Saber kept her head tilted up to watch the ramparts the whole time she was crossing through the gate. Such a curious expression on her face, too. Was she looking for the answer to a riddle? Maybe she wanted to sniff out a weakness in case she smelled opportunity later. Or maybe she was just impressed. I mean, I dunno. That's a woman who hasn't been allowed a consistent motivation since she got here. Not so different from a Berserker, if you're askin' me. Whatever it is she's thinking, the second she's inside and out of sight of the battlefield all her attention switches to the ground. She stoops down to pick up a rock and roll it around between her fingers. Bends down even further to sniff at a patch of grass the way an animal might. Then she rises again with a shrug and just sorta, like, stomps around in random places? "Foxgirl scheme, foxgirl scheme, foxgirl scheeeeme~" Katherine Isabella Fluffybiscuits, meanwhile, is as happy as anybody's ever seen her. Her little feet barely kiss the ground before she goes skipping back off into the air again, happily hippily hoppily zooming around first Berserker and then Saber in a big ol' little figure eight. Her hands can't stop themselves from clapping. Her giddy laughter washes over this drab and evil castle like a drizzle of warm, clean rain. And just like that happy little storm, I'd really like to imagine it leaves the place that much cleaner and brighter for having been there. The thing is, up until this moment she'd never been part of a scheme or heist that wasn't just Cyanis' idea, or some tiny unknowable part of that weird chuckling mountain's master plan. I'm yet to figure out what's goin' on with that by the way, it's weirdly sneaky for a mountain and Kat shuts up tighter than an oyster whenever I ask her about where she's been playing. But I'll figure it out. I'm more on the case than either of them realize. Hehehe. Right but anyway, in all the time Kat's been a cutie two-tail she's never had the chance to build up a portfolio that Cy couldn't take credit for. Even if the both of them had been swept up in Actia's plans, it was Cyanis who volunteered them both for the team up. And even then mostly just so that Kat could be around to help carry stuff, which was her usual role in these plans. The prospect of getting out there? Doing it for herself (with help, obviously)? Maybe even getting to feel like she pulled one over on someone? That had both her tails fluffing to maximum floof. "Foxgirl scheme, foxgirl scheme, eeheehee~!" "Katherine." "Eep! I mean sorry! I mean eep? I mean, um, yes sir ma'am, reporting for duty! What're we stealing?" "If we do this correctly, Lancer herself." "Oh wow! You really think... wait," Kat puts her hands on her hips and tilts her head into Thinking Position, "No hold up that doesn't work. I know we're both, I mean, that [i]you're[/i] new to Foxgirl Schemes but to start with stealin' a whole person's called kidnapping, and you can't steal them from themselves! This had better not be one of those metaphor whatsits, 'cause I just did a [i]lot[/i] of skipping, sweetheart!" But Saber wasn't listening it all. While Kat hopped and squeaked, Saber had picked up another rock out of the courtyard and used it to draw runes in the dirt. Now, I can't read these things any better than you can but seeing how there's seven of 'em I think we can take a pretty good guess where she's going with this. "To begin with, you must understand that the gods are dead." "Yeah? I've heard you say that like, uh," Kat quickly counts on her fingers to help with the math, "A bunch of times, but what does that mean?" "It means what I have said. The world that I once lived in was fated to end." "Oh right, 'cause of the ten suns!" chirps Kat, extremely helpfully. "It," Saber blinks long enough to question her life choices, "Was fated to end in fire, yes." "But then a Princess looked at the sky and said ten was too many, so she shot nine of 'em down! With her bow!!" "If you say so," says Saber in a very Rolling With the Punches kind of voice, "But destiny called to the many gods of the realms, too. For love of our world they fought and perished, and from the ashes of that battlefield those who sheltered under the World Tree--" "It was actually a Space Elevator I think?" "...In. Any case, the Gods are dead. And if any new ones have been born to your world, Lancer does not and would not worship them. So it could not have been a god who granted her prayer." Very eager to move on from what should have been a simple little primer (mind you, everything Kat said was just plain right?), Saber crosses out one of her runes, pauses with a sudden frown of realizing something kinda weird, and then moves on to underline a few more. "Hrmn. Well, if the power she was granted did not from a god it must have come from another participant in this war. Archer is dead, and his Master is--" "I know Cy's got big 'up to something' energy all the time but I dunno if she could ever--" "...Archer's Master lacks the resolve to follow through on a plan that would see her sealed inside of a magical prison. So no, I am not concerned about her." "Uh, right, yeah, that's what I was gettin' at too. Totally. Yeppers." "Right. Again I must laud your wisdom, Katherine. Then I must hardly point out that most of the rest of us have been pulled into a tenuous alliance. Rider has the acuity but lacked the agency to have put this in motion, and neither do I wish to speak ill of a warrior who took the field for my sake. Her Master is completely incapable." "Of?" "Anything." Kat winces, but what's she gonna say in response to that. Is there anything she [i]can[/i] say in response to that? It's not like she's got an argument to the contrary; Opalis seems like a good girl and all but her devotion to Comfy and Safe borders on a level of mastery I've only ever seen in demons, and that one winter where Mei Mei got a working kotatsu. Like, especially for a dragon I'm just... she should be studied, right? For future generations? "You, I trust. And your Servant is--" "Don't say she's dumb! She's not!" Kat stamps her foot on the ground and glares her best Battle Glare. Almost as fearsome as that time she was a whole army, "She's every bit as clever as you are! And she's a good person too so don't go usin' that against her either! You two've got so much in common I just know you're supposed to be friends! And I'm a real good judge of things like this ok? I know besties when I see 'em!" Now it's Saber's turn to have nothing she can say. Our little Katherine may not be the master of rhetoric she'd like to be in moments like this, but the thing about having terminal Good Girl Syndrome is that it gives you a shining maiden's heart that's just unbeatable when it's thumpin' under the light of friendship and hugs and other sweet soft things like that. And this is also the girl that friendship stabbed an Avenger so hard she pulled herself out of her obsession. What're you gonna do? So Saber does nothing. She turns her head and points at one rune in particular. "Caster. Or Caster's Master, whom I know nothing about. But Caster found me within an hour of my summoning and attempted to bait me into killing my Master, so that wretch is playing some part in this. Our 'play', as you would refer to it, is to find his workshop and smash it to pieces. If we sever whatever spell it is he's connected to her to it should make her manageable again." "And that'll turn her back into a good girl?" "Frankly," sighs Saber, "I suspect she's going to try to cringe herself to death. I'm counting on Angelesia to pick up the pieces. I swear, I have never had to work with such soft hearts before. How the lot of you can manage to be so powerful despite that baffles me. I suppose a new world requires new clarity of purpose. No matter. Berserker?" And this right here is what we call a 'no go'. Whatever Saber's followup was gonna be, all it would ever, could ever get met by is a dark glower from a small but iron wrapped knight too stuffed full of pride, ambition, and that old school bloody warrior's zeal to let go of any of 'em. Unless she found someone or somethin' special enough to help her change her own story. But bein' honest, just from where I'm standing I wouldn't be able to tell if you if Berserker's story'd make anybody happier or sadder than what she's got to tell right now. Time'll reveal all though, right? I guess in the end if I've gotta I could always Ahem. Oh look Saber's talking again! "Katherine, then. What we need is a path beneath the ground. That's where we're going to find what we're looking for. And it will be the path our enemy is least likely to expect from us after our brazen retreat." "Can I ask how come you're so sure we're gonna find the treasure underground? I don't like digging." "Because, as an Avenger one of my class skills is mana replenishment. And the strongest concentrations of magical energy I have been able to pull from have come from underneath the earth. If I were a mage plotting schemes, that is where I would almost by necessity need to work. Can you compel Berserker to open a cellar somewhere? I suppose in the worst case we could turn to a Command Seal..." Katherine blushes all of a sudden and hugs her tails against her chest, being very super careful to hide her hands in all that floof. Her hands which, I will note for the record, do not have any red markings on them at all. Makes you wonder where they went, huh?