[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia[/center][/h2] [center]Mafia Town[/center] [center] Lvl 14 Geralt (32/140) -> Lvl 14 (33/140) (+2 pending)[/center] [center]Word count: 446 words[/center] Thankfully, many hands made light work when it came to cleaning up Bancho Sushi. With the added boon of the Mafia coming and actually paying up on their 'protection money' to their highest provider (and throwing a bit of egg on Geralt's face in the process for stealing from their enforcers any chance he got), things in Mafia Town were...still pretty horrible. Bancho, Dave, and the others would still have to actually rebuild the restaurant, but that wasn't his problem. Technically, it wasn't even Nadia's, and she worked there! Sandalphon's arrival nearly perfectly matched those of the others, with their angelic dispatcher providing even the newcomer a fulton. Geralt didn't recognize the man, but Falcon's demeanor belied [i]some[/i] kind of pre-existing relationship. Given that he had apparently been wrapped up with Bowser, Link, Ganondorf and some others in Galeem's 'original' attack, those old bonds would be helpful. Rolling his eyes at Juri and Nadia's nonsense, Geralt waited for the others to activate their fultons before sighing and looking at Sandalphon. "I hate this." [hr] Waking up with the room spinning, Geralt sighed and laid there for a minute or two before forcing himself up, once his stomach had settled. At least Nadia was still out, though the way her tail was flicking gave him the impression that she wouldn't be for much longer. Geralt decided to take the others' lead and leave the feral to her fate, making his path towards the mess hall to grab whatever remained of the day's food. There wasn't much, only pre-packaged food that was likely to be only somewhat satisfying, but Geralt didn't mind much, grabbing a blueberry muffin and making his way back to his shared room with Captain Falcon while eating it. He removed most of his armor, sitting in the bed, and closed his eyes. It wasn't quite meditation, but a half-state between. He didn't feel like properly meditating at this moment, but he wasn't yet restful enough to sleep, either. Consul [b]I[/b] was going to alert the others, because of course they were.