[quote=@The Odeoron] [i][color=9e0b0f]*Sends you a telepathic thought*[/color] [color=fff200]Hey... is it just me or is she... y'know...[/color] [color=9e0b0f]*Whistles telepathically*[/color][/i] [/quote] *Raises an eyebrow and slowly my head toward you, my expression a conflicted, lighthearted mix between amusement and disappointment* [quote=@Melodious] *A couple of metallic arms descend from the ceiling once the space is cleared, each possessing a scanner, that spin around you in tandem with yet opposite each other, analyzing you up and down, sending data on your anatomy to my own computers* How are you feeling? Eyes on the goal, champ. In fact, why don’t you and your pal go ahead and head out through decontamination? *Tilts my head in a gesture to a small metal bulkhead doorway* You’ll still be able to watch but I will likely need the room clear. [/quote] Sure thing. I’m not opposed. *Makes my way over to the doors*