[center][color=seagreen][h1]Drake[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/deMkjo0.png[/img] [color=greenyellow][b]Attire:[/b][/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/MzbZEo0.png]Black/Green Coat[/url], Black Dress Pants, and Black Shoes [color=greenyellow][b]Time:[/b][/color][color=seagreen] Morning of the 25th[/color] [color=greenyellow][b]Location:[/b][/color][color=seagreen] Edwards Estate[/color] [color=greenyellow][b]Mentions:[/b][/color][color=seagreen] Callum [@helo], Lorenzo [@FunnyGuy], Cassius [@PapaOso], Charlotte [@princess], and a very special guest.[/color][/color] [hr] Drake bowed his head solemnly. [color=greenyellow]”I’m sorry, I did not know…”[/color] He signals for a toast with the Prince before continuing [color=greenyellow]”We can’t always be perfect in life. We can only be our best. Terrible friendships in the past may yet be redeemed in the eyes of those who wish it to be so.”[/color] Drake clacked his drink against Callum’s, and swished it back before lightly clanking it on the bar. [color=greenyellow]”Don’t think on the phrasing too much - what I more or less mean is don’t damn yourself for an eternity over the finite time you’ve spent with them. What matters is you recognize the bad and wish to do good - that’s all we can ever really ask of ourselves.”[/color] Then came the talk of his sister. There was some overlap in his words versus how he would describe her - he often found her to be a joy in his life. He cared about her, so naturally he wanted to make sure whoever she would potentially be with felt the same. [color=greenyellow]“Not in the slightest. Just being a concerned older brother. Plus I know nothing I said or did would stop her from going after what she wants. All I can do is make sure she’s safe.”[/color] He waved for their drinks to be topped off. [color=greenyellow]“I’m sure you’ll come to see that in the weeks to come. Given how vested her interest is in you.”[/color] [color=greenyellow]“For what it’s worth. I don’t buy into all that social slack people seem to love to give you. I’ll let you words and actions speak for yourself - rather than the words of others.”[/color] It was shortly after this that Lorenzo had made the grand spectacle of presenting his own gifts. Drake had half a mind to tell him he didn’t have to present them so boisterously - but then he smiled. [color=greenyellow][i]What harm could there be in letting him have his fun?[/i][/color] Famous last words. The first gift was plenty fine - Drake actually unboxed the revolver right there, took a look at the firing pin under his thumb, and nodded approvingly. [color=greenyellow]“Cassius, my fellow. You know how to pick them. This looks to be…a model 1873? Very trusty work. I commend the smiths who forged the metals.”[/color] He carefully placed the weapon back in its box and turned to Lorenzo for the next one. And when he described its contents, the young lord’s face maintained its smile with mild skepticism. But once there was mention of a “love potion” and “rubbers”, Drake fought back the immediate urge to frown. [color=greenyellow]“My what a….creative gift good sir. Did you have to include those last two though? Seems a bit, well, private to mention such a sacred act in front of a gathering.”[/color] Nonetheless he took the box and stacked it on the other. Then came the final box. Drake’s immediate response was to swoon at the adorable beady eyes. [color=greenyellow]”Awww what precious critters they are! And twins, you say? Do they have names?”[/color] He carefully handled the furry noodles and let them get accustomed to his presence before carefully placing them back into their container. [color=greenyellow]”I suppose this year I am raising my own furry family of felines and weasels. Very exciting!”[/color] He sat the boxes down and with a resounding clap, he looked to the guests around, some inebriated and some already making their leave. Drake saw Wulfric take his leave and was a bit disappointed he couldn’t have a moment with his friend - but after all the embarrassment he weathered today, it might be best to let that die down before Wulfric had the chance to line up a light-hearted taunt or jest at his expense. [color=greenyellow]“Esteemed guests! Lords and Ladies! Dukes and Duchesses! I thank you humbly for your patience and presence on this fine day!”[/color] Drake begins his speech as he begins walking to the stage once more. [color=greenyellow]“At this hour, I will say it is officially time to wrap up the party and proceed to the final course. Should you need any other food or drink, I kindly ask you to request our help for [i]fresh[/i] options and partake to your heart's content. You all have been wonderful patrons tonight - and I do hope that you all enjoy the day. It may be my day of birth, but it is still young and ripe with opportunity! Seize the day and make it your own!”[/color] He gave one last bow - without falling - and made his way off the stage. From here he continued to converse with the nearby Callum, Cassius, Lorenzo, and Charlotte until they took their leave. He made sure each guest received a complimentary goodie bag* upon leaving, as well as a proper farewell from the birthday boy himself. Once the party was cleared out, and the help seemed on their way to cleaning up, he made arrangements for his study to be partially converted into a bestiary for his new family members. [color=greenyellow]“Sebastian, my good man. Fetch me a bottle of our finest red please. And two glasses.”[/color] Drake asked his trusty manservant. The young man ran off and fetched a 10-year vintage and two fancy glasses for the lord, who nodded appreciatively before sending him away. He picked up the glasses and placed them on his bedside table, sitting on the edge of his bed and sighing as he poured the two glasses full of red wine. [color=greenyellow]“If only you could have been here. That would’ve been the best birthday gift of all..”[/color] He reached for the glass and began to sip as he heard a knock at the door. He continued sipping while approaching the door. [color=greenyellow]”Comiiing.”[/color] He said in a slightly dreary tone before taking another quick sip. As he opened the door however, he felt himself nearly choke on his drink. For right in front of him was a woman clad in a beautiful green gown, her long blonde hair tied up in just the perfect blend of careful attention and mild messiness. Her two distinctly colored eyes that reminded Drake of the earth and sky all in one beautiful woman. His mouth opened slightly, his jaw hanging as she began to blush. The woman fidgeted slightly, her hands and arms behind her back as she looked up at Drake through her lashes and shyly spoke. [color=035E7B]”A-am I too late?”[/color] [/center] *Goodie bags contain various generic goods. Some herbal oils, greeting cards, small chocolates, as well as any particular trinket or item your specific character may be interested in receiving. PM me for details.