[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210104/a99cdc088aa9c386fb10b51db1d049ee.png[/img][/center] [Right][color=9400D3]Interactions: Adelyn [@Lunarlord34], Kiba [@Cello], GM [@Zarkun][/color][/right] [right][color=black]Look at what restraint got you.[/color][/right]It was a simple instruction to stay down and away from the fray. But from the arch of that lightning jolt, Adelyn had assuredly done neither of those things. And no sooner had he restrained the Vulcan than she had set it free. The tentacle had barely enough time to securely latch before it was zapped into pieces. While the red beast destroying the tentacles he sent after it was well within the expected outcomes, apparently no plan survives Adelyn's involvement. Each tentacle cut down squirmed and bubbled away into the ground, leaving behind dead plant life wherever it oozed away. [i][color=9400D3]She better have her own plan to overcome the Vulcan, then.[/color][/i] She had Kiba and Sergeant on her side though. That was what teams were for, wasn't it? Divide and conquer. The other two guild mages could handle a single Vulcan. Sergeant would take pot shots at the thing if it broke through their defenses, and would radio in if the lightning beast was inbound. So that left Mark's only concern being the red beast. With Adelyn's poor choice injuring it too, he needed to ensure he regained it's undivided attention. [right][color=black]The beast.[/color][/right]With the Vulcan around, it wasn't a good time to utilize the Fury attack, but there the other options would destroy the forest. Perhaps a little more precise measures. Not many spells were appropriate for that. At least, none he had mastered to this point. Theoretical applications were dangerous enough for the environment, much less the fact there were people he was supposed to not injure. [i][color=9400D3]The trouble of working with others,[/color][/i] he sighed. [right][color=black]Don't hold back.[/color][/right]There was no choice though. He needed the thing to focus on him as the target. If it diverted attention to the Vulcan it would possibly divert attention to Adelyn and Kiba. He was not going to explain to Jenna why they died. He was the bigger threat here anyway. He needed to prove it. Mark kept lashing at it with the tentacles spawning from the ground as he stepped into the clearing. The thing could dodge and destroy as many as it wanted as long as it was distracted. After one last attempt to catch the beast in a draining grasp, he stopped in clear view of everyone. Abyssal energy pooled in his palm before he wound back and threw it like a baseball aimed for the monster's side. "[color=9400D3]Abyssal Destruction.[/color]" If it contacted, or even if it missed, it would blow up like a grenade. A beam might have been better, a continual attack that would cut rather than explode, but this was bound to be less dangerous for the others. He didn't give it time to land before he charged up another ball and threw it where he anticipated the beast to land if it dodged the first one. [hr] [hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210425/60d4cad31d79f05670a6f5376d410cd8.png[/img][/center] [Right][color=6ecff6]Interactions: Nolan [@Remram], DM [@Zarkun][/color][/right] The travel wasn't long, and the hits to the shield were not exactly hard to handle, but she really needed to concentrate on it to keep from getting distracted and dropping it. She couldn't time it, she couldn't predict where the next one would be, but she was getting the feeling the attacks launched upon the shield were testing its integrity instead of actual attempts to get to them. That wasn't a comforting thought. Hearing the chatter about the patterns of attack didn't make it easy to stay focused either, but knowing they were almost out of the forest was comforting. Once they were out from tree cover it would be probably safe enough to drop the barrier; surely they would have clear line of sight to handle any attacks. [i][color=B0E0E6]Except there could be long grass or brush along the path that would make it easy for them to hide in.[/color][/i] Then she would just need to hold out a bit longer. She could do that. Even though it wasn't easy, she could manage the barrier until they were absolutely in the clear. When she heard her name, she blinked herself to more attention. How was she doing? To be perfectly honest she was certain she wasn't going to be able to hold a barrier up the whole way back. For now? "[color=6ECFF6]I'm fine. Once we get to sniper range, I plan to drop the barrier. How are you holding up? You sound tense. I know Asterins can be nasty to deal with, but they should be no trouble for you even if there's trouble on the return trip. This will go fine. We're all trained professionals.[/color]"