[center][color=#FF0000]"[/color][color=#FF2400]T[/color][color=#FF4800]h[/color][color=#FF6D00]i[/color][color=#FF9100]s[/color] [color=#FFDA00]i[/color][color=#FFFF00]s[/color] [color=#B6FF00]a[/color][color=#91FF00]c[/color][color=#6DFF00]t[/color][color=#48FF00]u[/color][color=#24FF00]a[/color][color=#00FF00]l[/color][color=#00FF24]l[/color][color=#00FF48]y[/color] [color=#00FF91]j[/color][color=#00FFB6]u[/color][color=#00FFDA]s[/color][color=#00FEFF]t[/color] [color=#00B6FF]a[/color][color=#0091FF]n[/color] [color=#0048FF]a[/color][color=#0024FF]d[/color][color=#0000FF]v[/color][color=#2400FF]e[/color][color=#4800FF]r[/color][color=#6D00FF]t[/color][color=#9100FF]i[/color][color=#B600FF]s[/color][color=#DA00FF]e[/color][color=#FF00FE]m[/color][color=#FF00DA]e[/color][color=#FF00B6]n[/color][color=#FF0091]t[/color][color=#FF006D].[/color][color=#FF0048]"[/color] [url=https://youtu.be/MVzyY6qZCEg?list=LL][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c6a7cba1-a370-4aa0-adea-0112e57ded08.png[/img][/url] [color=#FF0000]I[/color][color=#FF9900]t[/color][color=#CBFF00]'[/color][color=#32FF00]s[/color] [color=#00FEFF]t[/color][color=#0065FF]r[/color][color=#3200FF]u[/color][color=#CC00FF]e[/color][color=#FF0098].[/color][/center][hr] They fly now, apparently. She couldn't quite see them, but she could feel them, hovering in the air above. Jumping around to hit them might work, but it would be extremely inefficient, and Acid Drop was on a timer here. So she opted to stop spreading sand and pick up the gun from one of the pirates. But they were disappearing with them, so... She went to the nearest one and grabbed it by the neck to take its firearm away. As she aimed it towards the aerial foes, a thought occurred. This was just like that one game, didn't Suki want to play that with her a while ago? But they never did. There was another thought nagging at her, trying to reach its way into her mind, but she couldn't quite reach it to know what it was. Instead she simply pulled the trigger, knocking down one of the fliers. When she tried to pull the trigger again, though, nothing happened. She stood in confusion for a few seconds before she realized why; the gun was a flintlock pistol, it would have to be reloaded. Shaking the Miseria upside down didn't lead to any ammunition falling to the ground, so she shrugged and put it out of its misery. By now Nyxia was trying to blast the ship with multiple lasers, and Earthshaker was fighting further pirates on the beach. The sand had died down enough to see relatively clearly, if only for a moment, so she took stock of the fight. ... If only. Acid Drop knew that the Neon Tempest wouldn't listen, but she had to do something, and soon, or she'd be out of the battle regardless. She raised her voice to perhaps the loudest that Nyxia would have ever heard her be. [color=00aeef]"Nyx, leave the ship alone! Get the fliers and stragglers! Earthshaker, get the boat!"[/color] Sure, the club was full of selfish and/or stupid girls, but maybe, [i]maybe,[/i] they'd have enough battle sense to realize that they weren't going to win like this. Not waiting for the other rainbow girl, Acid Drop bolted towards the waterline, ready to jump to it and try to fight the apparent captain. After all, if they focused on fights they were suited for, they might actually be able to clean up their mess.