[b]Injimo![/b] "You're thinking about this too hard," said Injimo placidly, ignoring the destruction taking place behind her. "It's simple. Anyone could be a shapeshifted fox, any sense could be an illusion created by a malicious sorceress, any opponent might be an immortal with a plan centuries in the making. Asking questions is a waste of time. The only truth that can't be faked is the truth of the blade." She shifted her stance, arcing out wide, tracing the tip of her spear through a loop of electricity - and then pulling the entire web tighter. "To the victor, answers," she said, pulling the knot of the lightning thread tight around Eclair's tea-station. [b]Tsane![/b] Tsane loved her grandfather.(1) [hider=(1) BUT] WHY WAS HE NOT FIGHTING WITH HIS GODDAMN HEARTBLADE The Tsunami Trident was a good weapon. The slightest touch of it, even if parried, drenched the opponent head to toe in seawater - rendering them highly vulnerable to Princess Heron's electricity attacks. When Heron was present it was a fantastic one-two combination that allowed her to engage multiple opponents simultaneously, BUT WHEN SHE WASN'T HERE IT WAS JUST PRODUCING A LOT OF WET PLANT ZOMBIES. And one of the major features of wet plant zombies was that they WERE NOT FLAMMABLE. She had a dozen fire spells ready to go that could turn these stacks of kindling into bonfires and she kept having to bite them back. She knew what he'd say if she asked - Heron could arrive at any minute, and even if she didn't, Injimo could come back through the portal and finish the technique. Just be patient and keep the debuffs active. We're a team who mutually supports each other, don't be a selfish glory hound and try to do everything yourself. Because that role was already taken, [i]wasn't it![/i][/hider] "Do you think," she suggested to Cair, "you could go and get some sort of lightning grenade or scroll or something?" "Fresh out!" said Cair brightly. "Heron was carrying most of those, and those she wasn't got broken down for elemental essences." "How about ice?" sighed Tsane, rubbing her temples. "We can take advantage of all of these water effects with frost magic, right?" "Oh, for sure!" said Cair. "I've got an entire crate of blizzard staves back here. Heron fought an entire army of guys armed with them." "Then that'll have to be good enough. If we freeze enough of them we can stack them into a wall and that should buy time for Injimo to get back," said Tsane. "Which seems to be the only plan we're capable of following." "Hey," said Cair. "Maybe Heron comes back instead?" "She's not coming back," snapped Tsane. "Sure she is. She always comes back when things are getting dire. I've seen it a hundred times!" said Cair happily, pulling open the lid of a massive blue treasure chest to reveal a trove of sapphires and twisted ashwood. Enough to plunge the Stacks into a new ice age. [Overcome: [b]9[/b]]