Incredible. It was one of those sights she'd really only dreamed about. The sea parted before her eyes. In an instant, the threat lurking within was laid bear. In an instant, that opening had been created, just as promised. ---But it wouldn't last. Robin took a deep breath. From her position, she could see Esben and Eve, now. With enough momentum, she was pretty certain that she could do it, and that she was the person in the best position to try. She sucked in a deep breath. Either this would end with them both in the wate,r or she'd be able to help Eve and save Esben's life. Given the stakes, the odds didn't really matter to her. Besides, what kind of person would she be if she didn't try? Certainly, not a hero. Robin raised her feet, braced herself on the mast for a moment, and pushed off--- The salty air rushed past her as she swung downwards, reaching out. Her training honed speed more than raw power, but like this, she was certain that she'd be able to get Esben to safety---!