[center][h2][color=SpringGreen]Junior[/color], [color=Aqua]Rika[/color], & Geralt of Rivia[/h2][/center] [center]Mafia Town[/center] [center]Word Count: 934 word (+2) (+1 rapport)[/center] Geralt hummed, frowning a bit before replying. “Sandalphon, Mona was right. Mafia Town was attacked by Consul [b]I[/b] and a group of murderous pugilists, looking to prove they were the ‘strongest’. Junior, Rika, myself and a local intercepted [b]I[/b]’s ship, but they just taunted us before disappearing and leaving us to fight a giant crab. We were victorious, but Consul [b]I[/b]’s ship is currently marooned in the harbor. It has the Flame Clock and those pads on it. Not sure what you and the Lost Numbers want to do with that, but we left it all as is. Still waiting on a few people, will let you know later exactly how many Fultons we’ll need. Not sure if we’ve picked up any locals to bring back with us.” Turning to the others, Geralt called out. “Sadanlphon’s just called. Get moving, we have an hour to get the rest of the Seekers in one spot for pickup.” Jr, who had been exiting the sushi joint he and his sister and saved/wrecked holding a pile of splintered furniture, gave a sigh of relief, but not for the reason that might be expected, namely that [color=SpringGreen]”phew, I was worried we’d be stuck fixing this place foreeever”[/color] He promptly dumped the pile of wood onto the street and then hurried back to get his sister, who asked Geralt [color=Aqua]”where’d they all go anyway?”[/color] because she and her brother had both still been inside the restaurant when everyone else ran off to get into fights. Geralt, uselessly, shrugged. “Not sure. Think I saw Nadia and Juri heading up towards the mafia boss headquarters, and Therion slinked off…ah, looks like he's already making his way back.” Geralt announced, turning to the returning Thief with a nod. “No real luck with Consul [i]I[/i], unfortunately. Disappeared as soon as we reached them, and left us with a big crab monster to fight. Sandalphon is on her way with the Avenger. We have to leave soon.” Turning back to Junior, Geralt continued. “Not sure where that Captain Falcon ended up, either.” [color=Aqua]”Also she said she’d tell the other ones we are here, which is sort of annoying”[/color] Rika added as if this wasn’t a massive concern. Then again, they were now leaving, so it wasn’t really unless their foes were really on the ball. [color=SpringGreen]”Shame the crab wrecked that announcer guy’s set up that would have helped out getting them here… wonder if there’s anything even close to that in town so we can put out some kinda signal”[/color] Jr wondered out loud before snapp [color=Aqua]”Maybe we can spot him from one of those hot air balloons that are sometimes flying about?”[/color] Rika suggested, referring to a semi common sight around, or rather above, maffia town [color=SpringGreen]”Hmmm. Maybe.”[/color] Jr pondered, before snapping his fingers and declaring [color=SpringGreen]”Oh! I know, I know!”[/color] and scampering off, pausing only to call back [color=SpringGreen]”Come on sis!”[/color] before he and she vanished into the town. Geralt stood there a moment, sighing, before following after. “I’m not getting paid enough for this…” A little bit later, and the three of them were up in the air, partially on the lookout for the others, but mainly showing off the paint job Jr had given the balloon’s, well, balloon. Upon it, painted in neon blue electric ink (which probably wasn’t that safe to be on it but was better than the burning stuff) he’d painted the sun-like symbol of the re-spawn pad they'd just found. He’d had to be convinced to not just put his own face, that painting Galeem itself would be too time consuming and difficult to parse and that creating a logo on the fly for the Seekers wouldn’t help till people learned it. Geralt stood in the basket of the hot air balloon, occasionally using Igni to make sure the flame stayed consistent, with his arms crossed. “This is…both absurd and interesting. People come up with such strange technologies when given enough time, it seems.” He was not thrilled to be up here, but his grumbling was not nearly as severe as it was whenever he had to deal with Midna’s portals, at least. “And where exactly do we aim to land?” [color=SpringGreen]”Back at Bansho sushi obviously! That way people will know where to head back too!”[/color] the prince replied, confident that he could simply use his Fluter Mane to tow them safely down to their destination. A few minutes later they crashed into the sushi restaurant’s roof, though fortunately hot air balloons were more smothering than smashing when it came to impacting things. Hacking and slashing his way through the balloon, Geralt stormed out of the deflated canvas with a sigh. “I see Kamek has his work cut out for him…” He mumbled, waving to Nadia and Bancho. “Sorry to make cleaning up a little harder on you guys.” Gathering up as much material as he could get his hands on, Geralt at least tried to get it somewhat out of the way, though given the balloon’s size, that was a mostly hopeless endeavor. With a full host of minions and strikers the koopa kids managed to do a bit better, and the balloon was at least dragged off of the roof and into the water by the time the hour was passed. That this would then later get in the way of them getting their boat out was the future problem… that the kids ended up paying to cover with all their vigilantism acquired Pons.