[center][h1][color=lightblue]Kalina Kovalic[/color][/h1][/center] [color=lightblue]"He stopped being mission-critical the second I confirmed he was actually dealing to the imperials on the side."[/color] Was all she said to Gerard before picking the body up and sauntering over towards the RV. Kalina watched dispassionately as Ivan's corpse burned with his RV, as per Gerard's suggestion and courtesy of a Fira spell from herself. Well. That was one annoyance in her life dealt with for good. Time to move on. She extinguished the flames with a wave of her hand once everything within had been turned to cinders and turned away, rejoining the others. She arrived just in time to catch most of the discussion regarding the princess, and simply shrugged. [color=lightblue]"I'm with Justice. Don't want an enemy royal on our hands for any longer than we have to. Let the spooks deal with this. None of the rest matters."[/color] Kalina gestured vaguely in Collette's direction, continuing to not treat her like a person. She still had no intention of making nice with the princess. Vangar was the enemy. Hell, the world's enemy. The number of bombed-out, conquered nations she'd traversed through her childhood made that more than evident. Better to just shatter their leadership and society and be done with it. Let them get a taste of what they'd did to every country between Vangar and Rassvet. This, of course, was something the rest of the squad knew perfectly well about Kalina, having dealt with her opinion on it enough over the years. [color=lightblue]"Hm?"[/color] She tilted her head at Justice's last few words, mildly confused. [color=lightblue]"There's something to talk about? Think the whole thing is more or less cleaned up, boss."[/color]