[center][h2][color=d7d7d7]Roland[/color][/h2] Level 6 Roland (28/60) Location: Meridi-at-Han > Avenger Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] So... they had found 2 new members to their 'party, although Roland wasn't sure how he'd get along with them at the moment. Grimm was far too... detached from the looks of it. Meanwhile the witch was another one of those necromancer types that Roland had only bad experiences with. The witch living up to the name for someone modeling themselves after truly ancient storybooks. Although that being said, considering the abnormalities he had seen at the library, this witch was far... less horrifying if it wasn't for the zombies. Speaking of zombies, as Sandalphon appeared and got everyone ready to take their fultons, she wiped out the witch's zombies without much care or effort, something the other had issues with until they were mesmerized by the technology in front of them. [color=d7d7d7]"First time seeing this thing? Well, if something this low tech has you interested, then I think the space ship will really surprise you."[/color] Roland said, making a jest at the Witch as she got onto her fulton and went up, up up. Goldweis and the others did as well, and so did Roland. This time he was going to try to stay conscious, something that would end up not coming to fruition as he also passed out with the insane gain in height coming all at once. He would awake as fast as he could though, still not sure what to make of the newcomers. [color=d7d7d7]"So uh, for those who are new, welcome to the Avenger. Don't let it blow your minds."[/color] Roland said, with a bit of a gesture to the inside of the ship. [color=d7d7d7]"IF any of you need me, I'll be wandering around the ship. Paying a surprise bar tab..."[/color] Roland said, trailing off with annoyance before remembering something. [color=d7d7d7]"Oh, and don't cause any trouble. We've still got more people to pick up and some of them wont like it if things get messed up."[/color] Roland then made his way to pay off his bar tab before wandering around the Avenger, casually reading through the Book of George. From what he could tell, this was some creature made by a mega corp let loose upon not only the earth, but the galaxy at large? So basically a resident of the Outskirts in essence. A bit weird that this gorilla could travel through space though. Roland found himself walking around a bit until he found himself looking down at the workshop area, the Witch messing with the engineers. Roland wasn't surprised this would be the first place she went, coming out of what looked like the ancient ages herself. He just casually watched the kerfuffle in front of him, half out of boredom looking for entertainment, half a bit weary of the would be necromancer girl. Between Jae-heon, Elena, the sweepers, and the various abnormalities hes seen, he gained a bit of a paranoia about using the dead.