[center][h3]The Avenger[/h3] Lvl 14 Ms Fortune (75/140) Lvl 8 Goldlewis (98/80) Lvl 7 Sandalphon (11/70) Lvl 2 [color=ef6069]Grimm[/color] (10/20) Junior & Rika’s [@DracoLunaris] Blazermate & Roland’s [@Archmage MC] Geralt & Zenkichi’s [@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN] Primrose & Therion’s [@Yankee] Juri’s [@Zoey Boey] Captain Falcon’s [@Double] Venom Snake’s [@DisturbedSpec] the Witch’s [@Drifting Pollen] [b]Word Count:[/b] 650 / 1270[/center] After wrapping up his call with Giovanna, Goldlewis made his way back down through the Avenger to loiter around the bottom floor until the second batch of Seekers arrived. On the way down he did consider the fact that there would be a third pickup even later that night, and given his level of fatigue he almost certainly couldn’t stay up for that event, but he reasoned that even if he’d have to hit the hay without accounting for everyone, he could at least do right by the Mafia Town contingent. Once he reached Deployment, the veteran quickly realized that he was in good company. Apparently Primrose had the same idea, though given the presence of her friend Therion amongst those who weathered the week on the southwestern sea. During their last big assignments Goldlewis and Primrose had been on different teams, and their days in Meridi-at-han didn’t afford them many opportunities to talk, but by now he’d managed to glean that the two octopath travelers hailed from the same world. In his mind, bonds like those were of vital importance. He and Giovanna were much the same, after all. The two of them had very little in common; one was an enormous, middle-aged American man from a well-to-do family in the south, serious in his duty but prone to inner turmoil, while the other happened to be a young and beautiful Brazilian woman born from poverty-stricken streets, flippantly lackadaisical and self-centered, but unerringly sound of mind and body. They’d formed a bond through pure chance, and it was through chance again that their bond had been rediscovered in the World of Light, where they could anchor one another in this upside-down, unfamiliar world. In the same way, he reasoned that Primrose and Therion must be anchors for one another, so if nothing else seeing the two of them reunited would be heartening for Goldlewis too. He did feel a little bad about showing up in a wifebeater and sweats while Primrose looked as glamorous as ever in her tailor-made getup from Gerudo Town, but Goldlewis wasn’t one to put on unnecessary airs, and he doubted the dancer would fault him. This was a war, after all, and wars had a way of laying oneself bare to one’s comrades, in one way or another. Soon enough the Mafia Town contingent arrived via fulton, collected from the sky and hauled in like fish from the sea. Once the catch of the day quit floundering and got to their feet, it didn’t take everyone long to disperse. Sandalphon departed for the infirmary after addressing concerns from both Ms Fortune and the Koopa Kids, while Primrose and Therion took turns catching up. A few moments after the two teams first came together, the little groups switched things up, with Primrose reaching out to the troubled youngsters while Nadia got into a somewhat heated confrontation with Juri out in the hall. After that, and seeing Captain Falcon lead the still-gleaming Snake away into the ship for reasons Goldlewis felt pretty confident guessing at, the veteran made himself scarce. Everyone who descended to Mafia Town last week had made it back, and like the Meridi-at-han group they even returned alongside new talent, so his heart was at ease. He always felt anxious when away from his comrades, seldom trusting in anything but his own strength to see his allies to safety, but this new team of his had definitely proven they didn’t always need his help. Still, whenever the time came that they needed it, the Seekers would find that Goldlewis Dickinson had their back. Slowly, the veteran made his way to the sleeping quarters, where he found the room he shared with Roland. After taking off and folding up his glasses, he squeezed himself into his bunk, and laid his head to rest. Tomorrow, the Seekers would need all the fortitude they could get. Meanwhile, after her encounter with Juri, Nadia went in a different direction. Between diving in the Blue Hole with Dave and rumbling with wrestlers all over Mafia Town, it had been an eventful day, but the plucky feral wasn’t running out of energy just yet. If anything her heart-pounding ascent to the Avenger and the exasperating argument that followed had her fired up. Unreasonable, incorrigible, and outrageous, that Juri really knew how to push Nadia’s buttons. Her warped perspective and snarky attitude made her want to shred that woman like a couch sometimes, but now their long-running feud was over. To an extent Nadia knew she’d miss trading barbs and blows with that brat, but now that she knew just how genuinely unstable Juri really was, she couldn’t condone adding any more fuel to that trash fire. Better to just cut out that toxic influence than risk any more bad decisions. Being rid of Juri came with one problem, though: a drink actually would’ve been pretty nice right about now, and she’d spurned Juri’s beer as a matter of principle. A quick visit to Stolen Moments would help her relax and wind down for the night. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/66nvdJc.png[/img][/center] It took a little while for Nadia to find her way through the Avenger, since unlike Sandalphon she’d done zero internalization of its labyrinthine layout. After a couple wrong turns, though, the feral hunted down the airship’s bar, tucked quietly away in a lonesome, darkly-lit corner of its aft section. Inside, the room was styled to resemble an establishment from an older, lower-tech era, with middling success. Without much in the way of wood or decor beyond a three-layer quarter-circle shelf with various memorabilia, it relied on the contours of its bar counter and the festival lights that hung from it to seem more rustic and homely. Across from the more warmly-lit countertop, however, lay a wall of plaques beneath a cool blue glow. Each one bore dozens of names, lined up in neat stacks with military efficiency. With its memorial wall and ample stocks of booze, this was Stolen Moments, a place of contemplative solitude and mournfulness rather than raucous parties. Being something of a raucous partygoer herself, Nadia didn’t indulge in the depressing atmosphere here often, but there was a time and place for everything. Just as she expected, Cirrus wasn’t here. Sandalphon and Goldlewis might be considerate enough to stay up and receive everyone, but Stolen Moments’ bartender had his own melancholy to deal with. Nadia thought she’d be alone, free to help herself to a beverage or two, leave some zenny on the counter, and then take off, but it looked like that wouldn’t be the case. The moment she entered she spotted a huge man seated at the bar, his weight distributed across two stools. Rivaling Goldlewis in height, the man looked like a giant can wrapped in a beige trench coat, with elaborate brass instrumentation protruding from his back and an old-fashioned felt fedora perched on his head. For a moment the sight of him paralyzed Nadia with a sense of unidentifiable familiarity, but when he glanced over at the new arrival and the cat burglar got a good look at [url=https://i.imgur.com/1utMXYF.png]his face[/url], she suddenly remembered. “You!” she exclaimed, snapping her fingers. “You’re from my world!” Big Band raised an eyebrow at her for a moment before a pleasant smile broke out across his face. “Oh, yeah. We met way back in Twilight Town. Guess it ain’t even been two weeks, but it sure feels like a lifetime, heh. Good to see ya, miss kitty.” “You can call me Ms Fortune!” the feral told him as she trotted over. “Misfortune? Heh. Don’t look it to me, but if you say so.” A wry, knowing smile on his face, Band extended a tiny mechanical arm with rubber nubs on its metal fingertips to carefully grasp his deep orange sidecar cocktail and swirl it around. “We mighta been strangers in our world, but ‘round here, it’s like sharin’ a hometown. So please, call me Ben.” Having seated herself at the bar, Nadia stared off into space for a moment, elbows on the counter as the gears turned in her head. Then she looked up at Band, a genuine grin on her face. “Ben, huh? Well then. In that case, I guess you’d better call me Nadia.” After sipping his drink, and savoring the mixture of spiced cognac with zesty citrus cointreau, Band put the glass down with a smile. “Nadia. Pleased to meet ya.” A few moments of quiet passed as Nadia ducked behind the counter to grab a glass and fill it with beer. Once she returned with a cup full of hoppy froth, she restarted the conversation. “So, big guy. Where’ve you ‘Ben’? Last I saw you, we were running from those crazy cats in the Metro. Getting chased is not a good ‘feline’, eh?” Band chuckled. “Me, Wonder Red, and the Ace Cadet missed the trains, so we high-tailed it outta the Metro. Turns out, the hub’s smack dab in the middle of a giant city on an island way up in the frozen north. Cold as all hell, and it wasn’t long before we ran afoul of the locals, too. The name of the cat who put the hit on us is N, and that city -Edinburgh- is [i]his[/i] playground. We ended up gettin’ into a whole lotta fights, but long story short, we found the Skullgirl.” Though she’d been thinking about Ace since Band mentioned him, the word ‘Skullgirl’ made Nadia’s brows shoot up in an instant. All of a sudden, memories about finding the Skull Heart in Redgraccoon City -memories about Linkle- came flooding back. “No way. What happened?” “Well, since you’re from New Meridian an’ all, you know about Skullgirls as well as I do. They’re undead nightmares, catastrophes waitin’ to happen. I went in ready to kill her. But it looks like this new Skullgirl’s one tough cookie. Somehow, she managed to keep a hold of herself. She joined forces with us, and we put together a plan to corner Consul L and force the secret of the Highlands’ Guardian outta her.” He paused for suspense, trying not to smile at Nadia’s wide-open eyes. “...And, against all odds, it worked. I took a couple big hits -spent most of today gettin’ fixed up in fact- but the others brought L down and exchanged the secret for her life.” Nadia whistled. “Wow. Heck of a consul-ation prize.” At that, Band couldn’t help but grin. “Y’know, Ace made that joke too. Y’all gotta get better material.” Trying not to look too worried, Nadia leaned on the counter and attempted to casually sip her beer. “Sooooo….uh, about Ace…” She drank the wrong way and coughed, sputtering foam. “Ugh! Ack! Ahuh! Ah, hmm…Ace, is he…doing okay? Is he here?” “He’s fine. Restin’ up in his room, I bet.” Band gave her the side-eye, his brow raised. “Wanna know which one?” In an instant Nadia was on her feet, her beverage all but forgotten. “Hell yeah! I’ve gotta give that hun-turd a piece of my mind! Dude just vanished without a trace, gone for what, two weeks? That jerk’s in for one hell of a smack!” “Uh oh. Well, as an officer of the law, I can’t stand by ‘til justice is served.” Band finished off his drink, then pushed off his stools. When he hit the ground, the room practically shook beneath him. “Follow me.” [center][h3]Sandswept Sky: Skyworld[/h3] Midna and Edward’s [@DracoLunaris] Sectonia’s [@Archmage MC] Pit’s [@Yankee] Roxas’ [@Double], Edelgard’s [@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN] [b]Word Count:[/b] [/center] With so many allies rallied together, even taking down the Avatar of Corruption himself seemed like a sure thing. The remains of his loathsome forces wriggled free of the wreck and attempted to push out of the crater around him and give their master room to breathe, but the steadfast angels of the Army of Light kept them hemmed in, making their extermination a simple matter that Pit was only too happy to attend to. As the misshapen monstrosities faltered and died by the dozen, it became all the more apparent -even to Absalom himself- that the infestation plaguing Skyworld would die here today. All that remained was to wipe out their master. At Edward and Uriel’s command, the winged archers lent their bows to a withering volley against their marked target. A blazing gunshot form Edward himself punctuated their bombardment, and without a moment’s reprieve Midna and her Beast Legion hurled themselves into the thick of it for a brutal flurry of fists and claws. Her other summons then took over just long enough for a massive sphere of runic twilight energy that threatened to leave Absalom cratered a second time. Ortho then fell upon the nephilim like a hawk on a vole, his beak a plow through the pitch-black soil of Absalom’s body, giving Edelgard, Pit, and Dante the chance for an elemental assault. In the wake of their onslaught their foe managed to catch Edelgard in his grasp, his corruption threatening not just her life but her very sense of self, but a courageous and timely intervention from Pit spared the lady knight a grisly fate, and the next moment a Friend Heart from Roxas freed her mind. As they retreated, Absalom threatened to seize the momentum for himself, but Roxas and Dante quickly teamed up to shut him down. The Cerberus triplets unleashed their full power, and their maelstrom of elemental punishment culminated in a climactic flying thrust from both blademasters at once. Finally, sensing that Absalom’s demise was at hand, Uriel swooped in to do her duty. While Sectonia savaged the area with a deluge of pure-white blades and sped up her allies with her magic, Uriel and Dante put their skills on full display with a non-stop beatdown of melee strikes. Already wounded and flagging, Absalom’s attempts to fight back proved to be in vain as the two styled on him, until finally the SSS-crank combo ended with Sectonia’s Ethereal Gleam. Both fighters expected him to be dust after that, but the inexhaustible Avatar of Chaos managed to prove them wrong and push them back–though only for a moment. Even as Dante pulled back for a moment to reassess, Sectonia and Uriel pushed in to seal the deal. Finally, their cleaving blades split Absalom’s body from neck to navel, and the final blast blew his halves apart, ending the corruption once and for all. At least, until next time. When no more lashing tentacles or squirming screwworms arose from the ashes, the angels roared in a chorus of cheers. Nathaniel, Fodoquia, Ochlys, and even Uriel herself all let loose their exultations. With so much enthusiasm all around in the wake of their hard-earned victory, it was hard for the Seekers to stay quiet. Dante whooped in celebration, and after assuming their human forms Cerberus joined in with gusto. After a few moments, Palutena’s voice rang out through the sky, silencing the voices of her heavenly host. [color=springgreen]”Angels of Skyworld, I salute you! Rejoice, for our despicable enemy is no more. Let us all return to homes, nurse our wounds, mourn our dead, and sleep soundly in the knowledge that the skies are finally clear!”[/color] After her proclamation, rays of shadow began to cut through the sky. The magic of the Dream Blossom was fading, the new dawn that heralded the angels’ victory quickly giving way to darkness. Even with night fallen once more, though, the stars glimmered in the heavens, and the ephemeral radiance of the minor erdtree fell softly across the sky islands. It was a gentle and glorious night, and the angels would sleep soundly indeed. Of course, for the Seekers of Light, their campaign was far from over. “Whoo!” As the Army of Light departed, the heroes regrouped atop the final island, and Dante still seemed to be riding high. Given all the excitement, the Triple Demon was in good spirits too, even if the actual bloodshed had been pretty minimal. He rolled his shoulders and flexed his arms, stretching. “Exciting, huh? Feel like I hit the jackpot with this one. And that guy wasn’t even a Guardian! Can’t imagine what we’ve got in store next. Course, I’m more of a one-on-one kind of guy. Not counting the girls here!” He caught one of the triplets in a headlock as she barged past him and patted her on the head between her snow-white ears, only for her to bite his arm and prompt an early release. Even that didn’t seem to dampen his mood, though. “Speaking of ‘what comes next’. Here.” He reached into the Inventory where he typically kept his non-Cerberus weapon and withdrew a bag. After opening it, he dumped out a bunch of bundles that looked like skydiving packs. “This is how we’re supposed to get back to the Avenger. The ship’s coming round again any minute now, so say your goodbyes and strap one on! There’s enough for everyone…probably?” If there were more people coming than mission control accounted for, some of the Seekers would have to get creative. At that point Uriel, who had yet to depart, stepped forward. “You’re leaving?” After receiving confirmation, she nodded. “I understand. As does Lady Palutena. This was always going to be a temporary arrangement. On behalf of all of Skyworld, allow me to thank you for your efforts. No…for making this outcome possible. Though it pains me to say, we may not have been able to do it without you.” The commander of the Hellguard offered a seldom-earned nod of respect. “Should you find cause to return, you will always be welcome in our skies. May the Father and Creator watch over you.” Before long, the angels’ esteemed guests underwent a skyward ascension of their own, and were gone. [hr] A few minutes after activating their fultons, the bulk of the Seekers deployed to Skyworld came to in the alloyed bowels of the Avenger, surrounded by heavy-duty machinery. The reinforced hull shook beneath their feet as they picked themselves up, the unusual amount of jostling indicative of greater-than-usual turbulence. Given how high the ship needed to go to get a safe distance above the sky islands, though, the turbulence was understandable. Even if it was reverse-engineered from alien craft and constructed from exotic materials and technology, the Avenger wasn’t a spaceship, and there were altitudes that not even it could reach. The new arrivals might have expected to find the ever-helpful Sandalphon waiting for them, but a quick look around dispelled that notion. Instead of the archangel, they found a somewhat less holy individual waiting for them. He looked like a young man of nineteen or so, thin and somewhat pale, with light auburn hair slicked back and horned-rimmed glasses over eyes that never seemed to open. He wore an outfit somewhere between a priest’s and a doctor’s, with a red cross-shaped tie. On his belt the others could see both med kits and what looked like a [url=https://i.imgur.com/cpvUhK4.png]spiked beatstick[/url]. “Good evening, and congratulations on your victory” he greeted them. “I’m Eleison, one of the Lost Numbers. I’m here to receive you in lieu of Sandalphon. Nothing happened to her, but after receiving an examination from myself and Dr. Yu, we’ve ‘asked’ her to retire for the night to get some much-needed sleep. Once you’ve settled down from your trip and gotten comfortable, I imagine that’s what awaits you, as well. Rest well, comrades, because we’ve got even bigger fish to fry starting tomorrow. If you have any questions regarding accommodations…” He looked upward, thinking. “Well, Sagi is probably sleeping. But I’m sure you can figure something out. Starting tonight the Avenger is your base of operations, so please make yourselves at home.” “Can do!” Dante waltzed past him, clapping Eleison on the shoulder. “And get yourself some rest too, eh kid?” Eleison gave him an odd smile. “Of course…” He then turned to bid the others farewell. “Good night.”