[center][abbr=Therion][img]https://i.imgur.com/af5E4Ko.png[/img][/abbr] [color=BC8DBF]Word Count: 406 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]10[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 89/100 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Mafia Town, Deep Blue Seaside[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color][/center] It didn't take Therion very long to work his way back towards Bancho Sushi. The fighting had pulled him from the coast inland towards the center of Mafia Town, but he was quick and the streets were nearly clear. For good measure he struck down any lingering wrestlers that hadn't already taken each other out, ending up with a small handful of what he assumed were lesser spirits. Along with one emerald, which was a random and pleasant surprise that he didn't immediately connect to the scythes he wielded. He pocketed all of it. His intuition that hadn't find most of the other Seekers back where they'd started the night paid off as he approached the building. When he appeared in front of them, he looked as though he'd gotten away with avoiding the fight all together. He nodded back to Geralt, coming to stand just outside of the restaurant with his tail swishing behind him. He got the news from the witcher that the Avenger was coming to pick them up soon. It was about time, Therion thought. Geralt, Rika, Junior... he assumed if the three of them were helping clean the place up that Ms. Fortune was in there somewhere too. One of his ears swiveled back to the city at large to listen out for the missing members. Blazermate and Juri would probably come back at some point, and if Captain Falcon didn't happen upon them naturally then Blazermate could probably fly around and find him before they left. Or the three in the balloon, as they soon abandoned rebuilding and went to get a bird's eye view. Which left Therion to kind of awkwardly loiter around the restaurant, though not so close that he could be easily roped into helping out. He waited on the island rather than the dock. He didn't have any loose ends to tie up in town as far as he knew. Technically he'd paid... or bribed, or whatever, Nemma to collect more information, but even if he never returned to Mafia Town he didn't think it was a bad decision. It wasn't like he needed a ton of pons anyway. In fact he still had a surplus from sneaking in and stealing a haul from the local mafia that he'd have to find something to do with. Well, whatever. A task for another time. For now it was getting off this island before Consul [b]𝙸[/b] came back. [indent][/indent] [center][abbr=Primrose][img]https://i.imgur.com/zqHOn9T.png[/img][/abbr] [color=D34C25]Word Count: 677 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 162/110 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Meridi-at-Han ➜ The Avenger[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color][/center] With herself, Roland, Zenkichi, and Goldlewis already in one place, getting picked up by the Avenger was just a matter of getting to a good rendezvous point. And as they walked, Goldlewis dutifully took care of giving their two latest recruits some information about how the world Galeem had made actually worked. That the grim ringmaster and the eerie witch tagged along with them was... a good thing, all things considered. More firepower couldn't hurt, and they still had space on the flying ship. Primrose got the feeling that their magic was darker than most (especially the Witch, whose blatant necromancy would have been a forbidden art in the dancer's home world), but the two of them would be far from the first suspicious, sort of ominous people that had joined the Seekers over the last couple of weeks. Maybe some proper introductions could be made after they got aboard the Avenger. In the mean time Primrose brought up the rear of the group (keeping closer to them than to the zombies), content with listening to the refresher of the Seekers' mission and taking in the city one last time before they left it. Although Primrose had liked Meridi-at-Han and their stay in it, Sandalphon appearing in a beam of light to collect the Seekers was a welcome sight. It meant they could proceed with making progress on their ultimate goal. She did have to suppress a sigh when she took one of the fultons though. If only there was a way to get up to the Avenger that was easier on the body. Sandalphon's destruction of the zombies happened while Primrose was preparing to ascend, but the dancer didn't flinch at the sudden shots going off. [i]I suspected as much,[/i] she thought. Not many would tolerate the undead walking among them, especially an angel. Primrose looked over at said angel afterward, and the angry witch threatening her. The Witch's response to what she considered her property's disposal was telling - this woman had an ego, or at the very least some sort of complex. Until the Witch backed down Primrose watched them both, her green eyes dark. Just another abrasive personality to be added to the group, she hoped, and not a problem. Though who could say how long it would be before the friction of those personalities rubbing against each other became a spark. One unpleasant trip into the sky later and the Seekers that had been in Meridi-at-Han, both new and old, were aboard the Lost Numbers' mobile base of operations. Primrose picked herself up and dusted herself off, the small metal coins sewn into her dancing outfit jingling gently as she did. She didn't feel at all uncomfortable in the more exposed clothes, but it would be nice to slip back into her tailor made dress. After she did that she might return here, to the Deployment Bay. It was possible the other Seekers had run into trouble tonight as well and might need a hand before extracting, in which case the dancer would be right there. Otherwise, she'd be one of the first to greet the others as they returned. Everyone else began to disperse then. Too used to people watching by now not to study them, Primrose noted who'd slunk off and who took their time as she made her own way out. She also watched Zenkichi leave with Sandalphon - she hadn't missed the angel's subtle expression when she'd seen him initially, and on the flip side Zenkichi wasn't subtle at all. They were cute, she thought, even if she was sure that any romance kindled in this world was doomed to fail in more ways than one. She shook her head slightly to dispel the latter thought and tucked the tidbit of information away in her brain. Maybe she'd let it slip on another day of relaxation with the gossip-inclined queen of Floralia, if it didn't become obvious to everyone on board before then. In the mean time Primrose headed towards the room she shared with Midna in the living quarters.