[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 687 [b]Level 9 Roxas:[/b] 29/90 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] 1 (-7 for Friend Heart) [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 22/90 [h3]Skyworld[/h3][/center] Roxas’ own escape from the train wasn’t nearly as much of a close call as some of the others. The quick and nimble Nobody was among the first to make it out into the air in fact. Of course, once he was out there, he was in a bit of trouble due to his lack of wings. But an angel managed to snag him courtesy of Edward’s orders and safely get him down to the ground near the crater of the crash site. But no one got any chance to celebrate, since Absalom made it clear that he wasn’t done just yet. [color=gold]”Why is there always a second phase?”[/color] Roxas wondered to himself as everyone prepared to kick back into gear. But they all, including Roxas, paused when the object came crashing down from the sky above. And like any of the Seekers, Roxas managed to recognize it as a hellpod from the Avenger. And emerging from it was the demon hunter himself - Dante. In a way it was fitting that a demonic fallen angel like Absalom would eventually get targeted by the demon hunter. And [i]then[/i] everyone kicked into gear for real. Instead of immediately jumping onto the Avatar of Chaos like most everyone else did, Roxas spent the first moments providing some Tailwind Buffs to the Featherstaffs so they could reach the injured more quickly. While he was doing that, Roxas caught sight of the nasty attack that hit Edelgard. His instinct was to rush in and heal her but before he could do anything like that, Pit had managed to grab her and carry her away from the fight a bit. But he didn’t look like he had time to nurse her from there. [color=gold]”It’s up to me, then.”[/color] Roxas told himself as he sprung into flow motion action. He ran, leaped and parkoured his way across an ever-increasingly chaotic fight scene to get to where Edelgard had been dropped. He was about to cast Curaga but had a different idea instead. Rather than cast his healing spell, Roxas produced a Friend Heart and quickly threw it at the Flame Emperor. It would de-story her from Galeem’s influence, but it would also give her a much needed full heal. [color=gold]”You’re not dying on my watch, Ms. Edelgard.”[/color] Roxas assured her, but he unfortunately had little in the way of time or opportunity to explain any of the confusing things she was probably now remembering. It would have to wait until after they finished off Absalom and won this war once and for all. Speaking of which… Roxas sprinted off to finally join the melee against Absalom. By now Midna, Edward, and Pit too had all gotten their licks in. Well now it was his turn. Roxas maneuvered himself until he was standing next to Dante and then, [color=gold]”Light!”[/color] He called out. By now some of the Seekers had come to recognize this as the telltale sign of an incoming Limit attack. And this was no exception. Empowered by Roxas’ Light, Dante threw his weapons straight up into the air where they transformed back into the Cerberus triplets who fused together into their monstrous [url=http://static.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/8/8b/King_Cerberus_DMC5_Artbook_Render.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1200?cb=20190515161439]Queen Cerberus[/url] form before crashing back down onto the ground. “Yeah! Let’s ride!” Dante called with a grin as he and Roxas both hopped up onto Queen’s Cerberus’ back. After that it was a cacophony of fire, ice and lighting as each of the three heads took turns blasting Absalom with each respective element while Roxas did the same from his Keyblades. When that was finished, the Limit entered the final stage of its attack. Queen Cerberus hurled Dante and Roxas both forward at Absalom, Roxas managing to pass one of his Keyblades over to the demon hunter so they could both go crashing into the Avatar of Chaos with a powerful double Stinger finishing blow. “Alright…” Dante began as he casually tossed the Keyblade back over to Roxas’ hand only for Roxas to finish the taunt for him while Queen Cerberus transformed back into weapons. [color=gold]”...Who’s next in line?”[/color]