[@AzureKnight][@Enkryption][@PaulHaynek][@The Irish Tree][@Rezod92] [@Crowvette] [color=ed145b][b]Skarsneek of the Red Hills[/b][/color] Skarsneek hummed as he watched the proceeding slightly from afar, a question waving in his head the whole time now that he actually paid attention. More so after the Mad Hatter screamed, he had grabbed his clubs unconsciously. Seeing the Mad Hatter move along side her face cracking and mushroom popping out, he watched her warily. [color=ed145b]"Right, anyone wants to explain further on who's Dinah?"[/color] He asked Liliana and Kerry, confused at the two mixup on names. [color=ed145b]"She's like...a twin of Alice or something? You said something about merging and ripping eyes out-?" [/color] Honestly, with how things escalated, it was hard to keep track. --- [color=f7941d][b]Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe.[/b][/color] Gringor on the other hand was busy with his things as he took the Iron Grinder Leader body, and hefted it over his shoulders while carrying his newly acquired shield. Walking towards the four raiju, he raised his axe in salute to them for acknowledgement. [color=f7941d]"All of you, gonna join fight? Then you follow Underboss Takeshi, or Shizuka. Or I crack yer 'eads in."[/color] He dictated, not even a request as it was an order. [color=f7941d]"If not, then do whatever you want."[/color] Feeling quite satisfied for today's brawl, they defeated the students, he gained a new shiny, and new lads joined their band. It was a good day. Yet, for a High Orc like him, it was never enough. There was always the next fight to look forward to. Moving back to the group, he hollered to them loudly. [color=f7941d]"Oy,good fight! When's the next one underboss?!"[/color]