[COLOR=808080][CENTER][COLOR=8ECDB7][sup]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/j1Y1xJM.jpeg[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=8ECDB7][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]The Beach[/I] - [I]Pacific Royal Campus[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=8ECDB7][b]Human #5.017:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Burning Down[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][center][COLOR=8ECDB7][SUP][sub]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][/center][indent][sub][color=8ECDB7][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/color][I] Harper [@Qia] Katja [@Zoldyck][/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=8ECDB7][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=808080][I]Where Do I Go?[/I][/color][/right][/SUP][/indent][/color] [indent][color=#808080]Aurora listened to Rory’s words, heard the raw pain behind them that resonated with her own in that moment. The pieces clicked into place - Katja was the member of Blackjack that Raze had revealed during the trial, she was part of Orcinus. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat louder than the last, as she realized that her friend, someone she trusted, was a traitor. [/color] [color=#808080]But it was Harper’s fury directed at the wheelchair-bound boy that urged her to speak, anger not based on logic regarding the situation, but of circumstance and consequence. Her fists clenched tightly at her sides as she turned toward the brunette, her voice sharp.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“[/color][color=#8ecdb7][i]Harper,[/i][/color][color=#8ecdb7]”[/color][color=#808080] The redhead scolded, her friend’s uncharacteristic hostility stunning her to her core. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“You have absolutely [/color][color=#8ecdb7][i]no right[/i][/color][color=#8ecdb7] to speak to Rory like that. Not even a little bit.”[/color][color=#808080] Though the girl wouldn’t be able to see her face, she knew she could hear the disappointment laced into her tone. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“You’re completely wrong.”[/color][color=#808080] She paused, her breath quickening, trying to hold onto the composure she was known for, and she rose to her feet.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Because if Katja did care about us, and I mean [/color][color=#8ecdb7][i]truly[/i][/color][color=#8ecdb7] cared, she wouldn’t have sided with a goddamn [/color][color=#8ecdb7][i]terrorist[/i][/color][color=#8ecdb7].”[/color] [color=#808080]Aurora didn’t get mad often, if ever. Most of her teammates knew her to be compassionate and level headed, always finding civil ways to de escalate any situation. But this week had pushed her beyond her limits emotionally, and she had just about had it. The tension had been bubbling up for days, and she was ready to burst. She couldn’t hold it in any longer.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“During the Trials, I was warned that one of us was still loyal to Hyperion and was responsible for trapping us inside,”[/color][color=#808080] She was seething now, her voice trembling with suppressed rage, cheeks turning as red as her hair, [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“I didn’t want to believe it, thought it was a trick of the simulation, but now, I know that it was true, and it was [/color][color=#8ecdb7][i]you[/i][/color][color=#8ecdb7].”[/color][color=#808080] Her sapphire eyes were cold and calculating as they fixed on Katja, and she took a step closer, almost predatory. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]"Do you even understand what you’ve done?"[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]"You betrayed us, Katja, and for what? Some warped vision of the future that was sold to you?" [/color][color=#808080]Aurora’s voice rose with each word, her anger barely contained. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]"Do you even understand the lives you’ve put at risk? The people you’ve hurt? The people you’ve [/color][i][color=#8ecdb7]killed[/color][/i][color=#8ecdb7]?"[/color] [color=#808080]The redhead turned to look down at Harper in her seat, ensuring that her words would reach her loud and clear.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“I’m insulted that you think she cares about us, Harper. You weren’t here when Hyperion attacked, [/color][i][color=#8ecdb7]you don’t know[/color][/i][color=#8ecdb7] what it was like.”[/color][color=#808080] Aurora’s voice broke, her pain rising to the surface, raw and exposed. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“People like her tried to take [/color][i][color=#8ecdb7]everything[/color][/i][color=#8ecdb7] from me, [/color][i][color=#8ecdb7]again[/color][/i][color=#8ecdb7].”[/color] [color=#808080]The tension was thick, suffocating. Had Lorcán been there, he might have calmed her, grounded her in some way. But with him off consoling Gil, there was no one to pull her back from the edge. She was a storm unleashed, relentless, as she took another step towards Katja.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]"You think you’re doing what’s right,"[/color][color=#808080] She continued, her voice dropping into a low, dangerous tone. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]"You think you’re on the ‘right side,’ don’t you? But one day, you’re going to look back and see the destruction you’ve caused, the lives you’ve ruined."[/color][color=#808080] Aurora’s gaze burned into Katja, her tone cold, final. [/color] [color=#8ecdb7]"And by then, it’ll be too late."[/color][/indent]