[hr][CENTER][img]https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc8kzzg7.jpg [/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=SILVER][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]The Beach - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=SILVER][b]Human #5.14:[/b][/COLOR] [I]How Does It Feel[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][color=SILVER][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]-[sub]-[/sub] [/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=SILVER][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]White Rabbit [/I][/right][/SUP] [/INDENT] [color=dimgray][INDENT] The ring. Cleo looked at it as it briefly changed hands, glinting in the firelight, and then to Lucas at her side. Nudging him lightly at his elbow. [i]We need it,[/i] she thought to herself, willing the thought, the image of it to Lucas. If he could touch it… Who knew what secrets bound within the band might come undone from it. [i]No.[/i] She thought, drawing her gaze back to the fire, closing her eyes quickly, clamping them shut, Her hands pressed into the sand, knuckles whitening as the tension built, rising like a storm, fast and violent. The grief, the anger - all of it, a circle that swirled and moved, heaved and tore at her. Her jaw clenched and she twitched at her neck. Defenses crumbling against it, each raised voice a knife in the dark that pierced at her walls. [sub][color=FCE205]“I’m going to find Alyssa. She sent that thing away, and condemned Amma to whatever Hell with it. She’s going to tell me what she did, and then she’s going to send me there too. Or I’ll find my own way. Or I’ll die trying. Or all damn three!”[/color][/sub] [sub][right][color=FE650D]”But don’t storm the gates of Hell alone, because I...”[/color][/right] [right][color=FCE205]”“Now? I’m one of the team, now?”[/color][/right][/sub] Words ebbed in and out in her focus to keep it all away. [color=#94b9ff]“Stop,”[/color] she whispered through gritted teeth. Gil’s simmering rage met her where she sat, his grief stroked at her own and sparked a feeling that was going to act of its own. Her skin shimmered a dull red aura as a low hum of rage vibrated beneath her skin. Her mind reached, scraping for calm, for stillness, for beauty But everything was stained, with the touch of the nothingness that she had gazed upon on the night of the dance. [color=#94b9ff]“Stop,”[/color] she repeated, only slightly louder, bringing a hand to the side of her face as an ache came over her - pounding against her skull. [color=#94b9ff]"Not now..."[/color] she whispered again, a plea to herself. Her focus faltered, unwillingly drawn back into the conversation, the storm of voices swirling around her. [sub][color=#04cf3a]"The only justice, Kruger, is that you're alone. Hyperion and his children are dead and gone. There's no more Pacific Royal, no more Blackjack. You've burned everything to the ground. No one loves you."[/color][/sub] That did it. [/INDENT][/COLOR]