[Center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/x12xCvj2/Arianna.png[/img][h1][color=913fc4]Those United in Common Cause[/color][/h1] [hr][hr] [b][colour=913fc4]Location:[/colour][/b] Ersand'Enise[hr][hr][/center] For a pretty penny, a girl like Arianna Capobianco could afford a modest room within the merchant quarters. The rooms were more spacious than that of commoners and one could imagine it a little smaller than a nobles room, although she would keep no scope of reference. Despite being in the second year, few decorations or memorabilia stood out in her room. A Revidia flag hung near her bed and a figurine of a dragon sat on her desk from the first year of trials. She had mixed feelings about the dragon, it reminded her of an outstandingly fun time she had at the event but it also brought back memories of a boy she liked on the team, the feeling was not mutual. She wore trousers and a button shirt similar to what an on-duty Revidian navy woman might wear. The shirt fit poorly and she favoured rolling up the sleeves instead of going to resize it. For a girl who had no background or family history in the military, this was quite the shift in fashion from her compliance to the typical Revidian dresses. The later night required a meeting and she was not to look weak for it. She slid the upper abacus bead of the sixth row down ticking the calculation over to 50,000, adjusting the beads from the lower rows she came out to the new running count of 52,235 Veneficus in monthly profit for Ersand’Enise Zenobucks taking away material costs and a rough estimate for labour, there was still more to cover. She didn’t know why she picked Zenobucks for her economics assignment, she didn’t even enjoy coffee. She drank it because she needed the boost but she could never really say she enjoyed it. She simply chose the business in the closest proximity and with the best ease of estimation. Then again, what could she pick for economics that she would be truly passionate about? She tried to think that her days ticking away at an abacus and crunching numbers would only be something she would have to cover in school. Arianna liked to forget her father had an abacus as a permanent fixture in his office when time came to do the accounts. Perhaps her future really [i]did[/i] lay in the endless calculation. Some students were made to excel, go on spectacular missions, and carve their names into the future history books. Then there were students like her, only there to, well, study. Arianna never stood out from the crowd once. She took the classes that were expected of her, she did reasonably well but not exceptionally so, her teams had a mediocre performance in the trials, she had yet to know love or even have her first kiss, and she never sought a position of renown because that was not her place. She was not exceptional, she did not stand out, and her life was nothing but enslavement to a fucking abacus. Crunching numbers to crunch more numbers such that you can have more numbers to crunch in the hopes that you have more numbers to crunch than your competition and that's just good business. It was pathetic… [center][b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_g-JmMfpF4]♫[/url][/b][/center] [i][color=fff200]My fellow Revidians, take a look at what this school has become... You see what is happening in front of you. No doubt, you see the injustices happening before you; those held in custody, and those being silenced for speaking out against it. Maybe you are scared to act or try to defend it because that injustice calls itself one of us... But I know Revidia, I know the beauty of its rolling hills, I have tasted its wine, I have danced with its women and men alike. Through all my travels there is a reason I always come back there out of anywhere in the world... But I ask you now to look at the up toward the Forked Tower, where a girl was taken from her home in the early morning and held there without a word. The Perrench think that we condone this, that this is the work of the Central Alliance. I want you to tell me if that is the Revidia you know. I want you to tell me if that is a Revidia you can take pride in. I say no, that is not Revidia.[/color][/i] [i][color=fff200]To those who call themselves Revidian, I ask you to fight. What Revidia would we hope to inherit if we turn a blind eye to the corruption before us? But I am not asking you to fight Revidia or turn against the Central Alliance; only that you fight to remove a coward who hides behind their colours. Take up arms here and let it be known where the true Revidia stands. Follow me, follow my spear, and fight for its honour![/color][/i] She remembered that speech word for word. She stood frozen watching Ersand’Enise crumble to the unrest of Penelope Pellegrin’s detainment. She sat back watching the gathering armies of students who looked to storm the Violet Enclave. As she was prepared to do nothing because it was not her place, he rose and told her to act. Leon Solaire spoke of acting against Revidia’s wishes and joining the revolution, yet she didn’t feel she was betraying it. Despite politics, despite commercial gain, it was in Revidia’s honour to storm the Violet Enclave and free the pauper princess. He was like a knight bathed in gilded light who pointed the way and she found a purpose to follow. Magic had previously been a help for mundane tasks and an extra assurance of self-defence. The night of the revolution, she wielded it to kill two people. Shifting the first five rows, Arianna updated her running count to 91,327 Ven to account for special Zenobucks orders such as the absurdly popular spratz toppings and household ingredients such as ‘sugar s’... Sugar s… The first one had been an older Enthishman she killed in self-defence. When the Revidian students made their charge behind the leaders, the old man rushed through straight to her with his blade drawn. She panicked and only just managed to put enough electricity through him before he took her head off. Her heart beat fast, she drew unsteady breaths for a while afterwards, and then she vomited. The second was done with intent. He was a younger man with pale skin who barely got the chance to speak before lightning shot through him. The mercenaries had made it clear they meant to kill, she felt no remorse in the moment to treat them in kind. It was an accomplished feeling she had to stand above a battlefield victorious. Arianna had few victories to call her own. She was not a large girl, had not come from a largely successful family, and was not particularly blessed by the gift. It seemed she was afraid, weak, or inferior everywhere she went. She no longer felt that way among the fallen of those who opposed Revidia. When a second sun bloomed above the Forked Tower, Arianna had an epiphany that she had been lost. She had lived her life with no direction. Her grandfather was a lumber merchant who sold lumber for profit such that her father could inherit that and sell lumber for profit as well. She was at Ersand’Enise so she could compete with her siblings for the grand title of lumber saleswoman who lived only for making more profit. Profit, profit, profit, but what for? For what purpose did she exist other than to do the exact same thing her father did? What point did they really have in the world? Arianna looked at the second sun calling a successful end to the revolution and saw direction where she had never seen it before. She would serve the vision of that man named Leon Solaire who had given her purpose and cause. She felt like something more than she was meant to be… Ticking up profits for the Zenobuck’s snacks had started to wear on her patience and became quickly frustrating. Arianna looked out her window to see the sun dipping below the horizon, slowly retreating its glow from Ersand’Enise. She happily wrote down her current tally and left her assignment to gather dust on her desk. She grabbed her faux military coat and draped it over her shoulders before heading out. Leon had departed for Palapar so a special meeting was to be held for the Figli di Revidia, the Revidian student group. Arianna was excited. [hr] [center][b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WeE9AisvMY]♫[/url][/b][/center] The floor of the Fino a Colazione became quite a different place during an Orredes night. It was the cleanest the floors were in the entire week; just preceding the Lepdes and Victendes mayhem. The smell of the faint sea breeze clashing with the herbs and spices of the kitchen was not overpowered by excessive booze and was a welcoming scent to any Revidian who called the coasts their home. Figli di Revidia gathered at a reserved end of the tavern with roughly thirty students in attendance. It was a mix between a social gathering and a pantomime of a small council, the food was plentiful and the jugs of wine runneth over. Short, tall, rich, poor, they all gathered here under the banner of Revidia. There was even a small bunch of students who shied away from the political nature of the group and spent their time making food in the kitchens for everyone and catching up with friends. The group’s soul had changed since the revolution and the approaching reality of war. Before, there was endless speculation about the markets and internal plans among peers to manoeuvre accordingly. This often meant that people stuck to small groups of 2 to 4 out of fear that too many people having details would spoil a golden goose. It also meant that nobles talked to nobles, merchants talked to merchants, and commoners made the food as many only wished to go into business if the investment was mutual. Now, instead of solely discussing a means to make a profit, they spoke of what they could [i]do[/i] with those funds. How could Revidia manoeuvre to favour their victory in the war? What contacts did people have to sway neutral nations into Central Alliance sympathy? How could Perrence be chased away from their growing encampments at the borders? Standing around two central food tables they filled their bellies with food and wine while idling away with the chatter of finance and military speculation afforded by said finances. But even subjects of sport, food, and music found themselves more than welcome. Toward the back wall was a table for the leaders of Figli di Revidia. Three chairs sat facing the group’s festivities while awaiting the topic for the night. Arianna sat in the central seat picking at the pizza made by Fiorella Caruso, a younger commoner girl who had personally served her and awaited a review. It was good but not exceptionally so, although Arianna struggled to think of the missing ingredient. For as much as she loved the girl’s culinary passion, there was more on her mind. To her left sat another leader, Vittorio Garibaldi, the first heir to Garibaldi’s Pawn in Ersand’Enise. He was a larger, older boy of 19 who was well on the road to adulthood compared to Arianna. He wore round spectacles, neatly trimmed black hair, and had a larger stature with some fat and a little more muscle than someone in finance typically kept. Vittorio was conversing with Ettore Muti, a 15-year-old with far too discerning eyes for someone barely beginning puberty. They tried to keep their conversation discrete but not secretive as they discussed the prospect of investing in lumber before the war started. Arianna thought it was strange that they wouldn’t ask for her input in the matter but she didn’t get the impression they were excluding her from the conversation. She didn’t feel inclined to participate. To Arianna’s right was an empty chair. It was supposed to be occupied by Flavio Velluci, but his refusal to arrive on time had held up the entire meeting. He was a truly rat-like man who was lanky for his height and had very little going for him other than being the heir of the Velluci luxury products business. He dressed up an unfortunate appearance with enough gold to feign the impression of dignity and gravitas. Unlike Vittorio, he did not fit the maturity of a 19-year-old. His seat of responsibility was often empty. The night wore on for some time before Flavio finally arrived. He was likely only a half hour late, but it felt longer to Arianna and she didn’t care to check the time. With all three seated, she was now caught between the two other leaders. Both were taller, bigger, older, richer and had more claims in life than her. But it was past time for her to be intimidated by that. Vittorio had stayed back during the revolution to protect his father’s store and Flavio was absent without explanation. Vittorio ended his conversation and dismissed the Muti heir, who returned to join the crowd. He then faced the other students and smacked his hand a couple of times to announce the beginning of the meeting. As was customary, the chatter would die down in a minute or so as everyone was given time to finish their conversations. In the interim, he turned to look past Arianna and directly at Flavio with an all-too-polite smile. [color=c4c4c2]“How nice of you to join us, Velluci.”[/color] It was a pointed, sarcastic remark that demanded an answer for the luxury heir’s tardiness. Flavio gave an exaggerated sigh and a half-hearted smile attempting to look nonchalant about the inquiry, but his acting was poor. [color=c3c45a]“I was held up by family matters, Vittorio. If I could do something about it, I would.”[/color] The relaxed delivery had an undertone of annoyance. Arianna didn’t buy it for a second and barely stopped a scoff. His lateness was likely nothing other than the result of his own actions and she doubted Vittorio thought any differently. Quiet began to take hold over the hall as the other students wrapped up their talks amicably and awaited the leaders to speak. Eyes were mainly turned to Vittorio who had called the special meeting. Very few people were unaware of the subject matter but they stuck out like sore thumbs while everyone else grew stern. Vittorio, however, smiled politely. [color=c4c4c2]“Welcome to the meeting all,”[/color] he began with a formal presentation, [color=c4c4c2]“I hope you have found the food agreeable. I don’t wish to waste time or hang on moments that are better spent on drinks among family, so I will make this quick. I would like to discuss the matter of Leon Solaire and his pending membership in this group.”[/color] [color=c4c4c2]“Although anyone who has tried my glasses would disagree, I am not blind. I have seen the impact the performer has had on this group since the revolution. This was originally a group for Revidian students to network and help find their future place within this country. There seems to be far too little of that now in favour of talk that is… idealistic, to say the least.”[/color] [color=c4c4c2]“It is good to have ambitions and Leon can be an inspirational figure, no doubt many support his membership.”[/color] Vittorio looked down at the speech he had written down on a piece of parchment. [color=c4c4c2]“But I would like to temper that ambition with practicality. Leon Solaire is a dreamer who has yet to display any real grasp on finance or politics in our meetings, he barely shows up to half of them, and one could even question if he is a Revidian by birth, although I wouldn’t hold the last point against him.”[/color] He paused and looked up. [color=c4c4c2]“While I am not overly invested in the vote’s result, I would like to vote on the refusal of Leon Solaire’s membership on these grounds.”[/color] Silence. “You can’t be serious.” One of the wine-avid students at the back called. Arianna couldn’t see who it was. Enzo Gallo, an unassuming 17-year-old commoner, spoke up at the front. “Leon took down the White Thresher in Mezegol alone while the other students there watched, you should know. That whole city loves him now. You can’t say he doesn’t belong here.” Arianna moved her hand up at her mouth to hide a tight smile. That statement wasn’t true. But [i]she[/i] wasn’t going to correct the record and the other students had neither the knowledge nor desire to either. “My cousin’s friend is gonna marry the Marquis’ son there because of him.” Suddenly called Arianna’s friend Fiorella Caruso, a food-making member of the group. “She’s a navy woman marrying a noble because of him.” Vittorio frowned in annoyance and waved the chatter and emerging protests down to move the meeting along. [color=c4c4c2]“As I said, I am not concerned with the outcome of this vote. I simply wish to give voice to some of the less… vocal members of the group and let everyone have their say.”[/color] [color=c4c4c2]“All those in favour of dismissing Leon Solaire, raise your hand.”[/color] Vittorio, Flavio, Ettore, and four others raised their hands. The group’s policy of public voting backfired as one student even lowered his hand after the poor turnout. 6 out of 30, 20 percent gave a clear message that Leon’s place within the group was solidified. Those who voted against his membership calmly lowered their hands. [color=c4c4c2]“That decides it then. Leon Solaire shall be an official member of Figli di Revidia when he returns from his trip.”[/color] There were cheers among the group that even Vittorio couldn’t help but admit a smile at in humble defeat. Arianna noticed that Flavio and Ettore were not so gracious, Ettore because of young age and Flavio… had no excuse. [color=c4c4c2]“Please continue with the food, the wine.”[/color] He waved them away formally. [color=c4c4c2]“And try not to hold the results of the vote against anyone, we are familia remember. Family can have their disagreemen...”[/color] [center][b][url=https://youtu.be/DWKKsB0rD40?si=qsKGN4_VslSw8_qw&t=93]♫[/url][/b][/center] [color=913fc4]“Before that!”[/color] Arianna finally spoke up. [color=913fc4]“I would like to hold a second vote.”[/color] Vittorio gave her a raised eyebrow and Flavio scoffed with impatience. A few students groaned at being wrenched away again from the fragrant food while most turned to provide the youngest leader with her due respect. [color=913fc4]“I would like to hold a vote on making Leon Solaire a leader of Figli di Revidia.”[/color] Vittorio’s face dropped and Flavio piped up in a snarky tone. [color=c3c45a]“You can’t. This group only has room for three.”[/color] Arianna smiled at Flavio and turned to the student group captivated by the unfolding drama. [color=913fc4]“...replacing Flavio.”[/color] Vittorio spoke quietly to Arianna but could still be heard by Flavio and the front row. [color=c4c4c2]“Arianna, with all due respect, don’t you think this is a poor time for this?”[/color] He looked past her and apologetically toward Flavio, who was about to have his reputation put on the block for public execution. Arianna gestured gently to the crowd. [color=913fc4]“This is a democracy, is it not? I think we should let the people decide.”[/color] The other two leaders shot each other worried looks and Arianna felt even more confident. There was a time not too long ago when such a prospect wouldn’t have even phased them and the vote could be dismissed. This was before Arianna had informed the group of Flavio’s habit of skipping academic classes in favour of burning his father’s fortune at dingy brothels. His reputation was even lower than normal after that. There wasn’t anything to speak of for Vittorio, but someone thought they had seen him buying Blue Ice in Mudville and that was enough. Even if the rumours hadn’t gotten back to them yet, they could feel the undercurrent of their slipping influence. That wasn’t even mentioning Leon himself, the Sun King had a hold on the group that both could recognise. Vittorio bowed his head briefly in resignation. He could already guess the outcome. [color=c4c4c2]“Very well, all those in favour of removing Flavio from his leadership position and replacing him with Leon Solaire.”[/color] 18 students immediately raised their hands making an instant majority to call the vote. Within a few seconds, that number had risen to 24. Then, after 10 seconds had passed, only Vittorio, Flavio, and Ettore had chosen to keep their hands down. The answer was clear. Flavio’s face had grown red from anger and humiliation. He almost jumped out of his seat and spared no time in storming out of Fino a Colazione. Arianna watched him leave with a smile, if she had to guess, she doubted he would remain a member now that his precious leadership role had been stripped from him. Good riddance. All eyes were now turned to Vittorio, who had removed his spectacles and rubbed the bridge of his nose in clear frustration. Flavio had been a problem he had left for too long and now his co-leader had used him as a means of pushing that fraud performer into a position of greater influence. He waited for a while longer after Flavio’s exit to respond. [color=c4c4c2]“Flavio, I can understand.[/color]” He spoke with thinly concealed irritation, barely managing to look up from the table. [color=c4c4c2]“He had long neglected his responsibilities to this group and I had planned to deal with that matter privately. But Leon Solaire? Do you all really think he will be any better? Are they not cut from the very same cloth?”[/color] [color=c4c4c2]“I know he isn’t in attendance tonight, but would Ciro Volta not be a better fit? Or even the Synesti heir?”[/color] His questions fell on deaf ears. [color=c4c4c2]“I have sat back and watched this group crumble since the revolution. I had thought it was something that would pass or that the sudden grand ambitions would find a realistic way forward. But I can’t entertain this any longer. Tell me,”[/color] he tried to look every single student in the eye at once, [color=c4c4c2]“if this is the group of Revidia’s future, are we really going to hand it over to that fraud musician and his love-sick fan girl?”[/color] Silence met him. His words found no purchase because Leon Solaire was no fraud and they all knew it. He had proven himself time and again regardless of Vittorio's ignorance. A few looked on in sympathy, but many more in judgment. Arianna stared daggers into the side of his head. She hated the way he described her and how simple it made her feel. Her vision was so much more than that… He was a man who had never found a purpose greater than the path provided to him, so he was blind. At the very least she knew his true opinions now. [color=c4c4c2]“Very well. I resign and leave you all to your group of sycophants.”[/color] Vittorio calmly rose to the erupting sounds of protest. Those who took exception to his labels thrown in contempt were throwing their own unfavourable words back. Arianna watched him stand and saw the heartbreak in his eyes. He truly had considered this group like family and took the shattering of that family as hard as anyone would. But he hid it well to the unattentive eye in favour of the decorum and dignity that fit his inheritance. He walked out of Fino a Colazione calmy. Behind him followed Ettore Muti and Mila Pioli, the daughter of a fish merchant whose father’s finances were even less remarkable than Arianna’s. There was silence at first when the trio had exited the door. Many students stood shocked at what had just transpired. Some couldn’t believe the gall of Vittorio to say such things. Some glanced at Arianna, concerned that she could [i]do[/i] such things. Then a timely joke from Enzo Gallo got a modest three laughs and the atmosphere slowly returned. Arianna sat back alone at the leadership table for a moment and watched the closed entrance of the tavern. Despite the planning, she still couldn’t believe she had pulled it off. It didn’t feel real. She half expected the leavers to come right back and join the group again like nothing ever happened. But something did happen, something big that could never be remedied. She felt powerful. She felt right. She felt good. [hr][hr]