[center][h3][u][color=#B8860B] Mahal Agha[/color][/u][/h3][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oKxxC3B.png[/img][/center][center][color=#B8860B] "Nothing I do matters, unlike you."[/color][/center][hr][hr][h2][u]Bonds of Flesh and Bone[/u][/h2][hider=❖] Noting the rain gently pouring outside, Mahal sighed. She leaned back against the window overlooking the street below. As the corner stones darkened, people held their hands aloof and scattered for cover. Some disappeared into buildings while others into carriages. The girl's attention shifted upward when she heard Puno stir. Above her, the small canine looked at her. The large, fluffy tail casually wagged in greeting. Mahal gave a low whistle. Immediately Puno scrambled toward the end of the shelve then leapt off. Her skin flaps stretched out and caught a bit of air before she landed nearby. The Palaparese woman reached out to scratch underneath the canine's chin. [color=#B8860B] "Good girl."[/color] Her legs twisted about as she kicked onto her feet. She strolled over to a large tank resting in the corner of her room. Dipping her arm below the water's surface, Diyablos stirred. The small creature crawled out of his burrow. With a gentle grip, he climbed up her arm and rested on her shoulder. A little whine drew Mahal's attention. Supok lift her head from underneath the bed's covers. Mahal called with authority. [color=#B8860B] "Halika na."[/color] Instantly, the hound rushed to her side as she exited. The small group of a girl, an octopus, and two hounds moved quickly down the hallway. Upon reaching Lunara's room, Mahal tapped her knuckles hard on the door. [color=#B8860B] "Lunara, are you busy?"[/color] Lunara was sat on her table, in the middle of her room playing with her Goma cat Miray, Ground Octopi Terra and Lilypad thresher Kamelya. On the table were three bowls full of food, for her pet's and a tea pot with a matching tea cup full of tea. The pet food and tea was given to her and made by her new friend Esmii. Lunara found the tea to be very tasty with a pleasant smell and after taste. Just as she was about to take another sip from her cup, she heard a knock at the door and then her sisters voice. Lunara placed the cup back down and quickly answered, her so that she wasn't waiting outside. [colour=#05DDFB]"Come in Mahal, I'm not busy."[/colour] Mahal hesitated. It was unlike her to do such a thing as she stood there, her hand resting on the handle. Her middle twisted about like a swarm of rosy threshers in her guts. She inhaled and pushed out the sensation. Her fingers tightened and she entered the room. Supok rushed after her where she delivered a loud booming woof. She wagged her tail before she rushed to tackle Miray. Mahal snapped her fingers together followed by a command. The fire hound dug in her heels as she smacked onto her rump. Her head looked back at her master with a small whine. Mahal sighed while she approached her half sister, Puno coolly walking beside her. [color=#B8860B] "I'm sorry, Supok loves to play with Miray. May I sit?"[/color] Her hand gestured to the spot across from Lunara. Lunara let out a little giggle upon seeing Supok wanting to play with Miray. While Miray waited eagerly for Lunara to give her the command to let her play with her fire hound friend. [colour=#05DDFB]"It's fine, it seems that they are really good friends. It seems Miray want to play too."[/colour] she walked up to greet her sister with a hug. [colour=#05DDFB]"You are just in time, I made tea and have some sweets, would you like to join me, dear sister."[/colour] [color=#B8860B] "It is likely because when Supok tries to play with Puno, the updog climbs just out of reach. She is not very fond of rolling about."[/color] Mahal commented as she released the hound from her command. Supok rushed for Miray and began to zoom about the room, growling happily. At the mention of having made tea and some sweets, Mahal's right eyebrow raised. She pulled closer to the low sitting table before folding her legs up and sitting down. [color=#B8860B] "[i]You[/i] made this?"[/color] She gestured over the sweets and tea. Her voice then took on a light, teasing quality. [color=#B8860B] "What would Dalma say? Isn't labor suited for the slaves and servants? Don't tell me that Ersand'Enise culture been rubbing off on you. Father wouldn't like that."[/color] Watching Miray and Supok chased each other around, pouncing and play with each other. Her attention shifted to Mahal sitting opposite her mentioning about the tea and sweets. [colour=#05DDFB]"But of course. I am a young woman, I need some hobbies that aren't too boring. Esmii and Ayla helped me on how to make the sweets."[/colour] Lunara responded. Petting the coon kitten that was on her lap, she lifted the kitten off of her person, placing it in front of a bowl with cat food in. The kitten dove straight in, eating to its delight. [colour=#05DDFB]"This culture was indeed strange at first, but it seems to grow on a person."[/colour] she remarked, taking a sip of tea. [colour=#05DDFB]"Besides, father isn't here, so I don't really care what he says right now. Besides all he'll do is just complain."[/colour] Mahal's mood soured at Lunara's dismissive words and attitude. Casually her arms reached for the kettle and a cup, pouring herself some. She raised it to her lips then let the bitter, floral aroma wash over her. As she set it down, her tongue clicked against her teeth. [color=#B8860B] "He isn't, but we will be returning home at some point. Sadly, it won't be you that gets the worst of his 'complaints'. It was my responsibility to ensure Ersand'Enise didn't corrupt you too much and to keep you safe. It was only reason he let me come along at all."[/color] She set the cup down then reached over to scratch top of the kitten's head briefly. Her eyes still turned to her half-sister's direction. Her hand pulled back as she reached into her pouch for a bone. She popped it in then rolled it around against her cheek while she continued. [color=#B8860B] "During the school's errand to Kiluaho, I encountered Ren Baykara. Lunara, he plans to visit the plantation at some point. I'm going to have to write father and inform him before then."[/color] Lunara placed her cup delicately back on the saucer, while pondering on what her sister said about there father and how he reacts. [colour=#05DDFB]"You are quite right sister, please forgive me. I only brewed the tea myself as Miss Esmii showed me how to as it is brewed differently to normal tea."[/colour] She then thought and stated [colour=#05DDFB]"I will show the servants how to brew it properly, so that no one gets the wrath of father."[/colour] She then took another sip of tea, and listened to her sister again. After her sister had finished what she was saying, Lunara thought if the name, which she recognised. She recalled all of the times a man by that name visited, her father made sure that Lunara was dressed beautifully, at the time she didn't know why. But she only saw the man for a brief time, before her mother escorted her somewhere else, then she remembered hearing the man and her father having serious talks. decided to ask. [colour=#05DDFB]"I know Ren Baykara, or I have at least met him briefly. Do you know what his intentions are?"[/colour] Mahal relaxed when Lunara yielded to her reasoning. [color=#B8860B] "Good. According to father, slaves and servants will get lazy and that isn't good."[/color] She turned toward the door. The girl servant, Pua, stood just outside waiting for instructions. [color=#B8860B] "Pua, make some suya for dinner tonight with some sticky rice and roasted vegetables. Also, bring some fried crickets and meat pies up for a snack."[/color] Pua bowed then promptly disappeared down the stairs. Upon hearing the last of her footsteps fade, Mahal turned her attention back to Lunara. She shrugged. [color=#B8860B] "I'm guessing I impressed him during the mission? Honestly, I'm not sure. Father won't be happy to entertain him more than needed."[/color] Not wanting to linger in her dread, Mahal moved on. [color=#B8860B] "I thought it was best you were made aware. So, what have you been up to while I was gone?"[/color] Lunara on hearing her sister asking for fried crickets, her face dropped. On seeing her sister turn back to her she tries to hide her disgust. After her sister voiced her concern Lunara added. [colour=#05DDFB]"Try not to worry about Father, dear sister, and thank you for letting me know.[/colour] Lunara thought for a moment, about what she had done recently. [colour=#05DDFB]"Well dear sister, I went on an adventure with some of the students. We went to find a Yasoii's kidnapped son."[/colour] She then refilled her tea cup, and grabbed a few biscuits and cakes. Mahal didn't comment on the mention of father. It was easy for her sister to say and a stab of jealousy rippled through her. The girl inhaled to keep her temper in check as she caught the mention of a kidnapped yasoi boy. Her eyes stared hard at her half-sister. She struggled to keep her voice steady against her rising anxiety. [color=#B8860B] "Adventure? I thought I asked you to stay home while I was gone. Did you go into that place called Mucktown or whatever it's call?"[/color] Lunara looked away from her sister, as she knew she was annoyed at her. [colour=#05DDFB]"Do you mean Mudville, dear sister."[/colour] She stated worryingly knowing she was in trouble. [colour=#05DDFB]"Well I got bored, and saw that they needed help. So I assisted them and I took Miray with me. I did well at protecting myself, and almost made one man urinate himself."[/colour] She rambled on as she didn't know what else to do. [colour=#05DDFB]"Anyway enough about my adventure dear sister. How was yours?"[/colour] [color=#B8860B] "No, you are not changing the subject. What would've happened if you got hurt?"[/color] Mahal stated in a fuming manner. She paused, pressing her fist against her mouth to cool her temper. After a moment or two, she then asked,[color=#B8860B] "What happened exactly?"[/color] Lunara looked away from Mahal and said. [colour=#05DDFB]"Sorry sister. I just wanted to help."[/colour] She waited to get scolded off Mahal again, but on hearing her sisters words, she looked up at her and smiled. [colour=#05DDFB]"Well we went..."[/colour] Lunara went on to explain what happened over that days Mahal was away, she left out no detail and explained everything she did and saw. You could tell by her expressions that she had fun. When Lunara finished, Mahal went still. In this moment, her father and her shared eerie similarities as she fought to keep her temper in check. Finally, her hand made a fist and slammed down on the table. It rattled the kettle and dishes. Her sister easily shrugged off the danger she put herself in, but Mahal didn't. [color=#B8860B] "I can't leave you alone, can I? You willingly put yourself and Miray into [i]danger[/i]. What would've happened if you had been seriously injured? Selim isn't here to heal you if you lose a limb."[/color] She pushed herself onto her feet then started to pace. [color=#B8860B] "Even worse, what if none of the students decided to help you? What if they weren't even there? Did you actually think about that?"[/color] Lunara was shocked at first, however, the shock was quickly replaced by anger, at her sister's reaction, and she decided to defend herself and her decision. [colour=#05DDFB]"Don't raise your voice at me, sister."[/colour] She placed the cat on the floor, stood up and walked towards Mahal. She looked straight into her sister's eyes and spoke in a raised but firm voice. [colour=#05DDFB]"I am my own person, I don't just wait here for you to return. I have seen the nightlife of our home and culture without the servants around me when I snuck out at night. Being here has given me even more freedom than I could ever have imagined. For the first time, I can choose who I want to be friends with."[/colour] She stopped to take a breath and think about what she wanted to say next. [colour=#05DDFB]"I am not the spoiled and sheltered child I was when I was younger. I have grown into a better version of myself. And I made the decision to help a family who needed me, I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. What would you have done in my place?"[/colour] Sensing the tension in the room rise, Supok whined. Her ears folded back and her body lowered to the ground. Meanwhile, Puno had climbed up a support to a shelf to escape it. Diyablos remained loyally by his mother's side though curled in and matching the carpet. Like an angry goma cat, Mahal curled her lips and bared a bit of her teeth. Such a display back at home would've had her back handed for the disrespect. Not here though. Her eyes darkened as Lunara drew closer to her personal space, mimicking Dalma. Mahal dug her heels to resist lashing out. Her efforts crumbled when her sister mentioned sneaking out. [color=#B8860B] "Nothing I do matters, unlike you. You claim not to be the same, but I don't see any difference. You don't think about things other than yourself."[/color] Mahal's face came to rest inches from her sister's face. Fury rolled off her skin like never before and crackled the air slightly with magnetic.[color=#B8860B] "When we were younger, they saw you coming back. Not me. I thought I was careless, but it was you the whole time. Let me ask you a question. Do you think everything changes because we're here?" [/color] Mahal pulled back from Lunara and stormed off to the exit. [color=#B8860B] "Let me answer that for you: it doesn't." [/color] Lunara noticed a shift in her sister's body language and facial expression, indicating a change in her demeanour. It dawned on her, too late, that she had encroached on Mahal's personal space. Despite this realization, she chose not to retreat. She attentively absorbed her sister's outburst. As she was compared to her younger self, Lunara's irritation swelled, a fact not lost on Mahal. [colour=#05DDFB]”I acknowledge that I have evolved since my childhood,[/colour]" she retorted with escalating frustration. Upon witnessing her sister storming out of her bedroom, Lunara followed her and retorted to her sister's previous remarks. [colour=#05DDFB]"I am aware of the differential treatment you receive. While I acknowledge that my decision to embark on the mission may have been reckless, I made that choice independently for once." [/colour] She stated, pausing briefly, she continued, [colour=#05DDFB]"You often express your desire for my personal growth, learning, and independence. Yet, the moment I exhibit those qualities, you emulate our father by diminishing my accomplishments."[/colour] Mahal's anger rose with the chase. Her feet kicked into a fast pace and she immediately, she exited the dorm. Puno and Supok, not sure what to do, followed shortly behind. Meanwhile, Diyablos clung to her as he refused to let go. The feared what she might do if she stayed in the dorms for much longer. So her attention turned toward the only place she knew she could unleash it all: The Proving Grounds. After her sister had disappeared from her sight, she forcefully slammed the door behind her and returned to the table where her tea, cakes, and biscuits were laid out. Sitting down on the chair, she let out a heavy sigh and reflected on the situation, thinking to herself, [colour=#05DDFB][i]Well, that was a mistake. I shouldn't have confronted her like that. I'm sorry, Mahal.[/i][/colour] All the animals emerged from their hiding spots, and Miray settled beside Lunara, resting her head on her lap. Observing this, Lunara began to gently stroke Miray. After a brief moment of contemplation, she remarked to Miray, [colour=#05DDFB]"I wonder how long Mahal's silent treatment will endure this time."[/colour][/hider]