[quote]His Aunts Claire and Barbara have lost contact with the family. Jacob does not know what happened to these women.[/quote] [quote] Barbara, b. 12-10-1927 in Concord, NH dec. 12-10-1927[/quote] Well, I sure hope Barbara lost contact with the family considering she died the day she was born. :gray [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/aTf4PONtSYB1e/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952awwjae3g0hc7aistknlmdjldsv8p43rjnjd1sms9&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img] And yes, cell phones are still working. It was a pivotal point in the first couple posts in the prior RP to organize a meeting, but we didn't get much further than that unfortunately. I do plan for the power and all that to stop soon, however. Figuring out the specifics is a pain in my ass so I've always just handwaved it to about a month into the apocalypse, if not earlier, where everything starts to shut off from people not maintaining it. Tends to be an answer most people suggest when I attempt to look anything up about utilities in an apocalypse, at least.