[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240728/8bd84c3fa07431256db4869fba083227.png[/img][/url][/center] [right][sub]Rising Starborn Guildhall [@CitrusArms][@Zarkun][/sub][/right] Matthew was amazed by the woman approaching him and the other new recruit. So her name was Jenna Wolfsbane? What a beautiful name! And she's the guild master, which means that she should be very strong. Is she very strong? What kind of magic does she use? Matthew was very curious to find out, but he didn't dare to actually ask those questions as he didn't want to be rude. [color=plum]"Matthew Whitney! That's my name! I'm not tired at all, but thank you for the food!"[/color] Matthew started shouting as soon as Jenna asked about their names. It wasn't until he was done talking that he realised she wanted the other recruit's name first. Oops. Hopefully, she didn't mind his little mistake. She probably didn't. Matthew decided to wait for the girl to reply next before interrupting. He soon got distracted by the girl who was with Jenna. Was she another new recruit? It sounded like it! So they were with three. Himself, the girl next to him and the girl at the bar right there. Maybe he should say hi. It couldn't hurt to say hi, right? [color=plum]"Hi! I'm Matthew! You're new too?!"[/color] He said as he ran up to the girl holding a small harp. Was she a musician? How cool! Her music sounded great as well! [color=plum]"You're really good at that! Have you played long? what kind of magic do you use?!"[/color] [hr] [Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240725/5098f9b980f915a466a973732c44637f.png[/img][/url][/center] [right][sub]Rising Starborn Guildhall [@Zarkun][/sub][/right] Evangeline couldn't believe how impulsive this other recruit was and how quickly he got distracted. He even left the conversation to go talk with someone else due to a lack of patience. How rude! [color=lightcoral]"My name is Evangeline Twister. I would like to work here as mage or as server, as anything you want honestly. I need an earning, so I can get a roof above my head and some food. Also, thank you for ordering food for me."[/color] She tried to sound as polite as possible without sounding desperate, which wasn't easy. She needed to make a good impression. Luckily, the other recruit made that so easy. However, apparently there was a third new recruit as well and she seemed to be more graceful than Matthew. Hopefully, there was no limit to the amount of people getting accepted. Evangeline carefully put down the book as to give Jenna her full attention. So the guild master was named Jenna and the chef Zen. She should thank Zen as well as soon as he brought the food. [color=lightcoral]"Miss Wolfsbane. I use Tear Magic, which might not sound as a strong type of magic, but I promise to be useful to you and the rest of the guild."[/color]