[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240828/688ac5d3d40c75e034e218d1778edf8d.png[/img][/center] [center]LOC: Mafia Town, 17:59 hrs [/center] [center]LVL: 1 [/center] [center]WC: >750 [/center] [center]EXP: 4/10 [/center] [center]Interactions: OPEN [/center] [center] Mentions: [@Lugubrious] (Mabuchi), [@Zoey Boey] (Juri) [@Archmage MC] (Blazermate) [/center] The Mercenary awaited a response, yet none was given as the blue robot had already begun to collect the scattered coins en masse; soon swooping down to deliver them to her after such blatant disrespect by the Mafia Boss. By then, however, the Mercenary had turned away; pocketing the handful of collected currency as he surveyed the area behind him. The rows of theater seats had been turned, flipped, strewn about in the rows closest to the skirmish on the stage- the Mafia Boss would have to find someone else to clean up that mess. The double doors of the theater were wide open now, no doubt the result of the Mafia goons as they carried their captive away to a prison cell. His ocean blue eye narrowing in focus, the Mercenary leapt off the theater stage and onto the incline of carpet as he began to walk up the incline toward the exit; tossing the polearm from his back into the scattered row of seats to his right. He still wanted answers. That suited man that tried to usurp the Mafia Boss from his control over the city [i]had[/i] to have organized the ships' arrival. The devastation and chaos was all to his advantage- slipping off to the tower in order to make his fight against the distracted Boss much easier. As the Mercenary neared the theater exit, the faint sounds of a scuffle reached his ears. Rustling fabric, quick whips of movement followed by heavy impacts and staccato grunts- then the slam of a gate. Had the Mafia exacted their punishment on the man before he was imprisoned? The Mercenary quickened his pace as he reached his right hand down to draw his .45 back into his grip; forgoing his tactical knife as he swiveled around the doorway and brought his handgun to bear. Miliseconds of movement had the Mercenary see a wisp of a shadow exit out the smashed casino doors, with the door to the left of the casino tables left wide open. The Mercenary gritted his teeth as he broke into a run, sparing a glance toward the side room as he saw the two identical Mafia men unceremoniously locked into the holding cell. The bastard had enough fight in him to make an escape. The Mercenary broke into a run once more, moving past the destroyed casino doors and back to the outer rooftop. That cannon was a one-way trip, and the only way down now was a leap of faith- at least to the guy desperate enough to make a break for it. The Mercenary peered over the edge as he saw the man land on top of a glass roof of an indoor pool just as it shattered underneath his feet; shimmering with luminescent pearl waves that the moonlight cast onto the pool now dazzled by the fractals of crystal pane. It was a fifty foot drop at his estimate- well within survivability provided he stick the landing. He was certain the man was unaware he was being followed- all too harried in making his escape to consider the possibility. He wasn't going to let him escape again. Backing up a few paces, the Mercenary slunk into a crouch; bracing his knees as he rolled his shoulders and secured his pistol to its holster once more. With a sharp exhale, the horned soldier broke into a dead sprint as he reached the peak of the roof in just a few strides- propelling himself off in his downward arc as he fell. With the shimmering blue hue of water fast upon him, the Mercenary straightened his legs, crossed his arms over his chest and held his breath as he torpedoed into the pool below; shutting his eyes and breathing outward as he kicked his legs and broke through the surface. As he scrambled to gain purchase along the lip of the pool, the blistering sting of chlorine mixing with open wounds invigorated his adrenaline as crimson rivulets ran down his head, cheeks, lips, chin and nose where splintered crystalline shards had licked open his weathered skin. Pulling himself up and over to the side of the pool, the Mercenary quickly stood to his feet as he briefly surveyed the area before turning his attention to the water and moving toward the entrance to the pool. He was determined to stop the man's exit, or give chase if he had already left the area as well.