[h3] Dean [/h3] Dean stepped up close to Lexi as soon as they were in the kitchen, his instant instinct to be in her personal space until she told him to get out of it. As their hips touched, he looked around for something to do with his hands, only to have Lexi throw a towel at his chest. He caught the towel and smirked, holding it in his hand as he paused to just look down at her with a mix of admiration and surprise, “Yes ma’am.” As Lexi began washing the dishes, Dean took them from her hands one by one, drying them off and placing them in the strainer. He mulled over what he would say to Natalia, his brain nearly blank. It wasn’t as if he checked on her enough to ask her for any favors and even though he and her boyfriend were on decent terms, there was a deep and angry history between them that made it awkward to reach out. After a moment, Dean spoke up, rattling off the top of his head, “I think I heard Sam and Anya talking about leaving, which means all the work at home is up to us, I guess. Not that there’s much to do with them gone…” He paused and smirked to himself, staring at the wall in front of him as he placed another dish in the strainer, “And the question lingers if we can even work together, considering there’s no evidence you’ll keep your hands to yourself. Not that we couldn’t figure out how to pass some time…” Dean chuckled, and tiny flashes from the night before boiled up in his head, causing him to chew at his lip. [h3] Anya [/h3] Anya smiled brightly as Sam gave in without much of an arguing effort from her. She couldn’t tell if he was giving in because he couldn’t argue with her, or if it was because her idea was sound. Either way, she wasn’t getting left behind to stew in the bunker with the two lovers in the kitchen. She was actually going out with Sam. She stepped back from the table and nodded at his suggestion to get dressed. Though, when she glanced toward the kitchen, she giggled, and shrugged her shoulders before typing. “They’re enjoying each other. I say let them.” She shrugged her shoulders as she played the message and then stepped back over into the library, reaching her hand in her bag. She pulled out a black Ramones t-shirt that she had packed in case she ruined her other shirt (a paranoia she was very thankful for at the moment). After snatching the t-shirt, she skipped back over to Sam and grabbed his hand, tugging him toward his room to grab her jeans. As soon as she stepped into the room, she bent and grabbed her jeans from their place by the door, where she had kicked them the night before. She nudged her boots near each other with her foot and then without saying a word whisked Sam’s shirt over her head, tossing it on the bed. She shook out her jeans, and shoved her legs through, before shimmying her hips to pull them up. She picked up the t-shirt she had dropped on the floor and shoved her arms through the sleeves, before pulling it over her head and flattening it around her waist. It was while putting on her shirt that she realized she was incredibly sore. She stepped over to her boots, swiping her phone off the floor along with her socks, and then carefully kicked her boots toward the bed. She sat on the edge of the bed and put her socks on, before shoving her feet in her boots, and typing. “Fully dressed and less distracting.”, she teased, looking up at Sam with a playful smirk.