[color=ed1c24][b][h2][CENTER]Kaiga Asagumo[/CENTER][/h2][/b][/color] [hr] [sub][color=00aeef]Location[/color]: ??? Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture [/sub] Kaiga grit his teeth as he watched the meteor easily swallow up his fire-arrow not only had his attack completly failed he had also worsened the situation...of course he had what did he think he could do? He was always like this wasn't he rushing in and worsening things he was the reason his family was dead if only if only... Kaiga quickly shook his head before staring at the meteor he couldn't afford to self-loath he had to help. Kaiga started forming fire in his hand once more he wouldn't be a burden this time he would do something...but the moment he took one step forward he fell on his face. "[color=ed1c24]Damnit, I used up everything with that fire arrow.[/color]" Kaiga mentally cursed himself as he looked at the others. "[color=ed1c24]They're giving it everything now here I am on my face, how pathethic.[/color]" It hadn't been a day and he already wanted to lose his smile.