Old, old, OLD user making a "triumphant" "return." It's been about... 6-8 years since I reliably posted here, so I figured an introduction would be appropriate. Plus I can't remember if I ever made one after the relaunch. I'm Broby. When I was in middle school, this was the first site I ever roleplayer on, getting started when my only internet capable device was a DSi. I roleplayed for a couple years up until the original website went down and was lost for however long. When the site came back, I rejoined and began roleplaying again, only to fall in with the "wrong crowd" (Spam Old Guard.) Since I left I have been dealing with the struggles and strifes of adulthood. I'm a baker, working towards opening my own bakery. I'm trying to write a book, and have screenplay plans. I have been roleplaying in other areas since leaving, doing several long-running tabeltop-style games over Discord. I love anime and Tokusatsu series, find enjoyment in video games, and I like exploring the Tampa Bay area for good places to eat during my off-time. Can anyone tell me any big changes to the Guild since I was last here??