[center][color=#FFFF33] [h1][b]D'angelo Schultz[/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/YS4d1M0Z/D-angelo-plus.png [/img] [/center] [@Lunarlord34] Akemi [@twave] Ariel [@zarkun] Aylin Blackreach [hr] Following along from the rear, mostly to know which car they would be staying in to keep track of in case something was to happen. Taking this opportunity to get a good look of the train's interior; admiring the decor and so as his clouds made train use unnecessary. It wasn't long before they arrived and already he could see Akemi trying to befriend the young lady. Pleasant to see as he glanced around the car, taking in a quick look around, until Lady Aylin looked in his direction. "[color=#FFFF33] Hey! By the way, miss, the name's D'angelo. I'm mostly just here for observin so don't mind me. I will be putting up a backup in case of an emergency. Should form in a few minutes, if anything bad should happen, just give it a little whack and poomf![/color]" Miming an expansion with his hands." [color=#FFFF33]Hope everyone has a safe and fun ride![/color]" A double thumbs up before moving to prep. Whistling and bouncing atop nimbus while gently whipping up a handful from the golden cloud, where he worked and shaped it into a puffy golden snowball."[color=#FFFF33] Pitcher winding up and...[/color]" With a fair number wind up of his arms, the chubby male chucked the ball upward, having it land on the ceiling near the car's center with a faint and gentle squish where it then settled and took root to start growing with each passing second exposed to the air, like a plant forming small tendrils; thin, waspy golden smokey trail slithered to both sides of the train. Over the next few minutes, at the center base, it would sprout into a softball-sized puffy yellow orb hanging partially down like a wobbly chandelier, enough for most to reach with little trouble. (while certain shorter individuals may find requiring need of jumping to reach) With that done, D'angelo drifted off with a departing wave back out and towards the front of the train; drawing up to the side until he was leveled with it. A wave of the hands to have a waft of white cloud form and be shaped into a helmet then draped over his head, finishing with a whispy cloudy scarf." [color=fff200]Can't forget about safety...Oops![/color]" A slap of the head forehead, nearly forgetting as he reached into his cloudy companion to pull out a pair of goggles."[color=#FFFF33] Phew, don't want to go losing an eye to some bird out jayflying or anything.[/color]" Shaking his head at such possible humiliation before even on an actual job. With a snap and a small ow, goggles were on. Not to mention a bad look for a first not-job job to boot. " [color=#FFFF33]Ok, this is it Nimbus. Just remember this, winning isn't the goal so just do your best and see how we fare to the epic power and might of science![/color]" HIs arms out wide in amazed wonder towards the massive mechanical beast; a hiss of steam almost as if in acknowledgment of the strange human's challenge."[color=#FFFF33]This is so cool isn't it, nimbus? Getting to not only see beasts and meet new people, but new mechanical wonders of all sorts too, all of it just waiting for us to see..and it all begins officially down this track![/color]" HIs body bounced giddily in place laughing with elation. Soon hearing the train gearing up to set off, the pudgy young adult shifted into a sitting position, moving his hands to click in place a seatbelt to better hold him down." [color=#FFFF33] Let's show everyone what you can do and most of all..a good time![/color]"