[table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]INDIGO[color=2e2c2c].[/color]FEATHER[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dksreHJ.jpeg[/img][hr][i][sub]| The Living Challenger |[/sub] "Yes, it talks. Yes, it cuts diamond."[/i][hr][sup][b]ORIGINS & CREATIONS:[/b] | Created by “Kai” Zhu | [b]TYPE:[/b] | Sword | [b]LOCATION:[/b] | In possession of Kai Zhu | [b]NOTABLE OWNERS:[/b] | Kai Zhu | [b]ABSTRACTION-GRANTING:[/b] | No | [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]The Indigo Feather is a living, talking sword. It has the ability to see and talk despite having no eyes or mouth. It is imbued with one of Kai's foot soldiers, and specializes in cutting only the toughest or magically resistant of objects. The sword itself is made of iodoite, an ore found in the Gloam dimension. Iodoite has the unique property in that it absorbs and computes Lux incredibly fast, allowing artifacts to be made much faster than normal. The sword is black with a purple aura. When running a finger along the edge of the blade, it feels soft like a feather, hence its name. The blade is too soft and feathery to even leave a paper cut on a finger. A Midnight Soldier, a foot soldier specifically, is imbued in the sword. It's this minion that brings the sword to life. The minion, nicknamed Feefee, is a female minion who is notoriously lazy. She believes herself to be above most challengers, and so doesn't bother to become sharp for boring challenges. The more resistant a material, the more Feefee is interested in proving she is the superior cutter and slicer. She has cut diamond before, a fact she loves to brag about. Indigo Feather is useless against most soft materials, like human skin and sinews, wood, and metal. The harder, more cut-resistant, physically-resistant and magically-resistant a material or person, the more easily the Indigo Feather can cut it. [/cell][/row][/table]