[quote=@The Odeoron] Right... i presume you must be a so called "Monster" by every biological and mystically valid point. For me however, that word means evil and disgusting to the deepest moral level; However what i've seen thus far and gotten to understand from you, is that you are just scary and have spooky tastes, and may, or may not, be part of a species that specifically feeds on human flesh and blood... and possibly their souls too. But monster? I mean, sure. Feel free to adopt that classification if you must... Orthrus buddy, you'd be surprised just how good i, myself am with the medical domain. But yes certainly, i won't stand in the way of a declared medic on documents and profession. This talking was merely to build something up that could help this medic if she finds complications. [/quote] I’m just saying. Beyond my area of expertise, but I did the digging where I can and narrowed down the problem. Anything beyond that, would be me just guessing stuff. None of you lot need my guesses swaying the needle, you know?