[quote=@Server] *Smiles* It really won't bother them? [/quote] [quote=@The Odeoron] Nope, despite the fact that they are out of their heaven, even back there, they would measure a creature's value on their deeds and hearts rather than their powers, biology and needs. Also did i say they are out of their heaven? They no longer care so much about who gets into heaven or not... since... well.. no longer in heaven. [color=9e0b0f][i]*Chuckles*[/i][/color] And if you're not, we do our best to fix and conquer whatever comes before us. [color=9e0b0f][i]*I smile stoically yet warmly*[/i][/color] [color=a0410d][i]*I say as we cross the threshold and we find ourselves in Claire's ship*[/i][/color] [/quote] *You step through into a sterile white room* Greetings, family of three! Pleasure to meet all of you. Will each of you please step away from Jade for just a moment. Everyone except for Jade, that is.