[h2][center][color=crimson]Edelgard von Hresvelg[/color][/center][/h2] [center]Skyworld - The Last Nephilim Fight[/center] [center]Level 2 [color=crimson]Edelgard[/color] (1/20) +8 Collab XP -> (10/20)[/center] [center]Word count: 619 words [/center] Uriel and Lady Palutena's plan was absurd, reckless, and utter genius. To destroy the endless loop that this abominable carriage rode upon eternally and use it to destroy the Corruption at its source! It was, also, however, a plan that relied on her and these Seekers escaping the train [i]intact[/i], a feat made much more difficult by the fact that she could not fly. Still, when the call came from Lady Palutena, moments after a titanic explosion sounded ahead of the train, Edelgard used everything she had to run towards an exit. It was a shame she was so slow. She followed Midna and Edward, even as their allies barrelled past her, the Emperor's armor wearing her down. Even with her prodigious strength, she could not keep up. She felt her stomach drop as the train entered freefall, and she lost her footing an instant before a hand reached out to her, then another, and she desperately reached out for them as Absalom raged below. The Feathershields pulled Edelgard from the carriage seconds before it crashed, their Lieutenant gasping for breath as fear for her fate gripped her. [color=crimson]"This [i]damned, infernal machine!"[/i][/color] She cried, sickening hatred tinging her words. [color=crimson]"It is a blessing upon this world that we have destroyed it."[/color] As the angels lowered her into the crystal fields where the others had gathered after the Infernal Train's fall. She watched the wreckage with disdainful eyes, her breaths slowing as she calmed and a Featherstaff healed her wounds. And then Absalom's arm burst free from the wreckage, and the Source of Corrpution showed its horrific face once more. Damnable lout. Still, it was her job to destroy Lady Palutena's enemies, and she took a step forwards as Aymr appeared, halting only as her Lady herself spoke out against Absalom. As something immense, and more unsettling, unseen, flew overhead, she frowned. [color=crimson]"And what [i]now?[/i]"[/color] When the Hellpod crashed into the crystal fields, Edelgard's hackles raised. The new combatant that emerged from the pod wasn't somebody she recognized, though Midna seemed to. That was enough for her, and Edelgard charged. As Edward's command galvanized the heavenly host into action, Edelgard's own roaring advance heralded Ortho's return to the fray, and the angelic griffon slammed into Absalom like a missile, raking his claws across the demon's face and biting at his chest. Dante capitalized on the distraction, slamming his multi-elemental nunchucks into Absalom's face before kicking off him with a flip. Ortho leapt off, lifting himself into the air with powerful wingbeats as Absalom recovered, and Edelgard finally reached him. A fireball to the back caught Absalom as he reached out for Dante, and Aymr slammed into the back of his leg. [color=crimson]"Palutena's might fall upon you, beast!"[/color] The Empress roared as she unleashed Flickering Flower, following up immediately with a shield bash before carving her ax into the Source of Corruption. If she could keep him down, somebody else could go for the head. While her allies' maneuverability was impressive, her own power and bulk was nothing to overlook. Even when Absalom rose and punted Edelgard to send her away, the Empress merely took it on the shield and stared up derisively at him. [color=crimson]"Not good enough."[/color] [i][b]"You pathetic WRETCH!!!"[/b][/i] Absalom roared, the Nephilim grabbing Edelgard in one hand and lifting her up into the air as his tentacles reached around him to latch onto her. "I will relish the look on your friends' faces as they are forced to strike you down." Even as Corruption creeped across her armor, threatening to take her, Edelgard stared Absalom in the face. [color=crimson]"Made you...look."[/color] She smirked, pained from the crushing force.