[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]Nieve — Magic Shop[/h3][/center] [i]Yep, it's a trap.[/i] Anne already regretted ever taking this job. At the very least, when they found the storefront completely empty, they should have just turned around and reported it back to the Princess. How the heck did they end up stuck underground, surrounded by enemies, and cut off from all possible backup? She'd blame her ragtag coworkers, but honestly it was just has much her fault for following along this whole time. No amount of grumbling would solve their current situation anyway, and she held her tongue as she ducked backward from the rapidly advancing enemies. "We need to stay close. Don't let them isolate you!" Her retreat brought her closer to Lewa and Remilia, covering their flank. They could protect each other's backs this way, and maybe give the vampire some space to fire off her ranged attacks. Fran could probably handle herself in a brawl, which just left the fae child... With a sigh, Anne hoisted the kid over her shoulder, holding her in place with one arm. "Sorry about this. It's going to get a bit rough, so close your eyes, okay?" [u][i][/i][/u] The first armored figure to come thumping forth met with a front kick straight to the midsection, caving in its chestplate and shattering the ribcage underneath. The creature flew backward, and the Knight's sword came out, brandished one-handed against the advancing cohort. "No organs, not even any muscles from what I can tell... Who made these things?" The question of how to kill them was perhaps more relevant to the situation, but Anne had some ideas there. When the next skeleton swung a heavy axe at her, she cleanly deflected the blow and switched without hesitation to the attack. Her sword became a silver blur, the sound of metal on metal ringing out several times in succession as her blade seemed to abruptly change directions without regard for physics or momentum. [i]Pray Style: Forest-Penetrating Viper[/i]. Without vital organs to stab and with armor covering the opponent's body, she targeted the joints. Both knees, right shoulder, neck, left shoulder: each strike slid through openings between metal plates or simply bypassed them with blunt force, destroying the key points of articulation in an instant. Then, before the undead contruct could pull itself back together or even collapse to the ground, she stabbed her sword-point up through its visor and popped the skull clean off the severed vertebrae. "...Not even a brain." With a flicking motion, she sent the detached head hurtling off into the dark to smash against the nearest wall. With all the rest she'd been getting recently, her body seemed to be holding up well. On the other hand, she was sharply conscious of a blur creeping in around the edges of her vision, already strained trying to make anything out in the lightless basement. She could only hope there'd be less enemies here than there had been in the last fight, because she couldn't keep this up all day. [@VitaVitaAR][@Lugubrious][@Rezod92]