With the pained, ragged wheeze, the noise that flowed through his rust-ridden bones, it was like some foreign yet oh so familiar rush that invigorated him. As the sniper's shot hit home and the stones fell, he let out a low breath. His muscles relax slightly, letting down his guard. [i]Is it over? Please tell me it's over.[/i] Alas, wishful thinking couldn't grant the truth. The beast had started moving again, Thrashing and swinging about its extremities, he tried to back away… only to be directly hit by the crocidile-clad tail as it swung toward him. [color=bc8dbf]”Oh fu-”[/color] It was like being hit by a cannonball, or at least felt like it. He felt almost weightless as he was effectively swatted away, not-so-gracefully gliding through the air before making rough contact with the ground. Once. Then twice. Skidding to a stop roughly ten feet away from where he was. His hat had flitted away in the breeze of the tumble, a soft groan escaping his lips as his now bruised and bleeding hands grasped at gravel… the incessant buzzing of the rust gnats that stayed ever persistent rang in his head like a splitting chime in an echoing chasm… As the dust in the air settled, Elio had found himself coughing up blood, his throat burning from the metallic fluid as he shakily attempted to calm his erratic breathing. Everything hurt, but his chest more so. He couldn't tell if he had broken or just bruised a rib or three, but he was still alive, or at least conscious. That's what mattered when everything was said and done. He felt around with bloodied fingers, searching for his weapon, but his fingers didn't touch it's familiar biting rust… just more rocks and pulverized debris. [i]Did I loose it on impact…? I hope no one got impaled…[/i] Light shuffling against the ground could be heard as he tried to raise himself, trying to get up despite the pain shooting through his limbs… and it was not an easy attempt… [i]What is more humbling than a man being brought to his knees in a single strike? I'm really not as resilient as I would like to think… I'm no Quasit, I'm just a man with rust between his flesh and bone…[/i] It took too much energy than it was worth. He needed to conserve whatever the beast had left him with. He had to trust that the others would finish the bastard off… But then again, he could still help… he just needed his weapon back. [color=bc8dbf]"Ugh… Where did you run off to…?"[/color]