[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BHScL9w.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/C7nwoGY.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,243 (+3) (+8 from colabs) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 9[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (158/100) [b][color=ea590c]Edward Portsmith: Level 2 [/color][/b][color=ea590c]////////////////[/color]//// (16/20) (1 level up stored) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] [color=Aquamarine]Warp Charges:[/color] 1 [hider=warp locations] Virgin Victory teleport room Top of the Split mountain Outside the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage Tostarena Town S.O.U. Building Seiran Clinic Underground Roadway (Seiran Rebel Base Outskirts) Below City of glass entrance (plate maintenance tunnel) Vandelay Campus (Alleyway) Arahabaki’s entrance Deep Ground - the Source [/hider] [/center] [color=Aquamarine]”I really do not like this plan!”[/color] Midna yelled up at the heavens as her astral chain finished wrapping around Absalom briefly pinning him in place. Then flow motion leapt over a retaliatory strike and landed on the back of the Beast Legion, using it to rapidly retreat. It raced away from the foe with thunderous speed, but the question really was: to where? She dared not bring out the flygon after it had been ensnared by the corruption for so long, and without it, she was lacking in wings, which were somewhat needed to get off of this moving train without turning into paste on contact with the ground. Fortunately, though the man had not, she was frank, contributed much to the fight itself, Edward did have his uses as a commander, as well as a fine set of lungs on him that let him holler [color=ea590c]”This way! Egress and wings for the flightless!”[/color] loud enough for even the hearing impaired princess to comprehend, his voice echoing through the corridors of the train. As the divine warning for them to break out came, Midna paused only to grab/offer lifts to people who needed them, and then went barreling through the corrupt halls of the infernal machine. There were, fortunately, none of the corrupt animated engines in her path, and the reason for this was laid clear by the spirits of both them and various angels who had fallen clearing the way acting as a breadcrumb trail towards an exit by which Edward was calling out a countdown. [color=ea590c]”We’re leaving in five! Four! Three!”[/color] On two, the princess burst into the room, and also into rays of sunlight streaming through a smashed open door of the train, blinding her at the worst moment. Yet the feathers, ever reliable and dutiful, were there to aid their sister of shadows. A familiar hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her off of her intangible steed, and then another took her other arm, just in time for Edward to finish the count down with [color=ea590c]”One! GO GO GO!”[/color] Boots stamped and then wings flapped, and the open air rushed across her exposed ears as the surviving feather-sheilds of Midna and Edelgard’s squads leapt from the train, taking the twilight princess, and anyone else who needed lending wings, with them. Less than a breath after the last of them was clear, and the deafening sound of the train leaping from the tracks and crashing down into the pit overwhelmed them. The angels, having just leapt off of a moving train, were carried by their momentum clear over the crash sight, and had to spend a good deal of time decelerating, following in the wake of the bows, staffs and swords who had already jumped. While doing this they banked around, eventually bringing them back around and down to land on the right hand side of the crater, just in time for Absalom to begin digging himself out of the rubble. The feather-shields touched down and deposited their passengers even as the lighter angels fanned out behind them, which gave those that had flown with them a prime view of the condition of their enemy as he emerged. [color=Aquamarine]”Even after all that?”[/color] Minda complained with a mix of horror and exasperation at the sight of Absalom’s survival, but the avatar of chaos’ moment of defiant resilience was rudely interrupted by a very welcome arrival. Dante’s appearance was especially so for Midna, who was still very thankful for the man bailing them out when Z had come to take them down, particularly because of the paralyzing panic that Consul had caused in her. As such, his appearance here and now to help with this incredibly durable foe was, in her eyes, very much [color=Aquamarine]”Perfect timing from my favorite uninvited guest”[/color] Edward meanwhile moved to execute a loose plan he’d coordinated among the angels while their foe was standing around shouting at the heavens or watching falling objects. His own questions about what in the astral sea had caused that wind, what the thing that had brought the reinforcements was, and who the man and the transforming women where could wait. Instead, he used the breath he’d saved on not asking questions to instead below one single simple command: [color=ea590c]”Fire everything!”[/color] In conjunction with this command he cast Designated Target on Absalom, and then as the arrows of the feather bows flew forth towards the blood aura marked foe, cocked his heavy magelock rifle. Supporting its barrel on his inner elbow while still wielding the shield in that arm’s hand, he breathed out, triggered the stabilization spell as he waited for the shower of delaying and photon arrows to slow and weaken the foe, before squeezing the trigger and unleashing a thunderous crack of pyromantic gunpowder which sent the enchanted musket ball hurtling towards the foe’s skull. With the amount of debuffs (between Edward’s enchantments and the Bow’s own skills they had just stripped something close to 75% of their foes armor, as well as slow and ignite him) thrown out by this volley, Edward predicted it was highly likely that Absalom would retaliate. Thus with a shout of [color=ea590c]”Fall back!”[/color] the bows started to retreat while their shield wielding comrades (Edward among them) moved to guard their rear. Minda wasn’t going to stand idle and force them to take the brunt of their foes ire however, and so as soon as the barrage of friendly shots ended she was racing down the side of the crater towards him. Her Beast Legion, however, had not had to wait for the shots to finish falling, as the friendly projectiles had simply sailed right through it. Thus no sooner had Minda started her charge than her Legion finished its own, leaping and digging claws and fangs into the foe, at which point Midna tugged on the astral chain linking the two in conjunction with a flowmotion leapt forwards. She went sailing directly towards the foe, propelled forward by Roxa’s technique and reeled in by the chain. As she flew she extended her shadow hand and then flicked it to the side to deliver a massive right hook with the magical limb before she herself slammed into the foe. In doing so she deflected her flight path such that she flew past rather than into him, the princess pivoting in the air and using 6 sets of claws digging into the ground to slow her low friction landing while the foe reeled. [color=Aquamarine]”Eat that you rotten Chus jelly!”[/color] Before he could recover, her two wolfos, one unmodified, the other warped by machinery, emerged from portals by her side and rushed in, both scaled up to a size that rivaled the towering nephilim. The unmodified one full body tackled the foe to keep him off balance, while the cybernetic one charged up and unleashed a powerful point blank lightning blast from its mechanical maw. Then, finally, as they retreated to the twilight realm, Midna brought down the twilight volleybomb she’d been charging while her minions attacked, the orb large enough to engulf the foe detonating on contact with the ground.After that, however, with her veins burning from the amount of mana she’d just thrown out, she was forced to end her assault. Pulling on her astral chain once more, she dragged herself after and onto the back of her now retreating Beast Legion to get herself space to recover, and give others space to engage.