[center][h1][color=ff5000][b]Renar Hagen[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [color=ff5000][b]"A fair assumption."[/b][/color] Renar nodded in agreement with the boy's statements, his mind already fitting the pieces in with what he knew already. With the Duke's personal statement in mind, they could rule out [i]actively malicious[/i] outside actors, most likely. The fool asked for this out of some inane childhood dream gone unfulfilled. Of course, Renar didn't let any of that disdain show on his face. Instead, he simply nodded. They could perhaps do something with this lead. It depended on what the resident fae expert had to say, of course. [color=ff5000][b]"Much appreciated, young lord."[/b][/color] Renar inclined his head. [color=ff5000][b]"This clears up some avenues of approach, then. We can safely assume that whatever perpetrator committed this act was likely invited by your father. And, as something of an assumption, likely wasn't malicious or at least didn't believe themselves to be. As I understand the matter, fae are tricky things to pin down in terms of personality. Begging your leave, I ought to relay this information to one of my compatriots far more knowledgeable in the subject."[/b][/color] ___ One recounting to Fionn later... [color=ff5000][b]"...And that's more or less the gist of it. Your thoughts on the matter? Of course, your [i]special friend[/i]'s input would be welcome as well."[/b][/color] [@The Otter]