[color=darkgray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3EdPgr4.png[/img][/center] [Color=salmon][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [Color=salmon][b]Location:[/b][/color] Edward's Estate [Color=salmon][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@princess] [@PapaOso] [@Lava Alckon] Cassius, Charlotte, Drake [Color=salmon][b]Mention:[/b][/color] [Color=salmon][I]For Lord Drake! For the Kingdom! For Furonia![/I][/color] [Color=salmon][I]For Lord Drake! For the Kingdom! For Furonia![/I][/color] [Color=salmon][I]For Lord Drake! For the Kingdom! For Furonia![/I][/color] The pledge kept Lorenzo from slipping from his one and only focus now: presenting Drake Edwards’ gifts. Charlotte surprisingly appeared at his side as he thought she was going to work with Cassius to sort out the two gifts amongst the collection gathered at the party. [Color=salmon]“Benjamiiin!”[/color] Lorenzo called as he approached the driver's carriage. Like clockwork, Benjamin rounded his carriage with a large off-white box riddled with countless tiny holes. [Color=salmon]“Lottie, please. Please, be careful with that, please,”[/color] Lorenzo begged with clasped hands. [Color=salmon][I]For Lord Drake! For the Kingdom! For Furonia![/I][/color] Lorenzo continued to burn the objective into his very spirit as he, Charlotte, and Cassius marched toward Drake. Lorenzo remained empty-handed, shirking the carrying of two boxes to Cassius while he focused on the full and complete delivery of gifts. [Color=salmon]“Drake… Drake! DRAAAAKE!”[/color] He had to be sure the young man heard him with so many people around. [Color=salmon]“We, the Vikenas!”[/color] Lorenzo outstretched his hands before looking at Charlotte… and then Cassius. [Color=salmon]“AND the Damiens have splendid gifts for you, young man! And we want to make sure we see them delivered to you personally!”[/color] Lorenzo grabbed the red box from Cassius. [Color=salmon]“I won't open them, of course, no no no, I won't. I know you children treasure tearing at the wrapping papers.”[/color] Lorenzo chuckled. [Color=salmon]“In this box… is some firepower I think you’d love to tote around this season! A brand new SINGLE ACTION REVOLVER! Ooh! I wish I could have gotten it myself but Drake Edwards… you are blessed this day! But wait! Don't react just yet! I have some more things to gift!”[/color] Lorenzo handed off the box to Drake and grabbed the white box Cassius held next. [Color=salmon]“This! This will ensure you are nothing but successful this courting season! I made myself! You won't believe it! I call it a Courting Kit!”[/color] As Lorenzo handed over the box, he continued. [Color=salmon]“It has colognes, perfumes, scented and unscented candles, handkerchiefs, [I]oils[/I], letter-writing material, a book of poetry, a love potion, and of course plenty of… [I]rubbers[/I].”[/color] Lorenzo wore a mischievous smile with the last word. He stared at Drake for a little longer than normal in his drunken stupor before making way for Charlotte to present the third and final gift. [Color=salmon]“And saving the best for last! I think every good man needs an even better companion. And do you know what's better than a better companion? Hmm? TWO! Drake Edwards, you are now the proud and lucky owner of TWO TWIN FERREEEEETS!”[/color] Lorenzo slightly opened the lid of the box, revealing the two black eyed white ferrets curiously staring up at Drake. [Color=salmon]“TWO TWIN FERRETS!”[/color] [/Color]