[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ziR5Pse.png[/img] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 14 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](166/140) [b][color=Aqua]Rika: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aqua]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]/////////////////////////(85/100) [color=D34C25][b]Primrose[/b] [u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 165/110[/color] [color=BC8DBF][b]Therion[/b] [u]Level[/u]: [b]10[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 92/100[/color] [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] The Avenger [hider=warp locations] [s] Central hub: Smash City Alcamoth Accessible locations: Peach’s castle Limsa Lominscuttle Town Lumbridge Twilight Town Kosm’s Beach [/s] [/hider] Word Count: 2385 (+3 exp) [/center] The rest of the hour before the Avenger arrived was a big mix of hurry up and wait, as those at the rendezvous point sat around with the mild worry that the others would not show up on time for the deadline they were not aware of. Fortunately things in town were wrapped up, and the whole balloon debacle caused enough urgency that said worries were rather unfounded. As such, it was up up and away for the seekers for another, much faster, balloon ride, up to the sky to then be grabbed by the Avenger, within who’s deployment bay the Seekers were deposited, be they conscious or unconscious. Be it thanks to youth or inhuman vigor, Rika and Jr were up and at em quick as can be, and they had only one thing in mind to do now they were back. They scurried over to where Sandalphon was, and once she’d gotten through her into spiel, and Nadia had made her suggestion (to which Rika added [color=Aqua]”It’s called unsinkable, so that might be tricky”[/color] without a hint of irony) they got their turn to ask the all important question: [color=SpringGreen]”Have you heard anything about Papa yet? Or Peach or Kamek?”[/color] The archangel lowered her head with a mournful look about her, then gingerly knelt down to place herself on Junior's level, the shaft of her gunstaff still supporting much of her weight. "I regret to inform you that we have been unable to locate Bowser, Kamek, or the new Consul P so far. High-altitude surface scans lack the necessary precision, and given the vastness of this continent, there is simply too much ground to cover. No insights from Mona's divination either, I'm afraid." She breathed in through her nose, then pursed her lips with a resigned exhalation. If the Seekers knew more about the Consuls' distribution across the World of Light, they could narrow the search down based on the patterns they'd observed, but they were still in the dark on entire regions. "The Lost Numbers' principal directive is the safekeeping of its people, so the scope of our deployment is limited, but our operatives remain vigilant. I believe that fate will reunite your family again soon." Across the room there was actually a reunion taking place. Goldlewis and Primrose stood in the deployment bay waiting to greet the returning Seekers. Notably the dancer was a little more vocal in greeting her thief friends. Once people shook off the vertigo of the fulton extraction and began filtering out of the room, Primrose and Therion stuck around for a little catching up. [color=D34C25]"Things went will, I trust?"[/color] Primrose started with. She stood with one hand on her hip, her eyes curious. She had always asked after Therion's less-than-legal activities since they'd known each other. At first Therion had been annoyed and confused by it, but eventually he figured that it was some weird way for her to express that she didn't have any issues with his profession. And now it was just habit. It was also habit by now that he showed off, so he lifted the sack of pons up for her to get a better look at. [color=BC8DBF]"Do you think the Lost Numbers take donations?"[/color] Therion wasn't the 'give to the poor' type of thief, but if they were going to keep clothing, feeding, and housing them during the campaign it was one way to pay them back. This ship had to stop sometimes to get food and supplies, didn't it? So maybe they could use the extra pons to buy stuff. At the very least it would free Therion of the hassle of exchanging it for leaves or zenny. Their discussion was quiet and fast paced, shifting to the general areas they'd spent time in ([color=D34C25]"-quite the fetching city. You would like it-"[/color] [color=BC8DBF]"-small little island with some pretend gang-"[/color]) to the new additions joining them ([color=BC8DBF]"-sharp eyed mercenary someone'll have to take care of-"[/color] [color=D34C25]"-a bug like those in the Under, and woman with dark arts-"[/color]) to the attacks both locations had faced at the tail end of their stay ([color=D34C25]"-a trio of giant monsters-"[/color] [color=BC8DBF]"-sounds easier than a hundred half naked grapplers-"[/color]). It occurred to both of them that the near simultaneous attacks seemed suspicious, but there wasn't anything that could be done about it. By that time, they noted Sandalphon's departure after delivering the lack of news to Rika and Junior, and the disappointment on both of their faces. [color=D34C25]"What about those two?"[/color] Therion glanced over at the kids. He parsed Primrose's meaning - how were they holding up since Bowser's disappearance? The news had come as a shock to everyone when it was delivered. And though Therion wasn't great with kids... or people in general really, even he could tell that they had been struggling. [color=BC8DBF]"About as well as you'd think,"[/color] he said. They'd just lost their father and guardian after all. [color=D34C25]"..."[/color] It was hard seeing the Koopa kids' crestfallen faces when they'd asked after their missing loved ones. Primrose intimately knew the pain of losing a parent, so she knew it was even harder on them not to hear anything. If there was any silver lining it was that Bowser and Kamek were just gone for now, and not for good. [color=D34C25]"We should check in on them,"[/color] Primrose said, earning her a sideways look from her friend. [color=BC8DBF]"We?"[/color] he asked. [i]Someone[/i] probably should (in fact there should probably be some kind of counselor for most of the team), but besides fighting together through the Under and giving them some heist advice in Mafia Town, he didn't really have a ton of rapport with the kids. Primrose even less so, he figured, so he was surprised that she seemed to want to do it. Sure he felt for them, but being a couple of orphans didn't really qualify them to help someone else through (almost) the same thing, in his opinion. [color=BC8DBF]"I don't know."[/color] Primrose tipped her head. She understood Therion's hesitation and wasn't going to press him. After another brief exchange of words, the dancer walked over to Rika and Bowser Jr. [color=D34C25]"Good evening you two."[/color] Rika blinked, having seemingly not really been paying attention to anything, and replied with an [color=Aqua]”Oh. Hello?”[/color] and a little wave from down where she was sitting on the floor, using the one hand that her brother had gotten free from her gauntlets to do so. Said brother meanwhile just gave a half hearted grunt of a greeting, focusing more or less entirely on strapping the oversized mechanical hand to his sister's back, before moving on to help her get free from the other one as well. Rika glanced back at him to see if that would be all he’d be offering, and then, after a moment, asked [color=Aqua]”Do you… need something?”[/color] her in a curious tone, as if she was unsure why Primorse was talking to them at all. They hadn’t exactly interacted very much otherwise after all. [color=D34C25]"Not exactly. I just wanted to see how you both are faring,"[/color] the dancer said. She was far from a therapist, but she'd done plenty of listening during her life. If she'd chosen to put on a front, no one would be able to tell she wasn't practiced at this... but spoke to them as herself, her voice a little stilted as she tried to pick the best words. [color=D34C25]"I know its hard with Bowser and Kamek being away from us right now, and I wasn't sure if you'd... had a chance to air things out."[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”We’re fine”[/color] Jr insisted, only for Rika to ask [color=Aqua]”We are?”[/color] seeming genuinely confused by this statement. [color=SpringGreen]”We are. Papa will be fine, and back soon. He always is. It's always fine. Nothing and no one can take him down for good, so there’s nothing to worry about”[/color] Jr insisted, as if he could will this to be true purely by stating this was the case enough times [color=SpringGreen]”Even Sandalphon said so and she sounds like she knows things and stuff”[/color] [color=Aqua]”I mean you say that, but I still feel all... I dunno. Just… bad”[/color] Rika replied, seeming to not really be able to articulate her feelings at all. Primrose agreed that the Koopa King and his advisor would return at some point, but she didn't voice it aloud. Instead she just listened, noting both Junior and Rika's reactions. The former was stubborn, frustrated, while the latter was more open with her newfound feelings. She struggled to give voice to them. Though Primrose still didn't quite understand Rika's circumstances, treating her more or less like a child along with her adoptive brother, she could still emphasize with her. Unlike Sandalphon, Primrose didn't crouch to address them. She stood tall, crossing her arms over her chest. [color=D34C25]"That's normal,"[/color] she said. [color=D34C25]"It [i]is[/i] bad. It's alright to admit that."[/color] She lowered her voice then, so that only the three of them would be able to hear her. [color=D34C25]"And it hurts, doesn't it? The truth is, while they're away from you it won't stop hurting."[/color] She then tried for a small smile. [color=D34C25]"But there are some ways to feel a little better in the meantime."[/color] [color=Aqua]”It is?”[/color] Rika asked, in a strange mix of relief and dismay at this news, the oddness of it further compounded by her making a sound of frustration and disappointment before saying that [color=Aqua]”this didn’t have a downside before”[/color] Jr just grumbled non-commitly in response to all that as he finished up strapping Rika’s other gauntlet to her back, once again freeing her up to do things that weren't violence. She gave him a [color=Aqua]”thanks”[/color] for this as she stood up and joined Primrose on her level (or at least closer to it than jr was) before asking [color=Aqua]”So what can we do?”[/color] [color=D34C25]"Different things work for different people, so you may have to try a few things, but..."[/color] Primrose let out a soft hum, calling up old memories long buried. Her father's words to her in the wake of her mother's passing, and the desperate advice her housekeepers had tried to give her before she left the manse following her father's death. [color=D34C25]"You'll have to let yourself feel those bad feelings in order to work through them. Don't run away from them, accept them. And let people help you."[/color] Out of the two of them, Primrose felt that Junior would have the roughest time of that. Though she also felt like a bit of a hypocrite reciting these suggestions. She hadn't followed most of them. So she added in a few others; things she'd learned for herself or witnessed others doing. [color=D34C25]"Give yourselves some goals. Not big ones, like what we're doing to stop Galeem. Small ones you can focus on..."[/color] she shifted one shoulder, coming up with some vague options that might appeal to either one of them. [color=D34C25]"Like learning something, or building something new."[/color] Having a clear goal in mind definitely helped alleviate some of the suffocating pressure of loss, every little bit of progress a helpful distraction. Primrose herself was still working on her own goal, so close and yet farther away than ever now. She closed her eyes for a moment before giving one final piece of advice. [color=D34C25]"And if it feels like your chest is full and tight, like everything's building up too much and you need to release the pressure... well, you could do it literally. Scream everything out."[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”We’ve been doing that. We rebuilt Rika’s gauntlets and then have been learning how to fight together better to cover for Papa not being here to carry the team”[/color] Jr replied with an eye roll, but Rika did have a point when she said that [color=Aqua]”I mean we were training and doing the fish stealing stuff. And before that we were doing all that tinkering in our room for a few days, but what are we gonna do now?”[/color] Jr scratched behind a horn and then said [color=SpringGreen]”Well I think I learned some stuff from that training, so i could give em another look”[/color] but again Rika had a counterpoint, which was [color=Aqua]”Could we, ah, maybe not? For very long anyway. I didn’t really get to do much while you were working on all that tech stuff. Mafia town was better. Way way better”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”I… Oh…”[/color] Jr replied hesitantly, visibly worried for a moment before he snapped [color=SpringGreen]”you should have said it was bad then!”[/color] and then looked like he regretted the sharpness of his tone immediately afterwards. Fortunately Rika simply answered matter-of-factly with [color=Aqua]”Well I mean I didn’t know it would be better because we hadn’t done it yet. But now we have and do stuff so…”[/color] and a shrug, before adding [color=Aqua]”Oh, also we didn’t know about the screaming thing, maybe we can try that”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”Uh, I guess”[/color] her brother began, before immediately jumping in and adding [color=SpringGreen]”but not here though”[/color] as Rika started to inhale deeply, resulting in her letting the breath out in a little [color=Aqua]”Aw”[/color] [color=D34C25]"Maybe try the training room,"[/color] Primrose suggested for the screaming, amusement playing on her features. She moved to give Rika and Junior a wider berth in case they were to leave, placing her hands on her hips, as she was just about done with the impromptu wellness check. Honestly, it seemed like the two of them would be fine - so long as they stuck together. [color=SpringGreen]”Huh. Yeah. Guess that’d work?”[/color] Jr replied to the suggestion, picking up his duffle bag, seeming ready to head out. [color=Aqua]”Neat. Then let’s do that then”[/color] his sister replied, having a goal to strive for did indeed seem to have very much helped out the little lady, and soon enough they were on their way… Only for Rika to poke her head back in a moment later to say [color=Aqua]”Oh, and thank you”[/color] The dancer nodded at Rika and gave her a little wave with her fingers as the duo left. She waited another moment before exiting the room herself. She went in the direction of the living quarters, though she wasn't too surprised to find Therion waiting nearby. His ears stood upright on his head, clearly having listened in on the whole conversation. He didn't look caught out though, just glanced at Primrose and accompanied her down the hall.