her halo and brought it down to her lips. “If you like, I can tell you more about my recent exploits during your coffee trip.” [color=BFBFBF]”I think I'd like that very much."[/color] Zenkichi replied, standing to full height and flashing a much fuller smile as he took a step back. [color=BFBFBF]”I'll try and make this quick.”[/color] He added, before turning and hustling out the door to grab both of them some much-needed caffeine. Scarcely had the detective stepped out of the room before a holy sigil appeared beside his ear and Sandalphon’s voice began to rattle off what she’d been up to. “A few days ago I launched into a new series of investigations and interviews. Learning about the underpinnings of the World of Light is, of course, paramount, but by nature it is a conglomerate of wildly disparate parts, so my latest endeavor is to learn all I can about the worlds from which we all hail. I soon learned that there are too many to count, but I have been able to study certain patterns. Every ‘home world’ has a certain ‘theme’ that is shared by similar worlds, often defined in terms of technological and societal advancement, the presence of magical and/or ‘supernatural’ beings, apocalyptic status, and overall complexity. For instance, in the greater scheme of things, my world is high-magic, low-tech, medium-complexity, pre-modernity, and pre-apocalyptic. I have developed a theory that we all naturally resonate more with elements from a similar ‘theme’.” Only at that point did the archangel seem to pause for a breath, but Zenkichi got only a moment’s respite from the barrage of information. “For instance, for most of my time I have been using a gunstaff in combat. It is highly advanced technology serves its purpose as a precision weapon and casting catalyst well enough, but it has no distinguishing features aside from Healing Ring. The Aether Lance I received from the exosuit known as Skywave is also high-tech, useful but difficult to manage, and the rifle from Cecile’s spirit is a powerful work of art, but even it doesn’t quite feel right. However, I managed to make the acquaintance of Dawn’s husband, Lakota, and have received instruction in the art of enchantment. Specifically, the spellcraft of magic ammunition, both arrows and bullets, which can make almost as much difference as the weapon itself. These ‘spell bullets’ offer incredible potential, but neither the Aether Lance nor gunstaff require ammunition, and the rifle does not accept magical ammunition. My own world has manacasters, which are magic firearms, but they do not require ammunition either. I’ve been hoping to get my hands on a munitions-based magical firearm in order to test my theory on resonance, but have yet to obtain one. I would be very interested to hear about your experiences with elements from worlds of disparate themes if you have the chance, but please do not prioritize this over any of your other duties.” Zenkichi blinked a few times at the deluge of information, but did not halt his advance towards the elixir of life that was caffeine. Somewhat surprisingly, he’d managed to follow until the last quarter of Sandalphon’s explanation, where he had expected to get lost about halfway through. So, he’d take that as a win. Putting his fingers up to his ear to respond, he walked as he talked. [color=BFBFBF]”Yeah, it’s…kind of a mixed bag on my end, I think. I mean, the world I come from is one I’d call maybe medium-high tech, but the kids and I all used a combination of firearms of varying ages, and some kind of melee weapon. I stuck with two-handed swords and a pair of revolvers, Panther used a whip and an SMG, Skull used a shotgun and a freakin’ pipe, while Fox used a katana and an assault rifle. So, all over the place in terms of age of weapons. The Spirits I’ve fused with were some guy that I think gave me more knowledge about monsters, and two guys who, as far as I can tell, used magic that I can channel through my sword. I guess Valjean’s abilities would be counted as magical, not that I’d normally describe my world as one with a lot of magic in it. So…not sure where Earth fits in there.”[/color] As he talked, Zenkichi finally arrived at the blessed, beloved coffee machine, and immediately began filling up three cups. One for him, and two for Sandalphon. [color=BFBFBF]”Remind me exactly how you prefer your coffee. I am, of course, grabbing a whole bunch of honey packets for you. And some muffins for us both. I know they’re not as ‘efficient’ as pure honey, but even if you don’t have one, I can bring it to Akane later. Or save it for the morning. I’ve eaten much worse than day-old muffins, ha.”[/color] “Black is fine. The Lost Numbers’ coffee is…adequate. By no means excellent, but not so poor that I must sacrifice honey to make it palatable.” Sandalphon wanted to avoid thanking Zenkichi too many times in quick succession, so she held off for now. “I’ve already inquired about their supply. As you might expect, requisition crews take whatever they can get on supply runs. In the hopes of improving morale and overall quality of life, I’ve been attempting to draw up a plan that leverages the recent increase in personnel. There’s a lot of data to go through, which…” A sigh filtered through the sigil, though instead of radio static it created a slight resonance, like a finger on the rim of a glass. “Which is an apt summary of my current existence. Oh, speaking of Akane. In your absence I have endeavored to keep her company. She is somewhat overwhelming. Her personality is quite strong, and I cannot answer all of her questions.” Taking in the information, Zenkichi nodded to himself despite the fact that Sandalphon couldn’t see it. [color=BFBFBF]”Yeah, she can be…a lot. Combine being a teenager with everything that’s going on, and my own part in all that mess, and to be honest, she’s doing pretty well considering. Things have been rough on us since her mom passed.”[/color] Coffees, honey packets, and muffins assembled on a plate, balanced so precisely that one would expect Zenkichi to be a waiter and not a detective, he started making his way back, talking all the while. [color=BFBFBF]”A criminal conspiracy, the Phantom Thieves, me being…away for work a lot…she’s a good kid. She didn’t deserve all that. I was just trying to keep her safe, from the aforementioned conspiracy, to boot.”[/color] Zenkichi’s own sigh passed through the magic sigil, but his voice picked up. [color=BFBFBF]”We’re working on it, though. It’s gonna be slow going, but we’re working on it. It means a lot to me that you’ve taken to talking with her, and I’m sure she appreciates it, too, even if she has more questions than you have answers.”[/color] As they chatted, his path brought him back to the comms center and set the plate down. [color=BFBFBF]”Three black coffees, two for you, some honey, and a couple of muffins. One corn and one chocolate chip.”[/color] Of course, Sandalphon reached for the chocolate chip muffin right away, and with her other hand she practically seized a coffee mug, as urgently as her need to not spill a single drop would allow. She managed to maintain her dignity with a methodical alternation of biting into her pastry, then washing it down with the murky brew. If the heat bothered her, she gave no sign. About halfway through both, though, her enthusiasm seemed to fade, and she let her hands lower to her knees. “Ahem. My apologies. I should be thanking you first and foremost. And taking better care of myself. Though quite stimulating, this diet cannot be healthy.” Her brows knit together somewhat. “Hm. I’m aware of my caffeine addiction, but could it be that I’m suffering from malnutrition? I neglected to consider the possibility that fusion would alter my biology to such an extent.” She downed the last of the first coffee cup, then brought up a screen with her free hand, making notes and calculations. “I should visit Dr. Yu. Run some tests. After the pickup tonight, of course. ETA in Mafia Town, forty minutes…” Zenkichi was a little surprised at the gusto Sandalphon ate her chosen muffin with, his mouth flattening into a nervous line. That seemed new. In Everdream Valley, eating actual food was a novelty that she joined in for the experience, whereas now she ate like she was starved. Which, now that she mentioned it, she might be. [color=BFBFBF]”I think that's a good idea."[/color] He agreed with her plan, taking a seat by her. [color=BFBFBF]”Should probably wait until after you do that to get something more substantial to eat. From what I remember, even the muffin and the honey might mess up some of the tests, but better to keep you going until then. It makes sense that you'd have to eat more like a regular human now, having fused with a few. [/color] Taking his first sip of his own coffee, Zenkichi sighed as the refreshing beverage warmed him, revitalizing his energy a little. [color=BFBFBF]”That's no Leblanc coffee, but it's coffee nonetheless. Really hits the spot…"[/color] Thinking about how busy she'd be tonight, Zenkichi gave the archangel a smile as he came up with an idea. [color=BFBFBF]”If it'd be alright with you, I could check in on Akane real quick, then come back to keep you company and make sure somebody's around in case you take another tumble. I'd rather it be me than, say, Bowser's kid be the nearest…peeeeerssooon???...around if that happened again. It'd be one thing if it were, like, Geralt, but the little guy would probably have a bit of trouble helping you around.” [/color] Pretty much the instant Zenkichi mentioned keeping her company, Sandalphon’s eyes became sparkles again. “You should get some rest yourself, but…I would like that,” she admitted. [color=BFBFBF]”Then that's what we'll do. Make sure everybody gets in alright, get you looked at, have something to eat, then head to bed.” [/color] Zenkichi stood up, gently patting Sandalphon's shoulder. [color=BFBFBF]”I'll be back soon, once I check on Akane."[/color]