[b][h2][CENTER]MATSURU YAOYOROZU[/CENTER][/h2][/b] [i]"Dreams Fleeting vestiges Futile delusions from the eyes of gods eternal"[/i] 'Was I dreaming? No, I'm sinking... Floating?' Matsuru felt incorporeal. His mind was hazy, like a fog overtaking a mountain village. In a strange sense he felt at peace. He was dying. Or dead. Or both? Nothing seemed to matter to him. And for once, the Observant Hero's mind fell silent amidst the lapping waves of blissful slumber. ... Wait, waves? He awoke in a jolt, gasping for breath as if he was submerged underwater. When his head broke the surface of the ocean, all he could see was paradise. A beach on an abandoned island, ripe with life. He struggled to get onto shore. When he did he collapsed onto the sandy beach, turning onto his back and catching his breath. After a few minutes, he chuckled. He didn't know what was funny, it all just seemed so strange. Stranger, though, was the fact that he couldn't use any of his quirks. Not only the quirks he copied, but his Judgement Gaze as well did not want to work. "Strange." he muddled to himself. He walked over to a tree and leaned on its trunk. Feeling the brush of the wind on his face and the sway of the coconuts above filled him with an idyllic comfort. Like all the woes and worries of the battle were being washed away by the gentle rhythm of mother nature... 'The battle? What battle? Wait... I was fighting- [b]KEYARU![/b]' Matsuru practically jumped when the realization of everything that happened came back to him. He was at the cafe, he fought Slap, and... Keyaru came... What happened after? He looked down to his hands and legs, feeling something eerie. "Why does this feel... wrong." A quick glance around didn't reveal anything unordinary. After he recollected, Matsuru summarized all that has happened. "I died... Or at least I think I did. My arm and leg shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here... But where exactly is [i]here[/i]?" He was at a loss. He doesn't know where he is, how he got here, or what happened after he lost consciousness. "Only thing I can do is wait, I guess." Matsuru looked back to the tree he was leaning on minutes ago, as if expecting it too answer all his questions. "No chance you're a wise, mystical tree?" His half-given attempt at humor didn't illicit any laughter from the plants, but it sure did make him feel a little better. [i][color=skyblue]"Darling, overcome your fear this time."[/color][/i] A whisper, so soft it could be mistaken for the sea foam, whisp'd over Matsuru. In a fraction of an instant, his senses sharpened. He looked back out to the ocean, now becoming more and more turbulent. Waves the size of a man started for form and crash into the sand. "Ri-?" He was cut off. A child's chuckle interrupted him. Started, he looked back. There were... three kids? 'No, that couldn't be.' Matsuru thought to himself, 'I would've known if there were other people here...' He slowly approached the three children. They were... playing with some toys on the beach. They seemed completely enthralled in their activities, so much so they didn't react to Matsuru as he got closer. One kid had rime-frost blue hair, her eyes sparkled like snowflakes. One boy had curly auburn hair, and held an aura of mischievousness to him. And the other boy had lighter blue hair, with a twinkle of perfection in everything he did. Matsuru knew these kids... Wait he knew exactly what was happening. It was years ago, when he was little. His childhood friends came over that day to play with Matsuru. It was the first time they ever went to his house... He looked back on those memories very fondly. But memories don't sprout out of your brain and take shape in front of you. "... Fuck me, I know where I am." It was like in the old books Matsuru used to read. A detective, stumped in his investigation, gets a "Eurika!" moment. This was his mindscape... It was Harpy's quirk! Practically forgetting about the vision in front of him, he started cackling like a madman. "Snow Resplendence!! Matsuru, you idiot, how could you not think of that!" He yells in pity and excitement. He wasn't dead. He can still fight! He can still- "If you go out there, you might die again?" A voice spoke up behind him. He turned back around to see the kid with blue hair speaking to him. The kid's eyes began to glow purple. Matsuru chuckled a little and knelt down to get to his younger self's height. "I know." "Your body subconsciously copied Clap's regenerative quirk, Yusuke probably had something to do with it." "I know this." "But even so, It won't be enough to save you again. If you go and fight again, you may truly die." "I know, mini me. But even so, I have to go out." A large wave formed in the horizon. It was tens of feet tall, practically a tsunami. Neither Matsuru or his younger self gave it any thought. The little one spoke up again. "Even though dad tortured us to become a hero... you still do it? Wouldn't that make you wanna stop helping?" Matsuru gave it some thought. He could feel the direction of the wind changing. "It almost did. He melded me into his ideal image so well that I forgot what identity was." "Than why do you still go out and fight?" The wave was seconds from hitting the shore. But that question resonated strongly in Matsuru's mind. Why does he still go out to fight? The answer was simple, really. "If you ever saw the Class, I'm sure you'd want to save them as well." The wave engulfed the entire island, dragging everything into the murky depths ~~~ Matsuru practically bounded off the floor. Even though it was all in a fraction of a second, his Judgement Gaze allowed him to see everything. There was a meteor above, and Keyaru below. The other students were either fighting the monster of man or attempting to delay the meteor. His body move instinctually. He activated Rin's Quirk, Ice Manipulation. He willed a snowstorm to encompass the entire meteor. If he can have the ice infiltrate the cracks within the rock, the other student's will have an easier time breaking it apart. "Weaken the structure, and blow it apart." He mumbled to himself The sky above him was frigid. Compared to the heat coming off the ground battle, Matsuru left the sky above a freezing temperature. Even now his muscles were screaming in exhaustion. But he knew he had to keep going. Forcing his Regeneration into overdrive to heal his body, He began plummoting back to the ground. "Look to the sky, Hero's!" Matsuru yelled out. "Keyaru's meteor is weak, and he is beginning to waver! Victory is close at hand!! Do not waver now, keep pushing!" He remembers in fantasy novels that the hero will sometimes give a rally cry in the midst of a battle to bolster his soldiers. Matsuru, by no means, thinks himself the protagonist. But, in truth, it felt right in the moment. Surely he'll look back on this moment and cringe. If they all make it out alive.