"Little fox, please," said Rider, holding up her hand. "I never needed convincing that this was all Cyanis' fault -" "I DIDN'T REALIZE THIS WAS CASTLE MEAN TO ME" "- you don't need to give me the hard sell," said Rider. She flicked her wrists, revealing her long-fingernailed hands from her silken sleeves. She had a hand grenade in each. "I just needed a moment to vent. This has been a [i]very [/i]frustrating war for me." She bit the pin in first the left grenade, pulled, and spat it out - then she did the right. "I'd prefer to fight with cruise missiles and the fury of revenge," said Rider. "But if I must make do with small arms and the power of friendship, then such is life." And with that, she flipped backwards off the balcony. At the apex of her arc she dropped the grenades, and by the time she'd completed her flip she had drawn a pair of assault rifles from those same sleeves and was blazing away guns akimbo. She landed delicately on tiptoes in front of Julia, who was sheltering behind her cloak, and delivered a kick with the kind of recoil you normally only got with wire-fu. And as amazing as that fight would be to watch, Berserker is there in the next moment, grabbing Katherine by one wrist and dragging Saber with the other, and determinedly hauling both towards the door. There's no reasoning with her - other Berserkers are marked by an endless approach towards enemy, this particular one is characterized by an instinct to withdraw that is just as relentless. On the hill ahead was already forming another brand-new castle, wrenching itself up out of the earth. It was just as new, distinct and unique as every castle she'd previously summoned. How many did she [i]have[/i]?