[center][h2][color=d7d7d7]Roland[/color][/h2] And [h2][color=ef6069]Grimm[/color][/h2] Level 6 Roland (21/60) Location: Avenger Word Count: 1886 [/center] Well, Roland saw that the engineers could take care of themselves, and watching the relative comedy unfold in front of him with the seemingly chipper Poppi suddenly becoming distant as the witch introduced herself in a very distant manner and Tora being a bit of a jokester himself. Maybe they could make this, emotionally distant and possibly tortured person open up a bit with their antics? Either way, they semed to have everything under control so Roland decided to make his way out of the room and head to the mess hall to grab a snack. On the eve of a major operation, just about all non-essential personnel aboard the Avenger had already retired for the evening, eager to make the most of a good night's sleep. Some Lost Numbers remained, such as the flight crew and a handful of lookouts watching the sky for any sign of danger. Technicians inspected, logicians studied, physicians examined, and magicians practiced their witching-hour arts, but for the most part, the corridors and stairwells of the airship were quiet and still. Quiet except for metallic creaks and subtle reverb of the engines. Still except for the muted sway of course correction and atmospheric turbulence. Roland didn't leave the lower decks with any company to keep, but as he made his way up several stories, Roland gradually got the feeling that he wasn't alone. Then, while reflexively looking over his shoulder, he saw it: a flash of crimson amidst the darkness. Had he not been in Meridi-at-han he might have been spooked, or convinced that he was seeing things, but he knew that color. He'd seen it the exact moment his friend heart scrubbed away the sundown luster of Galeem. At some point, the discreet ringleader of the Grimm Troupe had inhabited the shadows around him. Once Grimm felt comfortable enough to make himself known, the tall bug drew closer to the Fixer, and by the time Roland entered the empty mess hall his new acquaintance was only a second or two behind him. [color=d7d7d7]"So, tall, dark and creepy. Can I help you?"[/color] Roland said, pointing to how Grimm had been stalking him for awhile until they had both managed to make it to the mess hall. Maybe the bug man didn't know where the mess hall was and was waiting for someone to show him the way? If it wasn't for Roland being familiar with stealthy tactics Grimm might've caused a commotion by scaring someone. Once Roland acknowledged his presence, Grimm stopped following him. He stood by, more or less illuminated in his entirety by the cafeteria's ambient lights, and took in the area. Right now most of the counters were bare, spick and span thanks to Bracket's after-dinner cleanup, but a handful of drink machines remained online, and there was always the shelves offering packaged, non-perishable snacks. Judging by the droplets of spilled coffee next to one of the machines, and a couple crumbs where the last of the day's stale leftover muffins had rested, someone had been here recently. [color=ef6069]"Well met, my friend. I wish to express my gratitude,"[/color] Grimm rasped suddenly. [color=ef6069]"For freeing me from that cruel trance of captivity. I am beholden to one master already, and two figures cannot cast the same shadow. Now lucid, my purpose is clear. To cast a pall of nightmare across this sprawling dreamscape, and see its thralls awakened."[/color] He extended a hand from beneath his cloak, curled its black claws, and stared at them. [color=ef6069]"I am eager to see them illuminated. I'm sure I have many a splendid dance in store. Yet...there is much I do not know. My Troupe remains in oblivious delusion, but I am scarcely better off. No more a leader...merely a bit player."[/color] His hand disappeared, and he looked toward Roland. [color=ef6069]"In such a role, how best can I serve?"[/color] [i][color=d7d7d7]"Oh hes one of these types. I just hope he doesn't expect me to talk like a theatre kid."[/color][/i] Roland thought to himself as he gave Grimm a calculated look. [color=d7d7d7]"Uhh.... ok? Well your not going to be the first guy on the team going on and on about the 'power of darkness'. So hopefully that isn't going to cause any problems."[/color] Roland said. The polite ones were the ones you had to keep your eye on more than even the crazy ones, as they were just better at hiding how crazy they were. Well, time would tell, Grimm did risk himself for Roland unprompted so... [color=d7d7d7]"Well from what I understand we're trying to beat up the light in the sky or something. We gotta fight people to fix that. Although no one knows what'll happen when that thing is beaten."[/color] Roland started.[color=d7d7d7]"There are a lot of things we got to beat up and take the spirits of to get stronger to be able to fight stronger things.... I do appreciate something easy and straghtforward at least."[/color] Pulling out the book of George, Roland said. [color=d7d7d7]"Remember that giant ape we fought? Well this is him now."[/color] then explained the things you can do with a spirit, although explained that for him he made books and not spirits due to his time at the library. Finding nothing he wanted from George's powers or anything, Roland turned to the pages that explained what he'd get if he burned the book. And while the chicken, fruit, and bomb were pretty self explaintory; two one time use heals and a one use bomb, the other others were a bit weirder. A one use massive fire breath, a multi use but delayed healing item, and the last one.... Wait... Scum Soda. Didn't Goldweis find some of that earlier? Reading its little blurb, suddenly events at Meridi made sense. [color=d7d7d7]"Wait... this thing turns people into monsters? IS that how those things appeared suddenly? What the hell? What kind of sick experiment is that?"[/color] Roland flipped to the page with the toaster and decided on that before burning the book, said toaster manifesting from the ashes. Roland picked it up, looked it over, and plugged it in on a table in the mess hall for everyone to use. [color=d7d7d7]"Although I wouldn't go around just bopping everyone on the head and taking their spirits. A lot of them aren't worth it, and something bad probably happens if you go about doing it too much. I heard there was a guy that did that and he disappeared under mysterious circumstances."[/color] Roland said. He then thought a bit and clarified. [color=d7d7d7]"The common rule seems to be. If they're outwardly hostile at the start they're free game. Things with low intelligence, also kinda free game. Anything else is a case by case basis."[/color] Darkness? Grimm was a creature of few words, and that hadn't been one he uttered. Its strength and allure were not foreign concepts to him, certainly, but darkness simply wasn't his lot. Dream and nightmare were two sides of the same coin, in that they both stood in contrast to oblivion, the pitch-black void at beginning and end. Few would choose a nightmare over a dream, but over nothingness? Even hell was preferable to nihility. Regardless, Grimm did not waste time on a rebuke. If not for darkness, after all, there would be no need for flame. Grimm could not anticipate what might constitute a 'problem' for Roland, but in regards to his mission, the fixer's hopes had very little say in the matter. The Troupe Master listened as Roland reiterated the thrust of what Goldlewis exposited before, though dumbed down to an extent that Grimm wondered if his new acquaintance really knew all that much more than he did. Still, if it all boiled down to killing things, there wasn't all that much to grasp to begin with. He paid more attention when Roland introduced the topic of spirits. In his hand he held George's essence, converted into a tome of pure potential that Roland could tap as he pleased. One of the possibilities presented a conundrum, however, and having not been there in the aftermath of the battle, Grimm couldn't comment on it even if he wanted to. Still, if such wanton destructive power could erupt from such a small and harmless package, he could tell that everyone -both up here and down there- ought to be wary. If a mere beverage could transfigure someone thusly, calamity could truly come from anywhere. [color=ef6069]"...I see,"[/color] Grimm whispered. Power could be gained in many ways, and this one promised to be a great deal quicker than his own methods. The question was always what one must sacrifice along the way. [color=ef6069]"Where to now?"[/color] [color=d7d7d7]"I think we'll be heading over to pick up some more of our allies in... some place called Mafia town? I hope its not run by the syndicates that I've had to deal with, some of those poor kids would not last long against such monsters."[/color] Roland said, completely ignoring that Jr. and Rika were armed to the teeth as if that didn't matter at all to him when it came to the horrors he was referring to. [color=d7d7d7]"Then off to pick up a few more allies and then I think the plan is to take out a guardian. "[/color] Roland then remembered that he hadn't told Grimm about those. [color=d7d7d7]"Oh right. I should probably tell you what to look out for. To beat that big ball of light, we need to take out these guaridans of its apparently. There are also two other factions with their own goals. The Consuls, which have letters for names which want to stop us so they can live in this world with all their heidonistic desires filled. They somehow can take over anyone who is 'galeemed', besides the guardians. Then there are these.. uh... one of our co workers calls them 'nobodies' that exist in that town to the north of Meridi that everyone couldn't enter. We don't know anything about them, but if they are hiding behind such a barrier it can't be anything good."[/color] While Goldlewis had mentioned Galeem's guardians during his mission brief on the way through Meridi-at-han, but these Consuls were new to Grimm. If they really could puppet the deluded, their involvement would logically pose a huge, constant threat on any activities within populated areas, yet Roland mentioned it so offhandedly. No wonder the Lost Numbers prefered to travel above the clouds, hidden well beyond the reach of listening ears and prying eyes. He and the others would no doubt need to be on guard against Consuls and Nobodies alike going forward. [color=ef6069]"Very well,"[/color] Grimm confirmed. If the mission Sandalphon alluded to involved a Guardian, one of the foundational support pillars that propped up this very world, things would be getting interesting much sooner than the Troupe Master had anticipated. [color=ef6069]"Our scarlet eyes will be watching."[/color] [color=d7d7d7]"Oh, and try to be sociable. We're all in the same boat yeah? Best to not be distant on top of that."[/color] Roland said as a finisher to his 'advice'. This world was all new, so there was still a lot he needed to know before he could give a better explination like he could as a fixer back in his world. [hr] [center][h2][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h2] Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (62/130) Location: Avenger Word Count: 1010 [/center] With it being a bit late, Blazermate wasn't sure who'd be up besides those that had just been picked up. And they were all probably really tired. So blazermate decided she'd just go grab a quick tune up, even if she had to do it herself, before heading to her room and taking a bit of a nap to pass the time. Humming to herself, she made her way down to the engineering deck to make sure she was in good working order. When Blazermate entered the workshop, however, she found no sign of her friends. No sparks flew, no cranks clicked, and no machines functioned. At first glance, the place appeared deserted, but the medabot didn't need to rely on her optics alone. When she ran a quick scan of the area, she did turn up one life signal tucked away in one corner, but upon arriving there Blazermate was in for something of a surprise. An engineer was sitting there, comfortably tucked into a beanbag chair, and though its egg-shaped body, stubby limbs, and feathery arm-wings were all characteristic of a Nopon, this clearly wasn't Tora. Instead of stripy brown fur, this Nopon appeared be clad in salmon pink, with a head of fluffy dark brown hair dyed black. She wore a black vest that matched her glasses, and the dark eyes behind contained dull sparkles as she sat there, absorbed in a book. When Blazermate approached, though, the Nopon looked up with an irritated expression. "Meh? What gives?" Her voice was surprisingly low, bored-sounding, and apathetic. "Lulubi workshop closed for day. No more fixings or tinkerings for anypon until morrow. Got it?" [color=0072bc]"Uh... do we have time tomorrow to go about doing that? Aren't we heading back to skyworld and doing something there? Kinda wanna make sure I'm ready for a fight if we gotta deal with one."[/color] Blazermate said. She hadn't really been fighting all that much while she was in Mafia town, nor took all that much damage. If anything she was just here to clean herself up and make sure she was in optimal condition, instead of needing repairs overall. [color=0072bc]"I can clean and polish myself if your too tired. Just uh, which drawer had the cleaning cloth and wax?"[/color] The Nopon peered at Blazermate over her glasses with the critical stare of a librarian. "You look fine to Lulubi, meh. And Lulubi not tired, by the way. Am night owl, happiest once annoying people all go to bed." Hoping that Blazermate got the point, she reached her wing out for a glass of hot cocoa on the nearby workbench to bring it close for a sip. "'Friend' not use Lulubi's wax. Everything in short supply up here. Obviously. Why need wax if going to fight anyway, meh? Shinies only make more noticeable to enemies." From her tone it could be inferred that the curt engineer wasn't really interested in an answer--just criticizing her uninvited guest. "Lulubi rags mostly covered in grit and grease, but if 'friend' find one, be Lulubi guest." [color=0072bc]"Fair enough. I'll uh, get to it then."[/color] Blazermate said, scratching her chin admitting lulubi had a good point. While being observed by the Nopon, Blazermate went around looking for a clean rag. There had to be a clean one around here somewhere... As she looked, she decided to strke up some casual conversation. [color=0072bc]"So, do you know the other Nopon, Tora that works here during the day?"[/color] Blazermate said as she found a bunch of rags and started to dig through them to find a decent one to use. The question prompted an exasperated sigh. "Meh, meh. Sure have. He find excuses at all hours of day to come say hello, always giving compliments or bringing treats. Lulubi never meet more awkward nopon in life. It like he never meet girl before." She took a big sip of her hot cocoa. "Good thing he have that Poppi to hold him back, meh. It seem like she have head on straight, which is miracle given who made her. Even let slip that Tora only interested in human girls before now, if 'friend' believe it." When it came to complaining, evidently, Lulubi was much more forthcoming, and not averse to gossip. "So yeah, he kind of freakypon. Guess it take someone like that to make something like Poppi, though, so Lulubi suppose Tora must be pretty smart. Still, smarts do no good if nobody like you, meh. Avenger full of weirdos like that nowadays." Completely lacking in self-awareness, the nopon chugged the rest of her cocoa, then wiped her lips with the back of her wing and resumed reading. [color=0072bc]"Your not wrong there! I was adventuring with him before this whole avenger spot, and you pretty much have the gist of it. I think hes kinda not sure how to handle being around girls. Well, flesh and blood ones anyway. He doesn't seem to have much interest in robotic ones outside of Poppi."[/color] Blazermate said, finding a good rag, cleaning it up in the nearby sink, grabbing a couple tools, and started to pop off her parts and cleaning up any of her internal components that needed it. Since she was doing it herself, she could only do one part at a time and when it got time to do her face, she had to find a mirror in order to clean that up. Really she didn't have too much wear and tear to clean up, mostly just a bit of dirt on her healing arm since it changed to different modes constantly, but best to make sure she was in good condition. She kind of was the teams biggest healer, and people relied on her to feel safe. Once she felt she was cleaned up, she put everything back where it was. [color=0072bc]"Enjoy your book, guess we'll see each other later then."[/color] Blazermate said, giving a wave as she left to head for her room. Lulubi just gave a hmph, happy to be alone once more.