The rented room of the tavern did not leave for want, as far as Rhona was concerned. The room held a simple arrangement, to the left of the doorway sat a single bed, end table, and a silver candle holder, a fresh candle waiting to be lit. And to the right sat a wooden wash basin, stool, mirror, and a partition to afford privacy for the wash basin. While there was no fireplace in the room, as it was on the second floor of the inn, the far wall did have a simple wooden paned window to allow in sunlight and fresh air. On the floor stretched a large woven rug, it was clear that it was once dyed red, but had long since faded over time. Beneath the window stood a table with two chairs, a pitcher full of water, and a set of tin mugs. Rhona investigated the room, moving from the bed where she admired the sheets, meticulously rubbing the fabric between her fingers, to the table and chairs, inspecting the quality. Eventually she ended up at the wash basin, inspecting it, and the large bucket of water that sat next to it. There was even a bar of soap and a washcloth. How long had it been since she had the chance to wash herself? She lifted her arm, and sniffed her armpit, pulling a face at the stench. With that, Rhona finally turned her attention to the rug, she decided that that was where she would sleep. Then, her eyes landed on Beren, and a subtle blush spread over her cheeks then. “Ah…” she didn’t know what to say, or even do now. Beren leaned casually against the doorframe, muscled arms crossed when she turned to look at him. He looked amused. She had come in and had not even deigned to look back at him, her long ears, keen as any elf’s, did not flicker when he stepped in. He realized there it was not him she did not trust, but any unfamiliar environment. As far as she was concerned, she trusted him completely. He wondered where she had come from, and what had caused someone like her to be here, now, like a skittish doe. He knew she needed a hug, but he didn’t know her well enough for that. All he could do was get to know her. “Seems clean, thank you for checking.” He said to her, warmly. She flashed him a sheepish smile. Pushing off the door, he closed it behind him and grabbed a wooden chair, turning it so he sat on it backwards, placing his big arms atop the chair’s back. There were two oil lamps in the room that were already blazing brightly. “If we’re going to be roommates, would you mind telling me how you got to Greybridge? And maybe where you’re heading next?” He asked gently, before adding. “If you wouldn’t mind, that is.” “Oh? Is that… ah… the name of this town?” Rhona asked, tipping her head to the side. “I uh… was lost… and I was wandering through the woods… and um, ended up here.” She said, trying to explain her situation without saying too much. Beren did not want to press too hard, but it was frustrating how every word out of her mouth made him want to protect this lost, gorgeous dark elf. A part of him still believed this was some sort of ploy, but his rational mind knew that wasn’t the case. Somehow he had bumped into a truly good person who was just lost. “Yeah, that’s where we are,” He said, helpfully. “Ok so, were you going anywhere in particular?” Panic. Rhona shifted from one foot to the other, “Well, ah, I was going… north. If I had a map I could point it out specifically.” Her left hand rubbed against the back of her neck. ‘[i]There’s no way he has a map…[/i]’ Rhona thought. Beren blinked, and then gave a lopsided smile. [i]Oh, all she needs is a map? Perfect![/i] “I just came from the north, actually. Luckily, I got a map right here!” He told her happily, reaching into his pack and producing a map of the wider region, unrolling it and placing it on the table. He seemed much like a helpful hound, smiling and glad to be of service. Her grey skin paled as he procured a map, [i]Gods… he…[/i] She approached the table, and studied the map. She recognized that the map he had was one of the surface, not from below, where she had come from. Rhona swallowed hard, her dark green eyes sweeping over the map, the black ink scrawled with names of locations were unreadable to her illiterate gaze. [i]Just pick a spot, he won’t know.[/i] She thought, her hand reaching out to tap a random spot on the map, “Ah… right here.” she said, pointing to what was essentially a frozen wasteland. Beren raised an eyebrow, and then both brows in soft surprise. Wow, she really wanted to go to the Grey Marches? He had gone north, but not that far. It was a good thing he had brought his jacket, he thought. Then he wondered why, as if he was going with her. He brushed the thought away. “You’re going that way, past the Dragonback mountains? You sure?” He did not sound too skeptical, as if she was untrustworthy. He was merely trying to ascertain if she read the map correctly. Rhona glanced at him, and then leaned in closer to the map, “Ah… yes… past there. To… the Grey Marshes. No, Marches.” She said, correcting herself, trying to hide her inability to read with a confident nod. Beren looked down at the map, and then back up at her. “Well… why?” Rhona scratched her head, why was Beren so nosy? Well… she couldn’t necessarily be upset with him, he had helped her so much already. “I’m… going to see family.” She said, flashing a bright smile at him. “Oh, gotcha.” Beren replied, thinking that makes sense. He scratched his chin, the feel of sand paper from his stubble rubbing against his fingers. He pondered for a moment, and realized he was probably her best chance at getting to where she was going. A dark elf on the surface, particularly one who hasn’t been to where she was supposedly going, would need help. And he had just come from that way. The idea solidified in his head, and he realized he had made up his mind to ask. “Would you like me to go with you?” He asked, letting the words linger in the air. “I have no real schedule to be somewhere, and I know the north road well enough. I could help out…?” Briefly, he wondered if he was asking beyond his nice nature. It was true he thought she was incredibly attractive, but he liked to think that wasn’t his motivation. Still, if she said no he would take it as set in stone and not bring it up again. Her face flushed a rosy hue at his words, “Ah… I… well… I couldn’t do that. You’ve already done so much for me!” She said, giving him a dismissive wave. [i]Gods, he wants to come with me?![/i], Rhona thought with a degree of apprehension. “Sure, I just came from there.” He said, and pulled himself up off the chair to stand, placing his hands on his hips, as if he was ready to go right then. “I don’t imagine a lot of people have been nice, and if you’re really going there, you might need some help.” [i]I hope I’m not being pushy[/i], he thought. “If you don’t wish for me to, no hard feelings. But it would be no trouble, I promise. Might actually be fun!” He held his hand out to her to take, to shake on it. If she didn’t take it, he would just slide it back to himself and laugh it off, telling her it was ok. But he hoped she did. Gods, he actually hoped she did. Rhona could do nothing but gaze back at him and his extended hand with a degree of suspicion. At first, her eyes had widened at the simple gesture, though it was passed within a microsecond. She swallowed hard, finding that her mouth felt as if it were full of sand. Her eyes narrowed, the light glinting in them, reflecting back pools of mossy green. Rhona could hear the blood pounding in her ears, almost crushingly from how strong her pulse was as her heart raced. She lifted her hand slowly, her eyes darting between his hand, and his face, watching for any signs of betrayal. And then, her hand curled around in his in an awkward fashion. Her fingers were slender, yet the skin was cracked on the tops of her knuckles, her hands calloused. “Ah… alright… only if you want to,” Rhona said, still regarding him with a look of hesitation. His hands were strong and warm, but he shook her hand gently. There was a pause when he noticed her hesitation, but he held her hand a moment longer, opening his mouth to speak but finding no words. He withdrew his hand away, feeling as if the shake had become a bit too familiar. He had thought they were to give a quick once over, but her hand had clung to his, as if she did not know how to shake, and his hand clung back, and they had held there for moments longer than was proper. He did not know what to make of it, but he had to admit it felt nice. “I do,” He said, his face flushing slightly. “I mean, happy to help, of course.” He gave a small, breathy chuckle to collect his dignity. “It’s not every day I meet a genuinely nice person, particularly in a big city.” Rhona glanced between his hand, and his gaze once more, realizing that she ought to reclaim her hand, pulling away, and gazing down at the floor, “Ah. Yes… I… I’m still surprised that you helped me. I…” Her slender brows furrowed, her words dying on her lips then. “What do we do now?” She asked, changing the subject as she glanced around the room, her eyes moving to linger upon the wash basin in the corner. Beren caught her glance, and he gave an easy smile, “How about you wash up, and then I will, then we can plan our day? Or just talk? We still got an hour or two before I usually go to sleep.” He said, and then tilted his head, “Uh, when do you usually sleep? Do you tend to sleep in the day?” He assumed not since he met her in daylight, but it could have been strange circumstances. He just did not know dark elf sleep cycles well. Rhona swallowed hard, her eyes widening softly at the sudden barrage of questions from Beren, “Um… we can… I… it would be nice to wash up,” she said, shifting from one foot to the other. “I’ll do that,” she added, an uncertain smile on her lips.