[color=fff200][h1][b]Akira Yuzuki[/b][/h1][/color] [hr] [color=fff200]“Got it.”[/color] the class representative yelled as he landed, trying to ignore the splitting headache he is starting to get. The next few days are definitely going to suck. He stared at Keyaru for a moment. Unlike most people there is no fear in his eyes, perhaps Akira was being foolish or perhaps the exhaustion put those thoughts at the back of his mind. The white haired teen returned to his practiced movements. He knew he cannot last long with his bleeding nose, so he decided that he would throw everything in this one move. He coated his spear with his barrier, giving it an increased size along with empowering his throw to the man. [color=fff200][h1][b][Super Move: Titan’s Javelin][/b][/h1][/color] Akira nearly fell after using his attack, his vision is getting blurry due to overusing his quirk. And… Right… He was still… …losing blood.