"Um," ummed Katherine Isabella Fluffybiscuits quite ummily, "Uh?" You can't really blame her for reacting this way. It's a lot to chew on! And basically no time at all to get her precious little mouth around the problem. Even as she leans on her axe trying to figure out what the situation demands of her, there's a loud bang behind her and the Servant still technically occupying the Saber slot in this little sunshard war goes flying backward with her shield already half worn down to splinters. One of Berserker's mini-walls forms under her feet to catch her and then shoots her back into the battle like a slingshot, but if this kind of combo attack's got a surprise factor to it that's only worth an extra minute given how badly Lancer's got them outmatched in her current form. Like, you can be brave and skillful and a proud, mighty warrior and it just doesn't do a whole lot of good when the enemy's holding their thumb over a big "I'mma beat you, specifically" button. Y'know? So Kat didn't need to stop and watch to know the fighting wasn't any better than a distraction. That distraction needed to be good for something more than just a bit of thinkin' done, or it'd be too late for her conclusion to do anybody much good at all. "First of all I do appreciate you bein' polite?" Nice one, Kat! They say that master negotiators always start off on a compliment. Leastways I'm pretty sure they say that. I say it 'cause I heard it from Sis and she read it in a book one time and I don't really understand why they'd bother writing it down if nobody says it? So yeah. Excellent instincts by our fluffy heroine here. Full points! "But, uh, no. I don't figure it's really in my best interests to try and kill a dragon who doesn't want to be killed," a lot of frantic nodding here from Opalis, "'specially when your super duper power up whatsit's s'posda be pointed at me???? Nuh uh, no thank you ma'am!" Ok Kat sweetie, we're getting a little bit whiny here. Also maybe don't wave the axe around to make your point? I get that it feels good but you're putting it dangerously close to your little dragon friend's right when you're in the middle of explaining how you [i]won't[/i] cut off her head? It sends a very muddy message, is my point. "It's not like we gave you nothing to work with, y'know? I've got a whole alliance thingy goin' here! It's mine and I set it all up myself and part of the promise of an alliance is that you don't stab any of your members to death unless they turn evil or into a zombie. And the thing is, for this alliance to work I kinda need you to do a lot more fighting and a lot less whining like... now? Right now? Or instead of an alliance you're gonna have no power [i]and[/i] no help. That doesn't seem like a very good position to me." Ooh ok, solid points all around. I dunno about you but I think she's on good pace to bring this one home. But you'd better hurry little biscuit, 'cause the chance your friend Miss Saber bought you is very quickly turning into mist, and while that's very refreshing on a hot summer day it's not what you need and not at all the kinda payment you can afford to take for such a brave warrior's sacrifice. Kat sighs and drops her axe completely. "Look. I know it isn't much, but we got you a three-vee-one here. All you've gotta do is be part of it, and then we'll figure out who owes who spankies and why this is all actually Cy's fault." "EXCUSE?!" "Shush you! I said we'll figure it out later! Right now Miss Rider needs to go and be a hero, ok? We'll pay for it with... um. Hrm. Ok. I have a... friend... that I can, well ok not [i]call[/i], someone kinda went and smashed my phone. But I can reach out to her, prolly, and even though I'd rather she not know anythin' about any of this, I'll fill her in so she can give you somethin' for your trouble. She makes a mean peanut butter and trout pastry I'll have you know! And she's pretty and she can do anything! Even kick your butt! But instead she'll make you that fishy buttercream that drives the local vixie population wild and if that's not the meaning of sacrifice I dunno what is. I'm not askin' you to go out and win by yourself but please. Just buy us an opportunity. We need you." Sometimes? Sometimes all you can do is be a good enough girl and open your eyes real wide and pathetic like, and hope that'll be enough. Sometimes that's more than you can even manage. But really, she'd already sold out all her other opportunities just to have this one. So if she can't sweetie her way through this... I think the planet might be doomed. But I can't just -- yeah, no. Fingers crossed here.