[center][h2][color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi Hasegawa[/color][/h2] Lvl 8 [color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi[/color] (7/80) +4 Collab XP -> (12/80) (+1 Pending) [b]Word Count:[/b]473 words [/center] With Sandalphon having gone to greet the arrivals from Mafia Town, faring better with some food and caffeine in her, Zenkichi headed over to his and Akane's bunk in the living quarters and popped in with a quick knock on the bulkhead. [color=BFBFBF]"Hey, Akane."[/color] He greeted before stepping into their shared living space. He gave her a small wave, sitting down on his own bunk and stretching his legs. [color=BFBFBF]"Oooohhhhh man does it feel nice to get off my feet. Fighting giant monsters is tough work."[/color] Turning to Akane, he gestured for her to speak. [color=BFBFBF]"How've things been up here the last few days?"[/color] He asked. Akane, still not [i]entirely[/i] used to speaking casually with her father, shrugged. "They've been okay, I guess. Sandalphon-san has been really patient with me, explaining things about her world and this place. A world of magic and dragons and angels sounds really cool. Though air conditioning is nice, too..." She muttered the last part, getting a laugh from Zenkichi. "I'm...worried about going home, dad." She sighed, shaking her head. "I mean, I wanna go home, but...what happens to everybody if we do? The Lost Numbers, who only exist here, all the friends we make...they don't deserve to disappear." The look on his daughter's face gave Zenkichi the impression that she'd been thinking about it a lot. [color=BFBFBF]"I wish I knew, Akane...but so far it looks like the people who knew the most about this place cracked under the pressure and became mass murderers to keep it running, so...I'm kind of scared to know more than I do already."[/color] He let out a sigh and shrugged. [color=BFBFBF]"Though, that's not really something I have a choice in if I'm gonna keep helping out here. We gotta learn more eventually if we wanna take out Galeem. I just hope things don't blow up in our faces..."[/color] That didn't seem to help Akane's mood, but she did force a small smile. "Thanks for at least being honest with me, even if it was hard." She sighed herself, slumping a little. "Galeem's a big jerk." She pouted, prompting a chuckle from Zenkichi. [color=BFBFBF]"Yeah, that he is, kiddo. It's kinda why we're trying so hard to undo all this, ya know?"[/color] Zenkichi joked back, leaning back to stretch his back out. [color=BFBFBF]"I'm gonna kick my feet up for a bit, then after we pick up everybody from Mafia Town, Sandalphon wants to go get checked out by the onboard doctor. Gonna go with to make sure she's alright. She's been feeling a little overwhelmed lately. In the meantime, wanna play a game or something?"[/color] Akane shrugged, hopping off her bunk and nodding. "Sure. How about some Janken Po?" Akane's face turned a little devious, and Zenkichi gulped. [i]Oh no, she's gonna kick my ass.[/i]