[table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]VENUS[color=2e2c2c].[/color]SNAP[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/X092TMa.jpeg[/img][hr][i][sub]| A One-Way Ticket Out |[/sub] "For emergency use only."[/i][hr][sup][b]ORIGINS & CREATIONS:[/b] | Created by Lancy Zhu | [b]TYPE:[/b] | Pendant and chain with a twist-and-pull activated cap | [b]LOCATION:[/b] | Possessed by Valencia Vorpal and Demos Castles | [b]NOTABLE OWNERS:[/b] | Valencia Vorpal and Demos Castles | [b]ABSTRACTION-GRANTING:[/b] | No | [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]The Venus Snap pendants were commissioned by Valencia Vorpal as a couple's gift to her and Demos Castles. Each Pendant is made of glass with a silver cap and chain. Inside the glass chamber is a mix of miangloong powder (found in Gloam) and red flint (also found in Gloam.) The cap can be twisted and pulled, releasing a hammer that smacks the red flint, causing the kinetic energy and materials to react, activating the Lux coding within. Upon being struck, the materials flash a brilliant white light. Every living person within a five foot radius then disappears with the flash of light. The chemical reaction activates Lancy's coding, where the pendant takes all beings within its range to a location held in the wielder's mind. This is not similar to standard teleporting, where a wormhole or portal is created between two locations. It's actually small-scale reality warping, bringing the destination to the passengers. This ensures there are no portals to track, and makes the disappearance nigh impossible to track or determine where the passengers ended up. Due to this mild reality warping, there are consequences to those who use the Venus Snap's powers. Mild internal bleeding is a common side effect, as well as dizziness and disorientation upon arrival. [/cell][/row][/table]