[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5404355][color=cadetblue][u][b]Kiba[/b][/u][/color][/url][right][color=cadetblue][u]Location[/u][/color] | [i]Forest Clearing. [color=silver]Rembrandt Outskirts[/color][/i] [color=silver][i]Interactions[/i][/color] | [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5401576][color=BFB4B0]Adelyn Amberfield[/color][/url] [@Lunarlord34], [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5404640][color=9400D3]Mark Penderghast[/color][/url] [@Sanguine Rose], [@Zarkun][/right][hr]Adelyn’s call for his aid did not fall on deaf ears, and the silent swordsman had already determined the best course of action was to support Adelyn with the unprecedented vulcan appearance. With long strides, Kiba bolted from his position, running perpendicular to the Vulcan. A sniper shot from the sergeant ensured that he would arrive at Adelyn's position before the rampaging beast. As if sensing his arrival, Adelyn launched herself from the tree top with a surge of energy directed at their opponent. Kiba leapt forward, extending his arms to catch his team mate against his chest with a slight stumble; residual electricity from her spell tingling through his muscles. He grit his teeth and bore it, lowering Adelyn down onto her feet with a curt nod. “[color=cadetblue]Behind me.[/color]” He instructed, his usual soft spoken tone making way for a stern confidence befitting of a trained fang. No doubt the Vulcan’s ire would continue to be drawn towards Adelyn, and Kiba intended to ensure the beast would have to get through him first. He lowered into a defensive stance, his hand firmly clasping the hilt of Saint Shiva’s blade. He exhaled a long breath of chilled fog. The air grew colder around him, a rime of frost forming along the grass near his feet. “[color=cadetblue][b]Driving Frost[/b][/color]” He stepped forward, drawing his sword to strike with an inhuman speed. The blade was sheathed once more within the blink of an eye, almost as if he hadn’t attacked at all. The arc of the blade appeared to soar across the field, a cold wind pushing outward from Kiba’s position as everything before him became suffused with frost. The blast soared right towards the Vulcan, threatening to chill the beast to its core.