[b][right][color=yellow]SPRINGFIELD /[/color][color=red]/ USA[/color][/right][/b] Iris couldn't help herself, she didn't even hear the beginning of the opening line. [color=yellow]"We really need to talk about boundaries Doctor-"[/color] [color=teal]"Iris-"[/color] [color=yellow]"No. You don't get to just call me up and play the name card, you just show up at my door one day, knowing my real identity after violating my privacy, tell me what to do. Say you can help me, now I'm in the middle of a crisis and then you just call me up, on a number [i]I never gave you.[/i] So what do you have to say for yourself? What excuse for violating my privacy are you going to use this time?"[/color] [color=teal]"Iris look at the news."[/color] Iris scoffed as she pulled her phone down low, swiping the call away all the colour drained from her face as she saw the headline. [color=gray]"ROUGE WAVE HITS ELLIS ISLAND"[/color] The photos were all blurry, clearly taken by shocked New Yorkers at the wave that came from [i]within[/i] the bay rose up and headed towards the famous statue. Pulling her phone back up to her ear as the colour drained from her face. [color=yellow]"What do you need me to do?"[/color] She heard the sigh from the other end of the phone. [color=teal]"You are a Superhero aren't you? Well this seems like a time to go and be, well, heroic."[/color] Checking on her maps she couldn't help but laugh. [color=yellow]"That's nearly 600 miles away, to get there in time to do anything-"[/color] [color=teal]"You'd have to run at over thirteen hundred miles per hour."[/color] [color=yellow]"-that's ridiculous, I've not even cracked the sound barrier yet and that's what, half of that?"[/color] [color=teal]"You can do it."[/color] [color=yellow]"Well thanks for the faith Doc but-"[/color] [color=teal]"This is nothing to do about faith."[/color] Iris had to admit, for some reason. That stung a little bit. [color=teal]"Before you went too fast for it and ran [i]through[/i] a wall you were nearly at one thousand miles per hour. Had it not failed, you could have been going faster.[/color] Iris sighed. Whether or not she ould do it, Wells was right. She had to try. [color=yellow]"Okay."[/color] [color=teal]"Good. Now get to the airport. You're going to need to make space, and break the sound barrier while you're not near any buildings or people. There will be a shockwave and we want to try and minimise any collatoral damage with everything else that is going on, and most importantly?"[/color] [color=yellow]"Yeah?"[/color] [color=teal]"[b]Run Iris, Run.[/b]"[/color]