[color=lightblue]"Your concern is understood, Captain, but if we wait for the rest of the knights to finish with their indulging of madness we might be here all day. We will be careful, rest assured of that."[/color] Rolan was not keen on simply waiting for an undefined number of knights to become available to start combing the woods. Between piecing together the maddened rambling of the Duke, waiting on summoning of a Fae and whatever answers, or questions, that might provide, and not being well suited to politely gathering information meant that their skills were best suited to scouting ahead, to better direct any information found within the Duke's holdings towards the Fae if the time came. Since she had not simply ordered them to stay, Rolan treated her concern as a suggestion and added it to the mental list of things to keep track of while solving this latest concern. [@VitaVitaAR] [hr] Rolan listened as Ser Gerard began speaking on the folk stories of fae sign and how to identify it, starting from the thickest of the present wood and working from there. His knowledge of the fae territory was limited to what studies he had done prior to going to areas suspected of, or having, such a presence. It was decently rare before now, as most of his targets prior to joining the Captain's personal retinue were not so desperate as to flee to lands claimed by the Fae, and Rolan knew that there was more truth to folk tales and legend than more traditionally learned men might be willing to admit. Such things didn't get into generations of retelling without having some truth to them, after all, and it aligned with the fewer, but more pragmatic, cautions given when he was still learning to hunt as a child. [color=lightblue]"Smart that you grabbed a suitable offering then, should we find it necessary. My own rations and belongings are mostly lacking in the worthiness of being an offering. I have a jam, I suppose, but I am not keen on parting with that, not without time to prepare a replacement batch."[/color] Rolan's efforts alongside Ser Gerard's along the more well worn paths of the wood watched for the signs he spoke of in addition to his normal tells and signs of passing individuals and the like. Ideally once they found signs of where the Fae claimed territory began they would report their findings back, before crossing over and inviting trouble that would require a response from their fellow knights. [@HereComesTheSnow]