[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center][hr] [color=lightblue]"Etro be damned, what now?!"[/color] Galahad grunted as the ship began to rock harshly. In a moment like this, Galahad was almost glad that he was pinned upright to the mast. Almost. He saw and felt Neve's healing light slowly filtering across the deck and took the opportunity to rip Valon's spear out of his shoulder. Blood spurted for but a moment before Neve's spell sealed it, soothing the wound and dulling the pain, though not completely. The mess happening around them was hardly a hopeful sight, but it was a far sight better than where they were a few moments ago. At the very least Valon and the remnants of his faux-dragoons were pulling back, though the Kirins still had a Siren in the water to deal with. In the chaos of the fighting, Galahad hadn't realized that Esben too had been sent overboard, but a quick glance to the side of the ship displayed the Kirins' current rescue efforts. Unorthodox was something of an understatement, as Izayoi had literally split the sea, sending the two flailing Kirins high into the air. Arton and Rudolf covered their allies, as Miina prepared spell and Robin used speed in an attempt to reach them before Eve and Esben fell back into the sea. Unfortunately, Galahad could already see the angle of her swing, she'd miss them by a mere foot or two. Ignoring the pain on his shoulder, Galahad sprinted for the side of the ship, his eyes darting between Robin, Eve, Esben and the Siren as he rushed a series of haphazard calculations in his mind. A long shot, but the best plan he could figure to keep everyone relatively alive and unscathed. Deck wood splintered and cracked as Galahad kicked off the deck, his body hurtling past Robin, and towards Eve and Esben. As he passed by the two falling Kirins, Galahad planted his foot on Esben's back, and kicked off of him, pushing the two into the swinging Robin's grasp, and him careening into the water. Armor and water hardly mixed, but as Izayoi's cut had removed some of the water from the equation, it allowed Galahad to crash into the water but an arm's length away from the inert Siren. On another day, at another time, Galahad might've considered what he was about to do to be disrespectful of the dead and dying- but with water threatening to fill the void and crush him beneath its weight, it was hardy the time to worry about that. Galahad muttered a short apology of sorts as he more or less climbed on top of the sinking body and used it as a surface to jump off of. Not nearly as good as solid ground, but infinitely better than trying to jump on water, Galahad got just enough air to avoid the crashing water, waves pulling at his feet as a dull [i]thunk[/i] was heard against the side of the ship. Embedding his halberd and dagger into the side of the ship, Galahad's shoulder radiated pain, as he used the two weapons to slowly climb his way back up to the ship's deck. Galahad rolled onto the deck with an ungainly thunk, perhaps less than graceful then expected of one of his station. It was times like these where he envied the Eve's ability to basically fly.